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American Language Center Int.

Intensive Listening For New Interchange, Book 3, Unit 11,Page 74

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tenses then listen and check.

Mark: Good morning, listeners! I’m Mark Markinson and we’re back talking about
turning points – those moments when something (happen) ______________ in
our lives and afterward we’re never quite the same. Let’s go to our first caller,
Nari: Hi, Mark! I’m South Korean and (come) ______________ to Boston by myself
when I was 17. Transitioning was hard. I (study) ______________ English, but
(never/practice) ___________________ with anyone. I (be) ___________so
nervous at first, and the second week I had to buy a cell phone.
I was terrified, but the salesperson (understand) ______________ my first
question and I (understand) ______________ his answer! The moment that
happened, I (know) ______________ I (be) ______________ OK with my
English and get my dream job in Boston. So I guess buying a cell phone (be)
______________ my turning point with my English.
Mark: Thank you, Nari! And your English (sound) ______________ great! Let’s go to
Anthony: Hi, Mark! Well, I (start) ______________ working for myself one year ago.
Mark: What (make) ______________ you decide to do it, Anthony?
Anthony: I (do) ______________ graphic design for this company, and I was bored. I
(not/like) ______________ the company or town I lived in. I (want)
______________ to work for myself. I’d say my turning point was the day I
started looking for my own clients online. As soon as I (do) ______________
that, I (know) ______________ I was serious. I started doing freelance work,
saving money, and one year later I (quit) ______________ my job and (move)
______________ to Chicago.
Mark: Love those entrepreneur stories! We (have) ______________ time for one more
Karina: Hi, I’m Karina. I’m a doctor, but I (always/not/know) ______________ that was
my calling. My aunt (have) ______________ cancer and I (take)
______________ care of her during the hardest part of her treatment. After she
(finish) ______________ treatment, she told me I (take) ______________ better
care of her than any doctor. That’s when I (know) ______________ I wanted to
help people like her. So my aunt’s sickness (be) ______________ my turning
point to decide my career.
Mark: And I’m sure your aunt (be) ______________ very proud. Thank you for
sharing, Karina. And listeners, that’s all the time we (have) ______________ for
today. I’m Mark Markinson; Have a great day!

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