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II. SHORT ANSWERS: Answer the following questions BRIEFLY.

1. Why are native-born Americans afraid to let too many immigrants into America?
Some of the common concerns include fears related to job competition, strain on (căng
thẳng) public resources and infrastructure (cơ sở hạ tầng), cultural assimilation (đồng hóa
văn hóa), national security, and the overall impact on the country's economy and identity.
It is essential to note that these fears can vary among individuals, and not all native-born
Americans share the same perspective.

2. Why do you think people of Asian descent are among the most successful of all
immigrant groups?
Asian cultures prioritize(ưu tiên) education,work ethic(đạo đức làm việc), discipline(kỹ
luật), family support, achievement, and adaptability. Immigrants of Asian descent often
exhibit dedication (sự cống hiến), perseverance(kiên trì), and resilience (khả năng phục hồi),
contributing to their professional success and the resilience they exhibit in new

3. What caused the wave of immigrants to America from 1840 to 1860?

Between 1840 and 1860, the United States received its first great wave of immigrants. In
Europe as a whole, famine, poor harvests, rising populations, and political unrest caused an
estimated 5 million people to leave their homelands each year.

4. Why did slavery continue even though it was made illegal in 1808?
Slavery persisted due to legal bans on slave importation, not slavery itself, and deep
economic and social systems in the US. Slaveholders maintained it through illegal
smuggling and forced reproduction.

5. Do you think English should be declared the official language of America?

Why or why not?
Would encourage new migrants to learn the language of the country they have adopted as
theirs. The end goal is to unite the American people, while improving the lives of
immigrants and native-born inhabitants.
6. Name three states that border the Pacific Ocean? Oregon, Washington & California

7. Name three states that border the Atlantic Ocean?

Massachusetts, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York

8. How many states make up the “United States of America” today?

There are currently 50 states that make up the "United States of America.

9. What is the capital of the American Government? Washington D.C

10. Name three major cities in America?

Three major cities in America are New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago

11.What is the common name for America’s Independence Day?

The common name for America's Independence Day is the 4th of July or July 4th.

12. What food is the most common to be eaten on Thanksgiving?

The food eaten on Thanksgiving is turkey.

13. List 3 famous scientists with their much contribution to USA science?
Albert Einstein,Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Edison

14. Name two things the President has the power to do.
The President has the power to sign or veto (phủ quyết) legislation passed by Congress and
to appoint (bổ nhiệm) federal judges, ambassadors, and other federal officials

15.How many States were there in the Union when America became independent?
What are they? 13 states
Pennsylvania / New shirt/ Georgia/ Connecticut
Massachusetts/ state of Maryland/ South Carolina
New Hampshire/ Virginia/ New York/ North Carolina
Rhode Island/ Delaware

16. Name three American place-names coming from Indian words.

1. Massachusetts 2. Mississippi 3. Chicago

17.Who was honored in Veterans’ Day?

military veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
18.What three things does American Flag symbolize?
How many stars and stripes are there on American flag today?
-The American Flag symbolizes freedom, democracy, and national pride.

-There are 50 stars and 13 stripes(kẻ sọc) on the American flag. The 50 stars represent the
50 states in the United States of America, and the 13 stripes represent the 13 original

19.What is the most controversial aspect of religion in the United States today?
The most controversial aspect of religion in the United States today is probably its role in
politics. In recent decades some Americans have come to believe that separation of church
and state has been interpreted in ways hostile to religion.

*20.What is included in federal and state welfare programs

Federal welfare programs encompass Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), TANF, and Social
Security, while state programs may offer additional assistance like housing support and

21.What is the rate of divorce in the USA today? 43%

22.Who in American population is covered by Medicare?

primarily covers individuals who are 65 years of age or older

23.Which state did the American flag receive the final star?
Hawaii becomes the 50th state.

24. What demands must schools in the U.S.A. respond to?

U.S. schools must offer high-quality education, prioritize safety, diversity, technology
integration, personalized learning, community involvement, college readiness, mental health
support, and environmental sustainability.

25.What is the American economic system based on, and what is a virtue much valued
by Americans? (Multi-ethnic/ multi-cultural/ diverse - noun phrases – salad bowl –
The American economic system is based on capitalism, which emphasizes private
ownership, free markets, and competition. A virtue much valued by Americans is
individualism, which promotes personal freedom, self-reliance, and the pursuit of one's own
goals and success.
26. What rights does the 2nd amendment to the US constitution give Americans?
The right of the people to keep and bear Arm shall not be infringed (xâm phạm)

*27.What is the compulsory requirement for American children enrolling(đăng kí)

secondary school? to have completed their primary or elementary education.

28.Why do some people think that the welfare system encourages young women to
have children out of wedlock (hôn nhân)?
The welfare system may encourage unmarried pregnancies due to financial incentives,
potentially deterring stable relationships and increasing unmarried pregnancies rates.

29.What is the very difference in each of the 50 states of the USA in laws regulating
education? Each state of the USA having its own laws regulating education

*30.Through what programs can most Americans can get medical coverage?
The welfare system may encourage unmarried pregnancies due to financial incentives,
potentially deterring stable relationships and increasing unmarried pregnancies rates.

31.Can you name two of America's founding fathers?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson

*32.What was the feature of (đặc điểm) the country’s people on the eve of (vào đêm
trước) the American Revolution?
On the eve of the American Revolution, the feature of the country's people was a sense of gr
owing discontent and increased desire for independence from Britain

33. What did many immigrants coming to America seek?

work and new economic opportunities

*34.How are Native Americans’ beliefs passed down (truyền) from generation to
Through oral traditions (truyền miệng), storytelling, ceremonies, and cultural practices.

35.What does the music of the United States reflect(phản ánh)?

The music of the United States reflects the diversity and cultural melting pot of the country.

36.Today, according to figures of 2015, what is religion in the United States

characterized by? A diversity of religious belief and practices
37.What was New England’s role in the 19th-century American expansion?
They laid the foundation for American industrial expansion

38.Whom does the federal holiday schedule mainly benefit in the USA?
The federal holiday schedule mainly benefits federal government employees in the USA.

39.What tendency (xu hướng) do American artists have today?

One tendency that American artists have today is the exploration of diverse and
intersectional identities

40.Why is American education a complex topic?

American education is a complex topic because a single school can draw upon (huy động)
resources from several different public and private institutions.

41. What must international students do to be admitted to and keep their studying at a
university in the US?
Foreign students must maintain a full-time course load (register for at least 12 units) in order
to maintain their visa status.

42. What is the business of America, as said by Calvin Coolidge?

"The chief business of the American people is business."

43.Name three major cities in America?

Three major cities in America are New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago

44. Can you name two of the most popular sports in the US?
American football, baseball, (thêm) basketball, ice hockey, and soccer.)

45. Name two states that border the Atlantic Ocean.

Maine, New Hampshire

46.List 3 famous people with their much contribution to USA business?

Jeff Bezos/ Elon Musk/ Warren Buffett

48.Which region in the US has education as another of the region's strongest legacies,
with the well-known IVY league? List 3 of the famous institutes of higher education.
-The region in the US known for its strong legacy in education is the Northeast.
-Three famous institutes of higher education in this region are:
Harvard University /Yale University / Princeton University
*49.What did American scientists win in the field of science during the second five
decades of the 20th century?
DNA Structure/ Lunar Landing
Internet Development/ Personal Computing
Human Genome Project/ Medical Advancements

50.What is the executive branch in American government called?

Executive Office of the President (White House)

*51. What are the native American religions?

52. What tribe (bộ lạc) was the largest and the most isolated (biệt lập) one of Native
Americans resisting(chống lại) missionary (nhà truyền giáo) overtures (lời đề nghị) till
their support to Pentcostal revivalism (phục hưng) after 1950?
The Navajo tribe.

53. Which Amendment (Bản sửa đổi) is the right “of the people to keep and bear
arms,” enshrined in (quy định)?
In the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.

54. In which Amendment was the separation of church and state ordained (phong
chức)? the First Amendment of the Constitution

55. What is the national religion in the U.S.A.? Christianity

56. What kind of music was the most popular in the country in the period of 1920-
1940? Jazz -40-50: rock&roll -20:contry music -80:rap,hip hop

57. Which holiday is celebrated by Americans for Expressions of Gratitude (bày tỏ

lòng biết ơn) and Praise to (ca ngợi) God and falls on the fourth Thursday in
- Thanskgiving

58. What foods does Thanksgiving dinner almost always include? Turkey
*59. What social programs in the USA include cash assistance, healthcare and medical
provisions, food assistance, housing subsidies, energy and utilities subsidies,
education and childcare assistance, and subsidies and assistance for other basic
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/ Medicaid
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP)/Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Head Start/ Childcare and Development Block Grant (CCDBG)
Lifeline Assistance Program/ Free and Reduced-Price School Meals
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

60. Where did the Constitutional Convention opened? in Philadelphia

III. SHORT ESSAY – about 150 words – in brief

1/ If you have an opportunity to settle in the USA, which region do you choose?
Explain the reasons for your choice.

If I had the opportunity to settle in America, I would choose the place that everyone
wants to go to, California. I will give some reasons for this choice: Firstly, California is
known for its wonderful climate all year circular. This area has mild winters and warm
summers, making it suitable for winter fashion. Ample sunny days and generally
comfortable weather enhance my quality of life.
Second is the economic opportunity here for those who want to start a business.
California is the largest economy in the United States and has many diverse industries. It is
domestic to Silicon Valley, a center for technology and innovation. As someone interested
in the technology industry, settling in California will bring me many job opportunities and
access to a thriving startup ecosystem.

Thirdly, California is known for its rich cultural diversity. The state is home to
people of many different backgrounds, ethnicities and nationalities. This multicultural
environment promotes a tolerant and inclusive society, providing richer experiences and
greater exposure to different perspectives and traditions.
By and large, the combination of a favorable climate, financial opportunity, social
differing qualities, and numerous other reasons make settling in California an appealing
choice for me within the close future.
2/ Which holiday in the U.S.A. that you like the most? Explain why you like it and its
main features.
Christmas is one of my favorite celebrations of the year. The exercises taking put on
this event bring a feeling of warmth and joy to everybody.
One of the special activities during Christmas is decorating the Christmas tree.
Everyone worked together to attach lights and balloons to the tree, and hang jewelry and
gifts on the tree, creating a sparkling and lively space. The most exciting thing is to see the
pine tree lit up with sparkling lights, emitting a warm light.

Besides, every year on this occasion, people often organize music performances,
funny plays and exciting games. Both families and friends participate in these activities
together, bringing joy and connection. Christmas Day is also an opportunity for people to
give gifts to each other.
Finally, Christmas is also an opportunity for the whole family to gather together and
enjoy delicious parties. Everyone cooks traditional dishes together and shares them with
each other, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.
All of these activities combine to create an interesting and meaningful festival. It is an
opportunity for family and friends to reunite and experience memorable moments together.

3/ Explain the reasons why American scientists have approximately half of the Nobel
prizes awarded in the sciences.

The US has consistently won the Nobel Prize in science due to its strong research
infrastructure, fostering scientific community, abundant funding, and attracting top
talent from around the world.
The country has invested heavily in research and development, providing abundant
resources and facilities to support scientists. American universities and research institutions
are known for their world-class faculty and modern infrastructure, attracting top talent from
around the world.
The US also has a diverse and vibrant scientific community that encourages
interdisciplinary research, leading to groundbreaking discoveries across various scientific
fields. American scientists also benefit from robust funding mechanisms, such as grants
from government agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science
Additionally, the US has historically attracted talented individuals from other countries
due to favorable immigration policies and career opportunities, contributing to the
enrichment of its scientific community.
4/ What kind of American music in do you enjoy the most? Explain why you like it and
its main features.

One of my favorite genres of American music is jazz. I am captivated by spontaneity

and the feeling of freedom it evokes. Jazz offers a unique blend of structured melodies with
improvised solos, creating a thrilling musical experience. The distinctive syncopated
rhythms and complex harmonies found in jazz captivated my senses, making me appreciate
the artistic genius behind it.

Furthermore, jazz music often carries profound emotional depth. The soulful
expressions and melancholy melodies have the power to evoke a wide range of emotions in
me, from joyful to introspective. The expressive nature of jazz music resonates with me on a
personal level, providing solace and comfort in times of contemplation.

In short, jazz – with its spontaneity, versatility, and emotional depth – is my favorite
genre of American music. Its ability to transport me to a world of musical discovery and
evoke countless emotions makes it an enduring favorite.

5/ How can unemployed people in the US get helped by the government?

Unemployment is a common issue in the United States, and the government offers
various aid to help those affected. The Unemployment Insurance (UI) program is the
main source of aid, providing temporary financial assistance to eligible workers.

The program is administered by the state government and funded by federal and
state payroll taxes. Eligibility criteria include being involuntarily unemployed, having
worked before the job loss, and actively seeking employment.

The amount of financial assistance varies based on previous earnings and state
guidelines. Other government programs include training programs to help individuals
acquire new skills, subsidized healthcare to ensure affordable healthcare, and food subsidies
like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to provide funds for groceries.

These programs aim to alleviate the financial burden caused by job loss, providing
temporary assistance while individuals continue their job search and work towards regaining
financial stability. However, eligibility criteria and availability may vary by state, so
individuals should contact their local unemployment office or government agencies for
more information.
6/ Why is the United States considered a melting pot or a salad bowl of world culture?
The United States is a melting pot and a salad bowl of world culture due to its rich history
of immigration and diversity. As a melting pot, it represents the blending of various
cultures, ethnicities, and religions into a unique American identity.
Over the centuries, people from around the globe have arrived, bringing their traditions,
languages, and customs. This has resulted in a new cultural hybrid shaping the American
way of life.
On the other hand, the United States is a salad bowl, highlighting the preservation and
coexistence of different cultural identities within a larger society. Immigrants often retain
their unique customs, language, and traditions, contributing to the nation's cultural fabric.
This exceptional cultural diversity is evident in music, arts, cuisine, and public holidays like
Cinco de Mayo, Diwali, St. Patrick's Day, and Thanksgiving.

7/ What are the three branches of the American Government? Why is it devised into
the three ones? What are the functions of each branch?
 The three branches of the American government are the executive branch, the
legislative branch, and the judicial branch.
 The division of power into these three branches is known as the separation of powers
and is a fundamental aspect of the U.S. Constitution. This system was devised to ensure a
system of checks and balances, preventing any one branch from becoming too powerful.

1.The executive branch( cơ quan hành pháp), led by the President, is responsible for
executing and enforcing laws. This branch includes the Vice President, the Cabinet, and
various administrative agencies. They handle foreign policy, the appointment of judges,
and the implementation of laws.

2. The legislative branch consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives,
together known as Congress. Their main function is to make laws and represent the
interests of the people. They have the power to declare war, raise and allocate funds,
and oversee the executive branch.

3. The judicial branch includes the Supreme Court and other federal courts. Their
primary role is to interpret the Constitution and ensure the validity of laws. They have
the power of judicial review, which allows them to strike down laws that violate the

Overall, the separation of powers among these three branches helps maintain a system of
governance where power is distributed and provides a system of checks and balances to
prevent any misuse or abuse of authority.

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