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Stepping out of comfort

Which of these opinions do you agree with?

Stepping out of your comfort zone: is it worth it?

Stepping out of your comfort zone is not worth it. It only

leads to unnecessary stress and discomfort. Also, the idea
that you need to constantly push yourself out of your
comfort zone is harmful and creates pressure.

I feel like stepping out of the comfort zone is what makes life worth
living. It's where all the excitement and growth happens. Sure, it can
be scary at first, but once you overcome yourself, you'll never look
back. Plus, the sense of accomplishment is unbeatable.

1.Can you share a specific moment when you stepped out of your comfort zone?
What was the situation, and how did you feel before and after?
2. How do you usually feel when you face a situation that requires you to leave
your comfort zone?
3. What is something you do every day that is within your comfort zone? How
might you change it to make it more challenging?
4. How do you handle failure or setbacks (sth that stops progress) when trying
something new outside of your comfort zone? What role do mistakes and failures
play in the process of stepping out of your comfort zone?
Discuss these questions.

1. Social interactions:
- Do you find it easy or challenging to initiate conversations with new
people? How could you make this more comfortable for yourself?
- Share an experience when you made a new friend by stepping out of your
social comfort zone.

2. Technology and Comfort:

- How has technology influenced our comfort zones? Do you think it has made us
more or less likely to try new things?
- How does media, such as books, movies, or music, influence our comfort zones?

3. Balancing Comfort and Risk:

- Is there a balance between staying within your comfort zone and

taking calculated risks? How do you find that balance in your life?
Look at the activities and discuss the questions.

• Would doing these activities mean stepping out of your

comfort zone? How do you or how would you feel doing
• Which of them would you like to try or do more of? Why?
• Why might some people find them stressful?
• Why do you think it’s easier for some people to leave their
comfort zone than others?
Read about the activities and say what a person could learn by doing them. Then, explain why you
would or wouldn’t like to try them.
Create a list of new hobbies or things you've been wanting to try but haven't yet.

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