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Audit Objective Action Taken

Do you have enought data to asses your campaigns basis the KPIs set

Account Settings Action Taken

Link AdWords with other Google properties
Is you account's naming structure coherent

Tracking Action Taken

Check if conversion actions have been defined
Verify if AdWords tracking code is added to your site

Campaign Settings Action Taken

Verify the ‘Delivery Method’ selected [1] [2]
Verify the ‘Ad Rotation’ option selected
Verify your Ad Schedule settings
Check if ‘All Features’ has been selected for your campaign
Verify if you want to opt for ‘Search partners’ from Search Network

Budget & Bidding Action Taken

Check if your campaign has sufficient budget
Verify bidding strategy
Verify bid adjustments

Targeting Action Taken

Verify your location targeting (if you are a local business)
Verify your Advanced Location Targeting
Verify your device performance and targeting
Give demographic specifications, if any
Check the display ad placements for inappropriate websites

Ad Groups Action Taken

Verify if your ad groups have active ads
Have you added 5-10 closely related keywords in your ad group

Ads Action Taken

Verify if ad guidelines are followed
Use keyword in ad copy
Verify if the landing page is appropriate
Check for any offer or time-bound messaging
Check your ads for grammatical or spelling mistakes
Verify if your ad has a call-to-action
Review your A/B testing ad copies
Verify if display campaigns are using both image and text ads

Keywords Action Taken

Check your search terms for negative keywords
Is your account using match types appropriately
Check for any keyword conflicts
Identify new search query opportunities
Verify the search queries being triggered by your broad match keywords

Quality Score Action Taken

Check your keyword's quality score performance
Eliminate or Improve keywords with poor QS

Ad Extensions Action Taken

Check for campaigns with missing ad extensions
Check for non-performing automated extensions
Check the status of ad extension (approved or disapproved)
Are your sitelinks missing description?
Check if your call extension is scheduled during operational hours
Check if ‘call reporting’ is enbledto track conversions from your call extensions

Remarketing Campaigns Action Taken

Check if your remarketing lists are collecting visitors
Verify the remarketing lists created
Check if the remarketing code has been added appropriately
[1] [Update as on August, 2019] - Search and Shopping campaigns will now be using improved Standard
delivery and Accelerated Delivery will be discontinued starting September 17, 2019

[2] [Update as on August, 2019] - Search and Shopping campaigns will now be using improved Standard
delivery and Accelerated Delivery will be discontinued starting September 17, 2019

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