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Name: _________________________________________________________________

Modal verbs.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs to speculate.

1. It's possible that Mary forgot about the meeting.

2. I think the train will be delayed due to the heavy snow.
3. Perhaps Sarah is at the library studying for her exams.
4. I'm sure he will pass the exam; he studied so hard.
5. It's probable that the prices will increase next month.
6. I believe they have already left for the airport.
7. I'm confident that the team can win the championship.
8. Maybe the package got lost in the mail.

Match the sentences.

1. Pedro is sneezing a lot a. He must have gone home
2. Someone ate all the biscuits b. He’s on holiday in Spain
3. That can’t be Gino and Lola´s car c. I think she might be tired
4. Jan’s hair looks a bit darker d. I may have deleted it
5. His coat isn’t in the office e. I forgot to feed it this morning
6. Little Anna is grumpy today f. He may have an allergy
7. I can’t find the file anywhere g. I think she might have dyed it
8. The dog must be starving h. It could have been Tom
9. The computer’s doing strange things i. Their car is blue
10. It can’t have been Lee that you saw j. It could have a virus
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice

1. The chef cooked a delicious meal for the guests.

2. The construction workers built a new bridge last year.
3. Someone found a lost puppy in the park.
4. The students asked the teacher many questions during the lecture.
5. The police arrested the suspect yesterday.

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