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Viennese Biscuits

Weight Ingredients Method

Group 1 1100g ABS (soften) Place in a mixer with a
450g Icing Sugar mixture paddle & mix until clear
350g Biscuit flour approx.. 4 minutes
Group 2 210g Milk Add to the above & mix
slow , scape down .
1000 Biscuit Flour Add to the above & mix
for 1 minute, scape
down, then mix for 3
minutes on low until
combined & smooth
Total 3110g

Depositing & Baking.

Rest in the bowl for 5 minutes.

Remove from the bowl & place into a piping bag, pipe the desired
shapes, long Rosettes, etc. onto a silicon papered tray.

Baking.. 200c for 12-15 minutes.

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