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An important message to know by all world people irrespective of


All the present people on the earth require scientific proof for any information existing in
their spiritual scriptures such as bible, quraan, vedas, itihaas, puranas etc which have passed
on to
us by our ancestors on this earth planet, who are very intelligent people, those are rishis, who
travelled with Noah/ Manu in the boat during previous pralay/ Flood havoc during Noah's time
of third millionum before Christ, as mentioned in the Genesis, the Judaism scripture, says
"flood water prevailed excessively upon the earth and all the high hills and mountains were
covered. All flesh died all in whose nostrils were the breath of life, of all that was in the dry
land,died and
Noah only remained alive and those who were with him in the arc are several trees, animals,
birds etc". Similarly Vedic civilization states "there was pralay and all the creatures died and
MANU and those were with him in the arc such as seven rishis, specimen of several trees,
animals, birds etc were saved from pralay".

These seven rishis are the Sapta rishis Kasyapa, Jamadagni, Gautama, Bharadvaja, Visvamitra,
Vasishtha and Atri, exist in the universe even now on the sapta rishi mandal which is at a
distance of 433 light years that means 40964963000000000000000 kms from the
earth planet....

(1) What is this Scientific proof being thought of by the present people? ..

Scientifically, it is proved by the present people that the universe was created 13.8 billion years
back with one explosion of energy and light, which is the beginning of the universe the earth,
stars, space etc. Scientists were also convinced.This was named as “BIG BANG”. Nobody could
find the reason how and what caused that to happen and why it has happened?..... Even before
scientifically this is proved by the present people, this information was given by great rishis
initially orally and later on in their scriptures including the reasons that caused this Bigbang
to happen...

(2) Even though the present people believe that the earth existed for billions of years, Where is
the history of all these billions of years of earth’s life? At present, the history existing with us
is of a few thousands of years only in the histories of the entire world. Sapta rishis informed
the people about this history and life histories of the people on this earth since beginning in
scriptures initially verbally and later on in the talapatras written in Sanskrit language... So we
must believe the histories mentioned in the spiritual scriptures in the first Language Sanskrit
on Talapatras and these Talapatras scattered and lying in different countries.

(3) Most of the religious people like Judaism, christianity, Islam etc have their histories from
the first man on this earth they believe as Adam, who was of 4004 Before Christ.....that means
6027 years from now that is 2023AD. The details are given below....
History from Judaism, Islam, christianity have come from ADAM, who was said by them as the
first man on the earth and was..of 4004 BC.....But earth existed since billions of years and so
Adam was not the first man on the earth......The history of all the religions came after Adam
that was zudaism first and later christianity, Islam as mentioned below...

ADAM------4004 BC---first person who lived his life on this earth for 930 years

His son SETH lived 912 years..... His son ENOSH lived 905 years.... His son KENON lived 910
years.... His son MAHALAL lived 895 years...His son JAVED lived 962 years..His son ENOCH
lived 365 years..His son METHOSEL lived 969 years.... His son LAMEC lived 777 Years... His son NOAH
lived 9 5 0 years and At 6 0 0 years of Noah' s age, the great flood had come and this Noah alongwith
seven persons saved from the floods by god.....(((Genesis says flood water prevailed excessively
upon earth and all the high hills and mountains were covered. All flesh died all in
whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died and Noah with seven
other people only remained alive and those were with him in the arc are specimens of several
trees, animals, birds etc)))......This god who saved Noah was universalgod, the God for entire
universe including our earth planet... All the religions came later on as detailed below... So for all the
present religions God is only one and he is universal God.....

Noah had three sons. First son is Japheth, the father of Japhetic race.((Aryans said to have
descended from him and gone to Bharat varsh (present name is India) during Indus valley
civilisation as they came to know from the spiritual sriptures available with them on Talapatras
that Bharat varsh is Punya bhumi )) ..... Second son is SHAM is the father of Shamatic race.
Third son Ham is the father of Hametic race. (Dravidians said to have descended from cush, the son
of Ham). Progeny From Ham, his son etc his generationis detailed below.... HAM---cush---- Nimrod---

This Abraham has two sons from two wives Sarai and Hager their names are Issac and Ismail.--

Bible tells: ---

Abraham’s first wife Sarai was jealous of Hager and her son Ismail.She didn’t want Ismail to
Inherit with her son “ISSAC”. Abraham obeyed his wife Sarai whose demand of casting out the
bond woman. Hager and her son --- So, ISSAC inherited Abraham as God’s messenger.

a) From Abraham---through ....Issac---the generations...--Jacob----Joseph---Aaron---Moses---

David----Soloman----E hoboam---Abhijah----Asa----Jehosaphat---Jehoram----Azaziah---Athaliah--- Joash---
Jeholochan---Zedekia---Shealtiel---Zerubbabel—Ablid---Ellakim---Azore---Zodok---Achim---Eliud--- Eleazar-
--Mathan---Jacob---Joseph---Jesuschrist (60th generation of Adam).... The religion
Christianity had come during first century after Christ, which is approximately 2000 years back
from now (2023AD)

Islam Version tells:--

Abraham received instructions from God to take Hager and Ismail to a specified baren and
lifeless place in Arabia, specially “MECCA”. When Abraham left Hager and Ismail in such barren
wilderness, Hager cried to him “where and why are you leaving us?—she repeated the same
question to Abraham. She further said “ DID GOD ordain to do this” — He replied to her “ yes” and went
away.So, the Ismail branch started from “MECCA.

(b) From Abraham....through---Ismail----progeny--(Ismailatebranch)—Qedar----Yashjub-----

Yarub—Uad---Adnam---Ma-adal---Nizar---Mudar---Ilyas---Mudrika---Khujayma---Kinana---Al-nadar--- Malik---
Fihr---Ghalib----Luay---Murrah----Kalib----Qusa---Abdmanaf---Hasin----Shaybed---Abdullah--- Mohammed-
(49th generation from adam--ie Islamic Mohammed is the successor of the Ismail branch) - - - -
From him, the religion Islam had come before Christ. That is approximately 2400
years back from now (2023AD)..

Buddhism had came after the life of Buddha during 600 Before Christ..That is approximately
2400 years back from now (2023AD)..

So the universalgod who had created the earth (as earth was existing since long ) was not from the
above religions and all these religious people came from the gene of the universal God, and so let us
find out....Who is this UniversalGod? ....What about the history of billions of years of earth? .... Can
any of the present religious people tell?.... But we will get these details from
religious scriptures..first orally transmitted by great rishis and later written in Sanskrit, which is
the first written language.....

Did Sanskrit originate outside India?

This point is very much required, as it needs the origin of vedas, itihaas, puranas which were
once passed on orally by great Rishis and later written in Sanskrit first....

So, by knowing the origin of sanskrit in the world, we will know where the first knowledge in
vedas, itihaas, puranas were originated.... And why people (Aryans/ Dravidians) started coming to
India, the bharatvarsh, as the itihaas mentions about Srirama, Srikrishna and their birth in
bharatvarsh... Similarly information in puranas... So bharatvarsh is the Punyabhumi and so
people started coming to India from central Asia during Indus vally civilisation.....

Now coming to the point of origin of Sanskrit, the first language....

Sanskrit on which the whole Vedas, Puranas, Ayurveda and Indian Darshanas (Philosophies
including yoga) are written had its origins somewhere in Central Asia or even in the higher
latitudes near the north Pole.

It will be hard to accept this for many who consider Sanskrit purely as an Indian language!
Sanskrit was the lingua franca of the subcontinent till 17th century when it was replaced by

The points that suggest that Sanskrit has a foreign origin are The Amazing similarity it has with
European languages including West!

An array of vocabulary which are similar in many European languages; classical example being
words for mother, father, sister brother etc. (Sanskrit don’t share this with old Dravidian

The cardinal numbers sounds very similar between Sanskrit and languages like Russian; which is an
Indo European language that comes under the Slavic Branch. On the other hand present
day Hindi cardinal numbers are nothing but Persian! (Beauty of Sanskrit is that it doesn't change
yeilding to the pressure of invasions)

The similarity is not limited to words or vocabulary; but to the pattern of grammar too. Sanskrit
has some peculiarity in language like no use of prepositions; Russian follows this pattern. Even
though modern Russian has few prepositions in grammar constructions. We can write
meaningful sentences even without the use of prepositions.

Cases and gender expressions in Sanskrit and many European languages are very similar. For
example words that end in long “aa” गा , य ना सीता , श ता ' etc. In fact Russian has the same name
Sweta short for Svetlana (meaning A lady related with white or brightness)

Cardinal numbers from 1 to 7 are same or almost the same in Sanskrit and Russian.

Ved in old Russian means knowledge.

Many Russian sentences don’t have a subject-verb-object pattern; even if we interchange the
words or jumble the words the meaning does not change. Example “I love you in Russian” is Я тебя
люблю, or Я люблю тебя, or just люблю тебя. The meaning does not change as exactly in Sanskrit
अह Æव कामयाmम , or just Æव कामयाmम .

We can assume that these similarities are not by chance and there is a possibility that Russian and
Sanskrit had a common ancestor, they had a common origin. But it difficult to accept that reality.
We believed that Sanskrit was purely Indian. So, the first language Sanskrit originated
from central asia.....we must accept that the vedas, itihaas, puranas origin was not from India
but from central Asia during the start of Kaliyuga, and were the first people in Kaliyuga as per
zudaism, Islam, Christian and that time, that was, third milliom BC no such religions existsted as
already explained above..All people are one religion.. And those old people migrated to other
places including Bharat varsh... The main purpose of mass migration of people with Talapatras
during indus valley civilisation to Bharatvarsh because of the mojor information available in the
vedas, itihaas and puranas existed in Bharat varsh, the present India....

The word Hindu or Indu was used by Greeks to denote the country and people living beyond the
Indus river.The people who lived beyond the river Indus (Sanskrit: Sindhu)", more specifically in the
6th-century BCE inscription of Darius I The Punjab region, called Sapta Sindhu in the Vedas, is called
Hapta Hindu in Zend Avesta.

The name of India is a corruption of the word Sindhu. Neighbouring Arabs, Iranians uttered's' as 'h'
and called this land Hindu. Greeks pronounced this name as Indus.

The official name of the Republic of India was derived from the Sanskrit name 'Sindhu' which
referred to the Indus River. By the time the Persians conquered both, the then Indian
subcontinent and Greece in the 5th century BCE, 'Sindhu' became 'Hindus' to mark the 'land of

So, all the present people throughout the world irrespective of the present religions (which have
come later on) will have to accept the correctness of information in the spiritual literature that is
Vedas, itihaas and Puranas. ..written in sanskrit..and this is the main reason that even today lot of
countries accept Sri Rama, sri krishna whose names have come from Itihaas. These vedic
Sanskrit literature on tala patras written by great rishis came from central Asia to India during
indus vally civilisation and took several centuries to understand about them...

From all these above spiritual literature the following information has come. ....

The following history is available in different religions. Those are....

History available in Buddhism: -----2607 years as on 2023

History available in Christianity: ---6027 years as on 2023

History available in ISLAM: -----6027 years as on 2023.

History available in JUDAISM: -----6027years as on 2023.

History available in Hinduism: -------1960853125 years as on 2023.... Please note the name of the
hinduism has come from the Indus word of Indus valley civilisation ( when there was no
christianity, Islam, Judaism, budhism, or any other religion and all people were from one religion that
time)...... Indus is named as Hindus because of pronouncing the fist word H as I.... So don't mistake
that Hindus are Indian people... Hindus are complete world people... Came to India as it was
mentioned in the world history passed on by great rishis and in their sanskrit literature, the vedas
and Itihasas that Srirama born in Ayodhya and Srikrishna spent in Mathura of Bharat
varsh and Srirama was incornation of the universal God in Trega yuga and Srikrishna was
incornation of the universal God in Dwaparyuga....

So maximum history is available in Hinduism scriptures... Hinduism history is nothing but

Aryan's history brought to India during Indus valley civilisation , which has come from desidents of
Noah, who was a witness for the last flood havoc in the world which happened during three
thousand years BC....
Explanation of hinduism history as 1960853125 years... ( one hundred ninety six crores eight lacs
fifty three thousands and one twenty five years)..

So I am mentioning few convince all the people in the world about
maximum history availability with Hinduism scriptures.....

1st manvantara:---71 Mahayugas were completed, each consisting of 4320000 years. History
started from Swayambhuva manu with Satapura as wife—Prasuti, Devahuti and Akruti as
daughters and Priyavratudu, Uttanapadu as sons. Their progeny continued for 3 0 6 7 2 0 0 0 0 years. ( 71
x 4320000) . .....

2nd manvantara: ---71 Mahayugas were completed, each consisting of 4320000 years. History
started from Swarochisa manu, the son of Agni and his sons were headed by Dyumat, Sushena and
Rochismat. Their progeny continued again for 306720000 years.

3rd manvantara:--71 Mahayugas were completed, each consisting of 4320000years. History

started from manu by name Uttama. Among his sons were Pavana, Srinjaya and Yagnahotra and
their progeny continued for 306720000 years .

4th manvantara:-- 71 Mahayugas were completed, each consisting of 4320000 years. History
started from manu by name Tamasa. Among his ten sons were Prithu, Khyati, Nara, Ketu and their
progeny continued for 306720000 years .

5th manvantara:--71 Mahayugas were completed, each consisting of 4320000 years. History
started from manu by name Raivat. Among his sons were Arjuna, Bali and Vindhya and their
progeny continued for 306720000 years .

6th manvantara: -- 71 Mahayugas were completed, each consisting of 4320000 years. History
started from manu by name chakshusha. Among his sons were Puru, Purusha and sudyumna and
their progeny continued for 306720000 years .

7th manvantara, that means present vaivaswat manvantara: -- 27 Mahayugas were completed, each
consisting of 4320000 years and In 28th Mahayuga--satya yuga(1728000 years) treta
yuga(1296000 years) dwaparyuga(864000 years) are completed and in kaliyuga 5125 (
3102BC+2023AD) years completed as on 2023AD -that means a total history
(4320000x27+1728000+1296000+864000+5125) = 120,533,125 as on 2023

Total history with Hinduism scriptures comes to as mentioned above as ( 3 0 6 7 2 0 0 0 0 x 6

+120533125) =(18403200000+120533125) =1960853125 years.....

There are lot of prominent persons and their life histories existing in all these above mentioned
manvantaras, the details of names etc cannot be briefed in this small article. However, as
mentioned above the present manvantara , that is, Vaivasvat manvantara in which 12, 05,33,125
years completed as on 2023 AD. Out of this, during last 28th mahayuga of this Vaivaswat
manvantara, 38, 93, 124 years completed. As an example, we can go through the generation of
one son out of 10 sons of Vaivaswat Manu during this 28th mahayuga, by name “ Ikshwaku” and
his progeny, as detailed below, who have all together covered a history of last 38, 93,125 years as
on 2023 AD.

Ikshwaku was one of the 10 sons of the present Vaivaswat Manu....continue progeny given

Vaivaswat manu-(son)--Ikshwaku—-(son)-Bharata----(son)-Vikuksha--then--Baan----Puranjanudu---
Anesamudu---Pruthu---Viswagandhudu----Chandrudu---Yavanasvudu---Savastudu---Brihadasyudu- --
Kuvalayasvudu---Dh rudasyudu---Haryasvudu---Nikhumbudu---Barhinasvudu---Krutasyudu---
Senajittu---Yavanasyudu---Maandhata-,-Ambarishudu,....Puruk utsudu,....Muchkund---Vasud---
Trayadasyudu---Sambhrut----Anaranya ---Pushpadaswa---Haryasvudu----Arunudu---Tribhanduvu---
Bharata---Asit----Sagara chakravarty- --Asamanjudu---Ansumantudu---Dilipudu--Bhagirathudu---
Viswamashaha---Anaranya2---Nidhn---Animitra---Dululaha---Krisakarma----- Khatwangudu---Dirga
Nishadudu---Nala---nabhash-----Pundarikudu---Ksemadhanyudu —Devanikudu---Ahinudu---roo--- rooroo—
Prasu Sukrudu---Sandhi---Amrshunudu---Mahaswandhudu —Visvasahyudu---Brihatbaludu
Sutakshatrudu---Ruksakudu---Antarikshudu---Suvarnudu( 133)---Amitrajittudu(sumitra)---
buddha( 6th century BC)---Rahul---Prasenjit---Kahudrata---Kumdaka----Surata---Sumitra( 4th
centuryBC)-and from 4th century BC up till now as on 2023, history is known to us......

The above progeny is Ikshwaku vamsam from Ikshwaku, one son of Vaivaswat manu.

From another son Sudyamudu, there was another vamsam. Likewise all other 8 sons of
Vaivaswat manu had their progeny--- and all these persons histories are available in Hinduism
scripts.Hinduism is rich in scripture and includes an extensive collection of ancient religious
writings. These sacred texts are classified broadly into two categories SHRUTI and SMRITI.
These Shruti texts such as Vedas and Upanishads are revered as “revealed”, divine in origin and are
believed to contain the fundamental truths of Hinduism. Smriti teachings literally means
“memory” are Up-vedas, Puranas, Up-puranas, Itihasas, Gita, and Agama sashtras. From these
fundamental truths of the Hinduism, we will know several things...Regarding universe and
number of places in the universe from these scriptures.. Few detailed below....

..The Description of the Netherworld (Patal Loka)....The earth is balanced on the hood of
Sheshnag. Lord Vishnu is the nurturer of this world and he is universal God....There are seven
more worlds beneath the earth, which are Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Rasatala, Tala, Talatala and Patal. Each
of these worlds is ten thousand yojanas in length and twenty thousand yojanas deep.

Please note that there is no religious mind at all in writing this..True facts mentioned
considering the history on this Earth..There should not be any thinking by any religious people, if they
really feel controversy for their belief...

As explained already all the religious people in the world are Hindus only and all should accept the
spiritual scripts such as Vedas, itihasas and puranas....

Distance of earth to sun...

The accurate prediction of distance from Earth to Sun: It was written in Hanuman Chalisa, “Yug
Sahasra Yojana Par Bhanu, Leelyo taahi Madhura Phaljaanu”. It does mean that Hanuman has
travelled a far distance such as Yug x Sahasra x Yojana to meet Bhanu, the sun thinking it to be a
sweet fruit. Now, the terms Yug, Sahasra, Yojana are the words which determine the distance
Hanuman has traveled to meet the Sun. The ancient Indian scriptures have given names to
distances, weights, and numbers up to a huge extent that the modern day people can never
imagine.According to ancient calculations, as mentioned in Hanuman Chalisa,

1 Yug = 12,000 years

1 Sahasra = 1,000

1 Yojana = 8 Miles

Yug x Sahasra x Yojana = 12,000 x 1,000 x 8 miles = 96,000,000 miles...Where 1 mile = 1.6
Kilometers....96,000,000 miles x 1.6 kilometers = 153,600,000 Kilometers to Sun.

This is exactly the distance calculated by NASA to reach Sun from the Earth. It is really
incredible to know that ancient Indians were so talented to calculate the distance between Earth and
Sun without any kind of modern-day instruments or calculators.

Vedas accepted mostly by all people in the world...Regarding two Itihasas.(1)Ramayana...

And....(2) Mahabharata..and Puranas....These are also histories in the world and information on the
universe. ..


Adam bridge/ Ramsetu to Srilanka exists now

Four-tusked elephants......guarding the palace of Ravana in Srilanka.

.Cobra Hood cave existing in Sri Lanka....

Existence of Hanuman Garhi in Ayodhya....

Sanjeevani Mountain, existing at Dunagiri in srilanka..

Foot Prints of Lord Hanuman in srilanka.There lies a scar on the side of Dunagiri where
Hanumana sliced off a big chunk of mythological real estate, a scar which “bleeds” in the
afternoon sun.

Himalayan Herbs existing in Sri Lanka

Ashok Vatika existing in Sri Lanka

Existence of Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh

Existence of Konda Kattu Gala, srilanka

Ravana’s palace in sri Lanka...

Kalaniya in srilanka

Proof of Lord Hanuman setting fire to Ravana’s kingdom

Divurumpola in Sri Lanka

Ramalingam at Rameswaram

River Sarayu , pernial river of ayodhya...


Dwaraka inside AREBIAN SEA...

One airoplane manufactured in Bharata khand as per Bharadwaj yantra used by Gandhari of
Kandahar is lying in a small village by name BAL in afganistan..

The Greek historian Megasthenes has stated that Chandragupta Maurya was the 138 King in the
lineage of Shri Krishna.

Ancient cities described in the Mahabharatha....More than thirty-five sites in North India have
yielded archaeological evidence and have been identified as ancient cities described in the

So many Astronomical references found of Mahabharata...

The architect of modern atomic bomb who was in charge of the Manhattan project,
Mr,Oppenheimer strongly believed that nukes were used in ancient India earlier...

Gregorian Calendar the beginning of KaliYuga. Per the Calendar, the event occurred on February 18,
3102 BCE at 2:27:30 AM. Both, the Eastern and Western culture have accepted this date and
time to have been the beginning of KaliYuga and, also the death of Lord Krishna.

Perfect narration of the planetary positions....

Even MANA village in badrinath shows traces that Pandavs actually existed. And the Kedarnath
jyotirling too.

Guru drona temple in greater noida near the Buddh international Circuit..Also, the village of
kosum, now kaushambi, which used to be the neighbouring village of Indraprastha.

Jarasandhka akhada is also located near rajgir, Bihar... Which is exactly the size of a akhada

Why do we call it a part of Indian mythology?? It is a part of ancient Indian history and not
mythology..So The Itihasas Ramayana and Mahabharata are entirely correct and historically
proved... All the world people should go into them.........

From these vedas, Itihasas and puranas, I have arrived at the following fact, which will help the
present generation of through out world in this Kaliyuga....

The following informations available in hinduism scriptures and their correctness are still to be
arrived by our present people in the world through our present research, which may take few
centuries or few thousands years....depending upon our present scientists ability.....

[1] Distance....from Satyaloka(Brahmalok) to Vishnuloka...... 26,200,000 yojanas

[2] Distance from Dhruvalok(the pole star) to the Sun.....3,800,000 yojanas

(3) Distance from Dhruvaloka to Maharloka.....10,000,000 yojanas

(4) Distance from Maharloka to Janaloka......20,000,000 yojanas

(5) Distance from Janaloka to Tapoloka.....80,000,000 yojanas

(6) Distance from Tapoloka to Satyaloka.......120,000,000 yojanas

(7) Distance from the Sun to Satyaloka....... 233,800,000 yojanas

[8] Distance from the Sun to the Earth............12000000 yojanas

[9] Circular Distance from lower planets to Śesha Nāga lying on the Garbhodaka
Ocean.......30,000 yojanas

(10) Depth of Garbhodaka ocean......249,800,000 yojanas deep

(11) Total diameter of the Universe approximately 500,000,000 yojanas.

[12] Distance from planet Rāhu to the Sun10,000 yojanas.

(13) Distance from Rāhu to planets of the Siddhas, Cāranas and Vidyādharas1,000,000 yojanas

(14) Distance from the Earth to the lower planetary systems—Atala, Vitala, Sutala,Talātala,
Pātāla......70000 yojanas

From these scriptures, the following information is arrived...

During October, 2 0 2 2 , I went to Tirumala and given my article by name " Miracles of Lord
venkateswara in my life".. In the same article I expressed my leftover two numbers of my
desires in my life.... To my surprise, the result of my second desire started coming within a span of
three months time... The second desire mentioned there is mentioned below, which you can see at
page number "31" Of this article...

.(2)..I want to attend international tournaments in different indoor games, as I was champion in
those games got approximately half a century medals during studying career and I should get now
at this old age few Gold medals for India, provided I alive on earth till 80 years of my
age...that is another six years... Inspite of my bad health condition " To my surprise, In the
month of February, 2023, I became first in shuttlecock badminton in the fifth all India master
games on 4/2/2023 at Hyderabad and being sponsored to attend international masters
badminton games to be conducted at clevland, USA, Tapai, Taiwan,..Abudhabi , UAE, Kansai... Japan,
Perth, Australia.....

Article The Miracles of Lord Venkateswara in my life

No one wants misery in the world, but
all want happiness, and all one’s activities in life are directed
towards the acquisition of happiness.. People always feel that,
their possessions and all sorts of comforts, they are in want of
something else. There is no sense of fullness. Sometimes luck
comes to them in a mysterious manner. They get the money
just in time. Most of the people might have experienced this.
exclaim at that moment in joy “God’s ways are mysterious
indeed; I have got now full faith in God. Up to this time I had no
faith in
God.” Some find that even the world’s best doctors fail to cure
a dying king. Some might have also heard of many instances
where patients ailing from the worst type of diseases are cured
miraculously where even the best doctors have declared the
cases hopeless. This itself is a clear proof that there is the
divine hand behind all cures. That is Luck....

People admit the existence of God, the almighty, when they are
in trouble. On account of worldly intoxication they have turned
out to be an atheist, though, to be sure, they cannot prove god's
existence, by any means.Think seriously. Give up arguing and
believe the almighty, the God and religion, whichever suits you....

Even many educated men now say boldly that there is no God,
that everything in this world goes on and evolves according to
definite laws. Can any law arise by itself? Can any law come
out of nothing? Surely there must be some cause. That is God,
the almighty, the Universalgod. Nature is not a mere chance
collection of events, The planets move regularly in their orbits,
seeds grow into trees regularly, the seasons succeed each
other in order. Now Nature cannot order itself. It requires the
of an intelligent being, i.e., God, who is responsible for it. Even
Einstein, the great scientist, was strongly convinced of the
creation of the universe by a Supreme Intelligence. People
purchase enormous plots of land, build bungalows in various
places and erect several storied houses. They want to
establish eternal life in this sense-universe. In spite of the
knowledge that everyone has to die, man thinks that he will
live for ever and
makes very grand arrangements to live here in his present life.
Further, nobody wants death. Everybody wants to live, and
takes treatment when ill, spending any amount. Hence, the
nature of man should be eternal existence... Desire arises in
the mind. This desire agitates your mind till you get
through enjoyment of the desired object. There is peace or
happiness after the enjoyment is over. Next, another desire
arises. ....So desires are endless and all people in the world have
The following are the gods worshipped by different
religions in the world.. Among them.Who is universalgod, the
God for all the people in the world? The universalgod had
created the earth and all humanity came later on. So, the
universalgod is only one to all religious people in the world..
Who is he?

Please note that no religious mind at all in writting an article on

this point....True facts mentioned considering the history on this
Earth..There should not be any thinking by any religious people, if
they really feel controversy for their Hinduism people as I
mentioned Sri Rama
and Sri Krishna are not Universal God and Hindus will definitely think
bad as they sincery praying them as universal God throughout
wherever they are, although they are only 16% of world population.
the other 84% of other religious people like Buddhism, Muslims,
Jainism, zudaism people should also not to mind as I mentioned
Jesus Christ, Buddha, Noah, Adam, Tirthankar neminatha and others
not Universal God...

For all these 100% people in the world, universalgod is only one...As he
created the earth and he is the first person and he is not having father....
the gods mentioned above are worshipped in the world by all
people are having father. Like Srirama's father was Jana ka, Sri
father is Vasudeva, Lord Buddha's father is Siddhodana, Jesus
father is Joseph, Noah's father is Lamec, Mohammed's father is
So universslgod can not be from the above list of gods as the
had created this universe and he has no father and His name is Lord
now presently on Tirumala hills as Lord Venkateswara and stays there
end of Kaliyuga to fulfill the desires of all the people in the world, if
approaches him on Tirumala hills....

Lord Venkateswara at Tirumala in Bharatvarsh is Universalgod.

(The god for the entire universe)..This has been historically proved in my article by
name " Goodluck Arriving place in the world for all religious people, where universal
stays"'....( All the people need to go through this article... The link is given below..
Go through google...

Or.... The following link...

Copy the above link, open google search bar and paste this link and open it, within 5
minutes the article would be before you... You must read understand the
status of universalgod...and his present stay)...

Lord Venkateswara is not having father, because he is

universalgod... This fact will be known to you, if you go through
the above mentioned article...Can any saints from any religion
tell the name of the father of Lord Venkateswara of Tirumala? I
can dare say no person on earth can answer this....

I am not supporting any religion, but supporting the facts....And this

universalGod stays there for fulfilling the desires of the people, There is
no person from zero to 100 years of age in the world or till the person's
death, who doesn't have desires from the poorest to the richest and
saints.. and this is the main reason of rushing people to Tirumala hills
and increasing its number day by day....People are availing the
given to them and so there is rush in pilgrims visiting
Bharat varsh.... And I went several times to express before him about
my desires in my life and seen his miracles in my life.

.Lord venkateswara at
Tirumala in Bharatvarsh..... Sri Balaji district of Andhra Pradesh in

I am Angajala Gopalarao born in a village by

name Balijipeta, a mandal headquarters in
Parvatipuram manyam district of Andhra Pradesh,

Graduated in Mechanical engineering during 1970..Later..

Became Associate member of the Institution of
Automotive engineers, Madras..

Became Fellow of the Management studies

Promotion Institute, New Delhi,..

Became Member of the Indian concrete Institute, Madras...

Became Member of the Institution of Motor

Industries, Madras.
Became Fellow of the Institution of Engineers(India), calcutta.

I am, one of the awardees’ of THE BEST CITIZENS OF INDIA

NEW DELHI for my outstanding record in construction

The India International Friendship society", New Delhi

considered me for "The Rastriya Gourav award--2005",
during the year 2005.

Regarding my service to my nation - India...Initially joined

as a central government junior engineer, served in Central
government services as Assistant engineer, Asst
Executive engineer, Executive engineer for 12 years and
resigned from central government services as Executive
Engineer, a class
one senior rank officer due to existing corruption
atmosphere in central government services...

Then entered in private sector thinking that no corruption

expected there...But voluntarily retired as General
Manager of a big construction company at the age of 54
years during 2002, after serving for 18 years, as there in
private sector
also corruption atmosphere could not be avoided at
high designstions like General Managers/ vice
presidents and directors...
So, Totally served to the nation, a corruption free service
of 30 years after engineering graduation...

Participated and constructed big dams including the Dam

on Narmada river at Kavedia colony, Gujarat state, which is
the biggest dam of the nation and Almatti dam on
Krishna river in Karnataka state ( the then Karnataka
respected S. M. Krishna personally appreciated me for my
best efforts in completing this Dam), kopili dam in Assam
state, Ranganadi dam in Arunachal pradesh, pench hydro
electric project in Maharashtra state, big tunnels, big
bridges in goa, Nepal, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura and
Assam states, 5 numbers railway stations in new mumbai,
Reclamation of forest lands in Orissa and karnataka
states, instalation of
tubewells, Earthen dam on pakhanjore river in
Madyapradesh state, earthen dam on Panchavati river in
orissa state,
running of zonal workshops in Bihar and
Maharashtra states...

I enjoyed my study life with awards in education and

sports and in service life with awards for completing
Prestigious National projects at different management
levels and at the time of retirement, I was handling most
of the companies sites around 2 5 nos at a time, around
4 0 0 0 technical staff under me including roughly 350
engineers and manager
located in several states in north india, south India, North
eastern states. while recruiting people for different
positions for all these sites , thousands of people were
and around five hundreds persons recruited, among this
selected people as a welfare measure, I helped several
poor persons who needed urgent financial help and
approached me and have been given jobs to atleast near
about one
hundred such poor persons in different states of India, to
get financial assistance to them..

I wrote several technical papers and published by

renowned journalists in Mumbai region.....Besides I wrote
spiritual articles and these articles were studied by great
spiritual personalities and were appreciated by great
people, few among them are ...Respected Nirliptananda
saraswati of devine life society at Rishikesh, China

In my life, I had to face difficulties at different stages and

Successfully faced them with the help of Universalgod,
Lord. Venkateswara on approaching at Tirumala...

There were 11 numbers of miracles of the Universalgod

in my life. .. At a very difficult situations only, I approach
Universalgod Lord Venkateswara before/ after
such situations....

I had to approach him on eleven such incidents of my

desired in my life and all these situations were
successfully faced due to the miracles of Lord
These details are given below...

..(1)..First 2nos miracles of the universalgod in my life...

(A)... Becoming grad.IE in mechanical engineering from the
institute of engineers, Calcutta at the age of 22 years during
1970, which is a very rare occurance in India to become AMIE at
an age of 22 years after spending good childhood life and
college life
with half century medals in sports and games, became
champion in all indoor games at college I approached
and prayed the universalGod for such results during 1967

( B ) . . Getting a central government junior engineer posting

during 1971 at an age of 23 years on approaching universal

.(2).. 3 nos more miracles...

I worked in the Central Government organisations for 12

years .The universalGod showed his miracles on me in three
occassions during this 12 years of government service .

(A).....Firstly, When I was working as Asst. Engineer during 1978,

the central government organisation Dandakaranya
Development Authority under ministry of Rehabilitation, Govt of
India, in which I was working, was under winding stage due to
completion of work, and the central Government through their
surplus cell at New
Delhi under minisry of home affairs, all the surplus staff were
being transferred to Income-tax, central exise, or customs
departments and most of the staff already got posting orders
in those departments.... As I was not interested to join as an
officer in these Incometax, customs and central excise
departments due to the corruption existing in these
departments, even though
place of expected posting was Visakhapatnam, very close to
my native place, that is approximately 120 kms, I sincerely
prayed Lord Venkateswara to escape from posting to these
departments, as I wanted non curruptive service in my life....
Although there was no time to escape, surprisingly, I got a
fresh appointment order in one of the best central
undertakings as Asst.Executive Engineer within 20 days of
my praying, when my name was about to send to the surplus
cell, New Delhi..So, I joined as Asst Executive the
central government undertaking with the grace of
Universalgod during 1978....

(B)...Secondly, after working for approximately three years as

Asst. Executive Engineer, when I found that this central
undertaking also was in curruptive atmosphere and when I was
under stress to become curruptive, I again approached Lord
Venkateswara during 1981 for an immediate change....To my
surprise, within few days I got posting orders and so relieved
from the central government undertaking...

(C).Thirdly, when I was working in another central government

noted undertaking as Executive Engineer at Mumbai and after
having worked there for three years, again I was under pressure
during 1993AD for either to become curruptive or to get transfer
order to Andaman Islands. I decided to leave for Andaman
Islands, as I was not interested to leave a senior class one post
in the
central government and to escape from curruption there in
Mumbai..At that typical situation again I approached Lord
Venkateswara for my escape from moving to Andaman
Islands..... To my surprise within few days of this incident, the
head of a
famous private construction company, approached me in my
Mumbai office requesting me to join their company to
complete Almatti dam on the River Krishna in Karnataka state,
as other wise
that company was about to leave the Almattidam job works
within one month, as that time, they were unable to do the
concrete dam works there at Almatti damsite like four other
private companies which have left the job earlier to them even
though the dam work was inaugurated by late prime minister
Lal bahadur Sastry during 1966 and a period of 27 years
passed, as there were some
technical problems in constructing that dam and as they
were knowing about my experience in constructing
concrete dams, they approached me to join in Almattidam
site....and to
compansate me.. They assured frequent promotions at
less intervals and placement at Mumbai after completing
Without any second thought, I left the central government post
of Executive Engineer, class one senior post and joined this
company during 1 9 9 3 AD, just to avoid facing curruption in
my future service, thinking that it would be clean service as
corruption is expected in private companies.

So Lord Venkateswara Swamy miracles in my life raised to

five including these three with earlier two occassions..

..(3)...2 nos more miracles during my service in private

(A)..After joining in the private company at Almatti damsite, I
served there satisfactorily and completed the Almattidam in
three years of time to every one's surprise. Subsequently, as
promised by the company, I was given promotions in this
company every
alternate year... and so I worked in different designations such as
project plant manager, senior project manager, Asst general
manager, deputy general manager, additional General manager,
General manager and Senior general manager upto my 54 years
of my age,.... And sorry to say, I had to leave even this big position,
one of the top positions in this private company also at the age of
5 4 years, ( eventhough the company was interested to keep me in
retirement list till my 7 5 + age, which was hinted to me, so it was
almost another 2 1 yrs service left from that time of 2 0 0 2 year) . .
Just repetition again, to avoid curruption there also...(of course
this time, the corruption reason was to feed the monetary
benifits to the corrupt government officers to support the
company for
getting big projects), even though the company was offering
further promotion to me for company's top post of
mechanical engineering and head for their 35 nos different
project sites in
India and abroad, besides some part of company's civil works
with the best available remuneration in the company (that
time the remuneration offered to me was three times of a
government Head Of the Department, that is, three times the
central government chief engineer's salary), as the company was
not afford to loose my services during 2002, being a
knowledgeble person in both civil and mechanical engineering
works...I had again approached Lord venkateswara to save me
from likely corruption atmosphere, inspite of company's efforts
till 2005 to bring me back in the company, eventhough I retired
voluntarily in 2002year, as I couldn't close my eyes before any
curruptive actions by Engineers/ officers/ managers working
under me, as it was my life long desire to become a good
official with honesty, integrity and hardwork anywhere, which I
found it very difficult during my service, but necessary to keep
Dharma in
existance..(although it is very difficult thing during this
Kaliyuga where money makes everything and most of the
people tilt for
that)..I requested Lord Venkateswara to get me escaped from
the pressures of this construction company... Luckily I escaped
from this company's pressure (for a period of three years from
2002 to 2005) during 2005 with grace of LordVenkateswara.

(B)...In between 2002 and 2005, several other construction

companies approached me for joining them as head of their
mechanical departments holding all their companies project
sites in India and abroad..and I was pressurized by all these other
companies besides the pressure from my people in my house
for continuing in service, as my age was only 54 years then...As I
know that even in private companies also, at this high
designations corruption can not be avoided and so requested
Lord venkateswara to save me from pressures from other
companies, including pressures from household people
including my wife for my continuing in service, and luckily I
escaped from these pressures as another miracle of the Lord..

So Lord Venkateswara Swamy miracles in my life raised to seven

including this two with earlier five occassions...

After retirement, at one moment I thought about my several

monetary opportunities in the service life and not availed them in
the name of corruption, when a heavy expenditure came in my life
because of regular inflation and interest rates reductions which
made every retired non-pensioner to suffer badly and during other
un usual medical expenses like Carona to me during April, 2021 in
second phase of Carona in hospital for 20 days with round the
clock oxygen supply, as the oxygen levels in the blood came
below 80℅, , which costed me around 10 lacs during April, 2021,
which is very heavy amount for a retired private employee, being a
non pensioner and this amount would be nothing if I earned, as
my earnings would have crossed hundreds of crores rupees and
because I had seen persons like me non curruptive in service and
in personal life close to me employees/ politicians had to adjust
with the currupt atmosphere and helped to get funds illegally
either for their party funds/or for their promotions in life/or for
sticking to their positions, which may be correct during this
Kaliyuga, but these actions are also nothing but non keeping up of
Dharma in existance.. .And so I satisfied with my actions of not
expecting any other's money nor money from curruptive actions
in service which allowed me to keep up Dharma in existance in my
life, which is required as nobody can carry money at death and
lord Venkateswara would definitely help me in future in such
bad financial occassions, if any, like Carona during Apr/May,21. .

.(4)...Last Four more miracles...Life saving miracles...

Details...During my service life as already mentioned above, I had

to travel frequently to different sites located in India, Iraq and
Jordan for projects activities thereby I travelled mostly in
Indian airlines flights as a result the Indian airlines certified me
"Frequent flyer" by giving several monetory and flying benifits to
my family and friends, free executive class for me as flying
returns benifits.... I
escaped from death three times in three flight journeys.

(1) Due to bird hit on airplane left wing at high altitude while
flying from Gauhati to Dibrugarh/Agartala.

(2) Tyre burst at the time of flight takeover at Calcutta airport

while flying to Gauhati airport... and......gone into the adjuscent
fields due to hard and difficult placing and to avoid overturning
of flight...

(3) At high altitude during flying, the flight caught in bad

cyclonic weather causing the flight to trumble several times,
and all
passengers shouted and cried and prayed their god for safe
landing of the flight.... such situation continued for a period of
20 minutes in the sky..while flying to Silchar airport...

All these three occassions say life saving activity were due to
the universalgod blessings... Besides I was attacked with severe
Carona during second wave in April,2021...So the saving of life by
Lord Venkateswara raised to 4 (four) instances by adding the
present serious Carona incident in Apr,2021. The second wave of
Carona was so serious, it was a very big miracle to save and this
is definitely the second life to me given by Lord Venkateswara....

So the miracles of Lord Venkateswara in my life raised from the

previous seven to (7+4 life saving)=11 (Eleven).....

.I spent my college life very satisfactory getting half a century

medals for games and studies..Stood as indoor games
champion at college level...And I spent my personal life very
happily with my two daughters one being post graduated and the
other doctorate in mechanical engineering / three grand sons all
are toppers in
school and colleges, /an obedient, inteligent, sweet tongued and
hard working life partner who is liked by all community people/,
both son-in-laws in good management positions in their
companies/, and I got very good natured close friends and close
relatives and well co-operated co-workers....I am so lucky to have
all the above.... And all these are due to the blessings of Tirumala
Venkateswara in my life all my desires were fulfilled
immediately as soon as I approached Lord venkateswara at
Tirumala....everything went in my life as planned till now...that
is upto 74yrs age from my early age. I am fully confident that
future life, which is my new life (because of very seriousness of
Carona) will also be prosperous even though I am energyless at
present, as I believe Tirumala Venkateswara blessings are always
there on me and I am sure to achieve success in my future life
also, eventhough I am not recovered from long Covid uptill now,
that is15th, October,22...that means Fifteen months after
treated for Carona and suffering with respiratory, nervous,
vericose veins with both legs severe pain and brain fog. If at all
any good
achievements in future by me with this present bad and
deteriorated health conditions and old age, it will be because of
Lord Venkateswara's blessings only and nothing else and I expect
some more such Lord's miracles in future. no body in the
world exists without any desires even at the old age of nineties
also, although they know that death is nearing and they know that
neither they escape from death nor can carry money/desires
with them at the time of death.....Similarly, I also have two desires
at this age that is 74 years....Those are.......

(1)...A!l the people on earth that is from all countries,

irrespective of religion and region, as those are all my
brothers and sisters, should understand the truth of
existance of Universalgod at Tirumala in Bharatvarsh, so that
all those people will initiate to fulfill their desires...And ......

.(2)..To attend international tournaments in different indoor

games.and get India.provided I alive on earth till
80 years of my age...that is another six years... Inspite of my
bad health at present as detailed below..

Since 3 years I was almost all the days in my house or

hospitals due to my I'll health...

Health problems......Severe vertigo, Alzheimer's, Lung problem,

Epilepsy, asthma, TB, COPD....Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, Migrane and multiple vision, Heart problem...high
cholesterol, Gerd (chronic acid reflux), Severe neck and arms pain,
spondilitis, Siatica, Prostate gland, No teeth, Ear and eyes major
defective, numbnes on the nose, frequent nose block treated for
water in lungs,..both eyes cateract....both inner ears nerves
calcium deposits.. Hydrocele, Leg and muscles cramps and
severe pains, Back pain, Knee pains, backbone pain, migrane
headache, sinus problem, nerves/ muscular pains...
Besides the already bad health, due to the long COVID energy less
and depended on wife and children for regular daily activities as
stuffy nose, long breathing, joints, muscles paining heavily
besides eye twinkling and mind, brain fog, anxiety and head facing
pain besides Throwing the body out of balance, periferal vascular
diesease besides....A deep study on Patients who suffered Long Covid
symptoms post their recovery may be more than twice at risk of
developing cardiovascular complications, a new analysis of nearly six
million patients confirmed.. According to Cardiovascular Business,
researchers found that patients with long Covid were more than twice as
likely to experience
cardiac complications such as chest pain and shortness of breath
than patients who never had the infection. "

Inspite of this I'll health, I know that these present two desires
will also be fulfilled by him... as....I know that Tirumala
Venkateswara, that is, Universalgod had come down on to the
Earth from outer space of universe named Vaikuntham, (which is
yojanas away from the earth) placing Mahalakshmi as
Vyuhalakshi on his chest and became swayambhu murty(statue)
on tirumala hills as Srinivasa/ Venkateswara and I always get
Lord Venkateswara's blessings..Lord Venkateswara with
Vyuhalakshmi will stay there on Tirumala hills till the end of this
Kali Yuga to fulfill the desires of all the people of Kaliyuga on
this earth/universe.. .....One should approach him on the
hills for their desires with sincere devotion for fulfilling
their desires...

This fact is known to me because my grandfather's

grandfather Chinna Narsayya was great devotee of Lord Vishnu,
Universalgod in the eighteenth century and in the year1869AD, he
built Venkateswara, alivelu Mangamma, Jagannadhaswamy
temples and constructed a large flower garden for these
temples in Balijipeta, a mandal headquarters in Andhra pradesh
(Inscription given in the following photo).Some lands from
nearby villages were also donated by him to the temple for
maintenance of these temple works. As, I am born in his line
of next fourth generation, because of my devotion, Lord Vishnu
showed this fact to me in this 20th century_

Sri venkateswara Swami temple, Balijipeta,

vizianagaram dt, AP... Established...1869AD


Name of the Institution.. Endowments department, Andhra Pradesh State in

India....... Sl.No.13901.....Sri venkateswara Swami temple, Balijipeta,
vizianagaram dt, AP...Established...1869AD

So, as an author of this article, I request all humanity in the world

should approach Tirumala in India for asking the blessings of Lord
Venkateswara, the universalGod for fulfilling their desires in their
lifetime...and avail this opportunity given by the UniversalGod in this
Kaliyuga as he is specifically staying there for this purpose......

If the people still don't believe this truth, I am asking you a

simple question. Who is father of Srinivsss /
Venkateswara staying on Tirumala hills??....

No person including great saints of hinduism people can

answer, because he is not having father..

He is the universalgod came from Vaikuntam, which is in the

universe far off from earth.

( A. Gopalarao),

The author.......

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