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Q1: Econ: GDP, this, is the market value of all goods made within a nation's boundaries

during a given period?

The crrect Answer is: gross domestic product

Q2: Add -nt to the end of a word for one overly sensitive to decorum & you'll get this
synonym for wisely cautious?

The crrect Answer is: prudent

Q3: The 3 main grips used on your mashie in this sport are the baseball, the interlocking &
the overlapping?

The crrect Answer is: Golf

Q4: The first major engagement for U.S. troops in this 20th century war was the Battle of
Belleau Wood?

The crrect Answer is: World War I

Q5: This personal guard of Roman emperors consisted of 9 cohorts of 1,000 soldiers each?

The crrect Answer is: the Praetorian Guard

Q6: Specific type of nail-knocker seen here?

The crrect Answer is: a claw hammer

Q7: At the DNC in 1988, Texan Ann Richards said of this man, "He can't help it. He was born
with a silver foot in his mouth"?

The crrect Answer is: George Herbert Walker Bush

Q8: "Yea, though I walk through" this valley, "I will fear no evil, for thou art with me"?
The crrect Answer is: the valley of the shadow of death

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