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1. What is Jamie Oliver's primary occupation? a.

b. Chef
c. Teacher
d. Scientist

2. According to Jamie Oliver, what is the biggest killer in the United States today? a. Homicide
b. Smoking
c. Obesity and diet-related diseases

d. Cancer

3. In what state did Jamie Oliver focus his efforts during his food revolution campaign? a. California
b. Texas
c. West Virginia
d. New York

4. What does Jamie Oliver consider a major problem with the home in relation to food culture? a.
Lack of modern appliances
b. Overemphasis on processed foods 0

c. Lack of cooking skills passed down

d. Excessive use of additives 1

5. According to Jamie Oliver, what is the role of schools in addressing the health catastrophes of
America? a. Providing healthcare services
ㅇb. Teaching children cooking skills
c. Offering counseling for parents
d. Focusing on physical education

6. How does Jamie Oliver propose to change the school food system? a. Increasing portion sizes
b. Introducing more processed foods

c. Improving food education and providing fresh, local meals :

d. Outsourcing school food services to fast-food restaurants

7. What does Jamie Oliver suggest regarding the labeling of food products? a. It is adequate and does
~ ㅡ

not need improvement

b. It should be self-policed by the industry
c. It is a farce and needs to be sorted out

d. It is unnecessary and should be removed

8. According to Jamie Oliver, what is the importance of passing on cooking skills at home? a. It is a

romantic notion
b. It helps in times of recession
c. It contributes to individual efforts making a difference

d. It is not important at all

9. What does Jamie Oliver propose as a ㅇ

solution for the workplace to contribute to a healthier
lifestyle? a. Encouraging employees to exercise more

b. Providing healthy food options for staff
c. Implementing stricter dress codes
d. Offering financial incentives for weight loss

10. What does Jamie Oliver believe is achievable in terms ofD

… making a change in the food landscape?
a. Complete elimination of fast-food restaurants
b. Significant reduction in processed foods in schools
c. Universal adoption of vegetarianism
d. Real, tangible change through multiple sources

11. According to Jamie Oliver, what is the primary obstacle to making real change in the food
landscape? a. Lack of public interest
b. Resistance from fast-food restaurants
c. Limited funding and resources
d. Government interference

12. How does Jamie Oliver describe the milk served in schools? a. Healthy and nutritious
b. Flavorless and unappealing
c. Full of additives, flavorings, and sugar
d. A necessary part of a balanced diet

13. What is Jamie Oliver's belief regarding the impact of the current food situation on children? a. It
is unavoidable and cannot be changed
b. It is preventable, and change is achievable
c. It is a natural consequence of modern life
d. It is primarily the responsibility of parents

14. How does Jamie Oliver propose to address the lack of funding for initiatives promoting healthy
eating in schools? a. Encouraging local businesses to sponsor schools
b. Implementing government subsidies for school programs
c. Relying on individual donations from the community
d. Identifying and supporting existing successful initiatives

15. What is the main point of Jamie Oliver's wish at the end of his speech? a. To receive an award from
b. To promote healthy eating in schools
c. To educate every child about food
d. To start a new food revolution in America

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