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Liliana Perez

What is the key to become a successful student?

First of all, I think my learning experience to become a successful student has been a
little complicated because sometimes I can feel depressed, and sometimes I have had
also ups and downs in my all life and always tried to do my best. To achieve my goals I
have to sleep well, organize my calendar, take notes, take attention in classes, review
what I have learned, ask the teacher when I have questions, give my best, and also do
homework on time. And I think If I effort I could do all I propose.
The strategies that I do use to be efficient are organizing my time and calendar, taking
notes, and sleeping well. The things that I consider can I polish to improve my
performance as a student are: I should pay more attention in class and also ought to
review what I have learned(What I think must do more) because I feel that this is my
weakness. I have some hardships like my social anxiety and for this same reason, I fear
talking in public or asking the teacher when I have questions, I think that I can improve
with therapy and try to participate more and I hope with time maybe I could overcome
that fear.

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