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Your Daily Life: Students can talk about their daily activities, such as waking up, having
breakfast, going to work or school, and other activities they do regularly.

2. Hobbies and Interests: Students can talk about their hobbies or interests, such as playing
sports, reading books, watching movies, or playing music, as well as the reasons why they
like these activities.

3. Family and Friends: Students can talk about their family members, such as parents,
siblings, or close friends, and provide brief descriptions of each person and their

4. Favorite Places: Students can talk about their favorite places, whether they are places they
often visit or dream places they want to visit in the future.

5. Food and Drink: Students can talk about the food and drink they enjoy, describing what
they usually eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

6. Vacations and Travel: Students can talk about their vacation or travel experiences,
including destinations, activities they enjoyed, and interesting things they saw.

7. Healthy Habits: Students can talk about the healthy habits they adopt, such as exercising,
eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and why these things are important.
Students: ANgel
Man: What do you do?
Woman: I work at a tech company.
Man: Oh, what do you do there?
Woman: I design software.
Man: Do you like your job?
Woman: Yeah, I enjoy it.

Conversation #2

Man: Do you work here?

Woman: Yes, I do.
Man: Where do I pay my bill?
Woman: You pay it over there.
Man: Do I need to show ID?
Woman: I don’t think you do.

Conversation #3

Man: What do your parents do?

Woman: They both work in sales.
Man: Oh, what do they sell?
Woman: They both sell cars. They have a car dealership together.
Man: Do they like it?
Woman: Yes, but they work long hours.

Conversation #4

Man: Where do you live?

Woman: I live downtown with my family.
Man: Nice, do you live in an apartment or house?
Woman: I live in a house, but we need more space.
Man: Do you want to move?
Woman: Yes, we want to move to the countryside.

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