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1. What is the main focus of the TED Interview series mentioned in the text?

A) Coping with stress in the workplace

B) Understanding difficult emotions

C) Dealing with burnout

D) Exploring personal and professional challenges

2. Who is the host of the TED Interview series?

A) Dr. Amelia Nagoski

B) Dr. Emily Nagoski

C) Cloe Shasha Brooks

D) Herbert Freudenberger

3. What inspired the coauthors to write the book "Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress

A) Personal experiences with stress

B) A desire to educate the public about burnout

C) Research on workplace burnout

D) Recommendations from medical professionals

4. According to the original definition of burnout by Herbert Freudenberger, what are the three
components of burnout?

A) Disconnection, achievement, exhaustion

B) Depersonalization, accomplishment, emotional exhaustion

C) Stressors, exhaustion, accomplishment

D) Separation, stress, achievement

5. How does burnout tend to manifest differently between men and women?

A) Men experience emotional exhaustion, while women experience depersonalization.

B) Men experience depersonalization, while women experience emotional exhaustion.

C) Men and women experience the same symptoms of burnout.

D) Men experience stressors more intensely than women.

6. According to the text, what are some factors that can lead to burnout?

A) Personal hobbies and interests

B) Workplace demands and unmet expectations

C) Physical exercise and outdoor activities

D) Social media engagement and networking events

7. What is the difference between stressors and stress, as explained by Dr. Emily Nagoski?

A) Stressors are external factors, while stress is the body's physiological response.

B) Stressors are physical activities, while stress is psychological pressure.

C) Stressors cause long-term effects, while stress is short-term.

D) Stressors and stress are interchangeable terms.

8. How does completing the stress response cycle differ in today's world compared to
evolutionary threats?

A) The stress response cycle is shorter in modern times.

B) The stress response cycle is more intense in modern times.

C) Modern stressors often persist, prolonging the stress response.

D) Modern stressors are less impactful on the body's stress response.

9. According to Dr. Amelia Nagoski, what is a common barrier to recognizing burnout?

A) Lack of medical diagnosis

B) Fear of uncomfortable feelings

C) Cultural differences in understanding stress

D) Misinformation about stress management

10. What is the primary solution recommended for dealing with burnout, according to Dr. Emily

A) Seeking professional therapy

B) Engaging in self-care activities

C) Completing the stress response cycle

D) Ignoring stressors and focusing on work

11. How does Dr. Amelia Nagoski suggest individuals deal with difficult feelings associated with

A) Ignoring the feelings and focusing on work tasks

B) Engaging in relaxation techniques

C) Turning towards the feelings with kindness and compassion

D) Seeking validation from colleagues

12. What analogy does Dr. Emily Nagoski use to describe feelings and stress?

A) Tunnels and caves

B) Mountains and valleys

C) Waves and beaches

D) Forests and clearings

13. What is emphasized as the cure for burnout, according to the coauthors?

A) Individual self-care practices

B) Collaborative efforts and support from others

C) Medication and therapy

D) Professional development and advancement

14. In the context of workplace burnout, what is suggested as an alternative to self-care?

A) Promoting a culture of independence

B) Building resilience through personal discipline

C) Establishing a supportive network of colleagues

D) Seeking external validation from supervisors

15. What is the recommended approach for teachers experiencing burnout?

A) Increase workload and responsibilities

B) Seek administrative solutions to workplace stressors

C) Complete the stress response cycle through various methods

D) Ignore symptoms of burnout and focus on student needs

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