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Love quotes ‘Igve isn’t something ‘Jove is shown more in deeds than in words. SAINT 1GNATI that fads you. (deeds - actions) eS RSC Eero. Cenc Cen ee ua SeCuts Sen end Rt rons Re faerie 5 LOVE LANGUAGES Words of Physical Affirmation Touch Acts of Service Quality Time Gift Giving ‘THE CONCEPT OF § LOVE LANGUAGES + Why is it important to know your partner's love language? + How can you work with a partner who values words of affirmation? + What are some ways to show love to a partner who values quality time? + Why is it important to give gifts to a partner who values receiving gifts? + Why is physical touch important to some partners? + What is an example of an act of service that could make a partner feel loved? tovalue- yinysat words of affirmation - cnopa noxpams quality time - axicTs wacy express your feelings: supaxarst onol nowyTT= to compliment - po6uTu KomnmimenTst to give hug or kiss - yinysatu Ta oGHiMaTHt to receive gifts - orpumysaTu nonapyHKs to establish close bonds- yctaxosmionamu ricki sB'asKu acts of service - doing chores, cooking meals, washing the dishes wr What do you think of the idea of the five love languages? Do you think it is a useful idea or do you think it's silly? Why? Which of the five love languages are your main languages? Why? Give examples. What can make you feel unimportant or not loved? Think of a situation where you have not communicated well with a partner or a member of your family because of different love languages? What did you do to improve the communication? In your opinion, which love language is the easiest to understand and use? Look at the following problems in a relationship. Number them from 1 (the biggest problem) to 5 (the smallest problem) in your opinion. How can you solve this problem in a relationship? * She never does anything to help me out even though I'm really busy. * | buy her presents all the time, but she never buys me anything. * He never says he loves me or that | look good when we're going out. She never gives me a hug or touches me. * He always seems too busy to talk to me. He's always looking at his phone when we're together. Do you think it's possible for two people with different love languages to have a successful relationship? Can love languages change with time or in different relationships? What is the reason? Can you think of any social factors that might influence love languages?

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