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The tactic I used in LOM was to send Morkin to do what he could.

I only ever managed to get the crown

once, and died before I could get it to where I could destroy it. (It was a lake I think??) Still I could usually
get him to recruit a couple of good characters, including the dragon and the Skullkrin lord.
Anyway, my main tactic was to send Luxor to the citadel of Xajorkith recruiting as many people as I could
on the way. I had a particular scheme (developed over many, many times of trying) worked out that
managed to recruit most of the available lords, while also stripping the keeps & citadels of all the troops I
could get. I sent them all south, and just holed up in the Citadel and weathered the attacks from Doomdark.
Eventually the attacks dried up. I then left a token defence force in Xajorkith and marched my main army
north to take Doomdark on.
The ending was very straightforward. It just had a black screen with the text "Doomdark is defeated. Victory
to the Free!" (Or near enough to that anyway).

DoomDark’s Revenge is a very different quantity from LoM, mainly because the characters in the game
are less story-driven in their actions, and therefore less predictable. Still, I tend to start each game in the
same way:
Luxor turns southwest and recruits Torinarg the Barbarian. After this he goes north, Luxor is not really good
at recruiting Barbarians, but he can usually convince the more powerful ones, which is all you need.
One tip with Luxor is to try to capture a fortress with him early on. I find Firak the Barabrian hard to recruit,
so I usually attack his home. It can be tricky, but once Luxor has a fortress in his name, he has a supply of
Free troops, which can be a great safety valve if battles go against you.
Rorthron goes east into the mists to find Careneon the Barbarian. You need to find him on day 1 (I can't
remember the exact path to take, but he can be reached by Rorthron) otherwise he tends to travel with
Varangrand and is hard to get.
Both Rorthron and Luxor head north towards Thortheon, recruiting as many barbarians as they can before
they get there, Once there, you can either send Rorthron straight north, or east into the dwarf lands. North
means he will usually encounter Giants, while going east often allows him to pick up a few stray icelords.
Keep Luxor at Thortheon. Shareth will head for him in time, and you cans tack the fortress with your onw
lords, and you will see her coming. Send lords (and rorthron) to scout Shareth's army, and pick off (recruit)
any single Icelords you find.
Tarithel turns south and recruits the fey lord to the south of her (can't remember his name). Then she turns
north to recruit Imorthorn. This lord is an excellent recruiter of Fey, I tend to keep him in the forest, heading
east to recruit other fey, starting with Torothane (almost straight east).
Tarithel herself, recruits a fey to the west of Imorthorn (Carorthane, I think) and then goes north, hopefully
picking up Thormand on her way into the Dwarf lands. Thormad's (I think it's Thormand) fortress is almost
directly noth of Caror-whatever, so it's easy to find even in the mist. If recruited, I use him as Tarithel's
travelling companion; her path becomes more treacherous from now on.

Once in the Dwarf lands, you can go either north (towards Glormane) or east along the mountains towards
Carorthay. Dwarfs are resonably easy for Tarithel to recruit, starting with Imulorn and Carorthay. Glormane
himself tends to be tricky, I usually end up fighting against him.

My general tactic is to recruit as many lords as possible, and hold the Fortress of Thortheon and the City of
Glormane against attack. It's about a 3-4 day journey between these two places, so you can reinfoce one
from the other in an emergency. Don't hesitate to try recruiting Giants and Icelords, Carangrane the Giant is
an excellent ally, and Luxor can usually recruit him with ease. once you have him, the other giants are easier
to get.
Excellent, a DDR tactics thread. here's my humble contribution. This requires Chris' excellent PC
conversion which is configured with the 'Use Intended Movement' option, as it relies heavily on the Fey's
ability to move quickly through forest, which wasn't properly implemented on the C64.

1st Day :
Luxor NW through the hills and then north, finishing in the forest just east of the Frozen Wastes
Rorthron goes N to finish at the tower N of the Temple of thingy by the mountains
Tarithel goes to Carorthand, then due north to Thormand. With correct timing, she should then have 1 move
left - I'd take her NE. Thormand goes W. Carorthand goes to Imorthorn then SE, stopping on the edge of the
plains. Imorthorn NE, due W of Tororthane.
2nd Day
Luxor forges N, and should end up close to Imgorad
Rorthron turns south. Careneon and Kahudrarg should be neatly lined up one move apart, with Torinarg a
little to the south (too far for Careneon today), Rorthron gets both, then goes back up north, finishing near
Firak's place (hopefully with Firak still at home). Careneon doesn't go after Torinarg, instead moving a little
north. Kahudrarg heads for his fortress.
Tarithel checks the fountain just north of Thormand : Imulorn might be there. If not, tally ho to Imulorn's,
then up north. Imulorn also north.
Thormand powers west through the forest, across the plains and should reach another forest.
Imorthorn gets Tororthane, then nips NE and E through the forest to end the day recruiting Morildrane,
who's usually lurking around here by now. Tororthane might as well start up N - he'll get overtaken anyway!
Carorthand gets Thigrand to the S, then to the temple S of Thigrand, and W to end recruiting Carorthane.
Thigrand gets horses and heads NE

3rd Day : up until now, things should go smoothly. It gets a bit more random from now.

Luxor gets Imgorad. Imgorad heads for Firak, if Firak hasn't come to play. Watch out now for Anvorthun or

Thorthak, as either of the two might decide to stick their oar in. Luxor N.

Tarithel up N. If we're lucky, Torelorn's still at home - if you can't see any armies on the plains S of
Glormane, he probably is. Get him, and carry on towards Glormane. Torelorn E towards Thatruk. Imulorn
still N.

Rorthron should make it towards Anvorthun, possibly recruiting him today

Thormand goes to the stones W of the tower, gets a new day, then W to some more stones (new day) then
NW to Thangrad if he's still in and NE to some more stones (new day), thence to two temples in the plains
between mountains of Imorthay and, er, those other ones. They both give him new days, and he can finish
up by getting Thortheon, and then heading into Dwarfland, via the pit E of Thortheon (waters of life!).

Thortheon might as well head towards Carormand - he isn't very good at recruiting Giants. Thangrad can
recruit Lorangrorn, so that's who he's after now.

Carorthand reverses his trip from yesterday, and heads SE from the temple S of Thormand, to take the
infamous 'southern route' to Lorangrim.
Imorthorn leaves the battle he's inevitably had with Imgormand, and heads E, then SE across some plains to
some stones containing flames of dawn. Using these, he makes Lorangriel by nightfall.
Morildrane and Imgormand go to Imgormand's place, then N. Imgormand can recruit Thigrak, so that's their
Thigrand hangs arounds the Forest of Fangrim in case any of the Fey have made a break for it early.
Carorthane gets Berormorn, then E/SE to get Tharand. Berormorn heads for Thormand via Kahudrak (who
might still be home - it's still only day 3!)
Kahudrarg gets Varangrand. Careneon should find Torinarg, and a little way off Anvortheon, and may be
able to get them both (probably not Anvortheon)
At the end of Day 3, all being well, your contingent should be


possibly Thortheon, Kahudrak, Lorangrorn


Day 4
Luxor N. He's done with most of his recruiting now, so wherever you choose to take on Shareth should be
the location. Try to get to Imgarorn. Or Imgaril.

Tarithel gets Glormane, then up to her. I'd go after the nearest Crown/Spell/Runes if we know where it is.
Remember she gets tired easily. Try to keep her out of too much trouble. You probably won't be able to get
Imgorarg, but sometimes he sets off without Torormarg, so NE might be a good plan initially.

Glormane goes E for Gloruk and Berangrorn

Torelorn gets Thatruk, then swings back W towards Thelak (I do it this way as Thatruk is far more prone to
wandering off than Thelak, and often ends up with Icelords in tow in the future).
Imulorn's job is to hold Glormane whilst the owner is out playing, so that's where he goes

Imorthorn should head towards Imgorthand now, although the aforementioned has often come to say hello
anyway. Once he's recruited, Obireon and IMgormiel follow, and they Fey are ready to rock. Lorangriel can
get Thorthand, who's usually nearby. If you're lucky, Carorthorn has also come south - get him first if
possible - otherwise swing N and hope he hasn't wandered too far (one game, he vanished entirely, being
found by Tarithel on Day 30-odd laying siege to the City of Talorthane.)

Carorthand skips from stone to stone, ending up at Lorangrim. Lorangrim goes for Berormane, Carorthand
sits tight - Imorthesh will be on his way soon!
At this point, the Fey should be yours within a couple of days and with a minimum of bloodshed. Mass
them, get them tooled up, and then sit them somewhere foresty in the way of the Icelords. Imorthorn himself
is very good at distracting Fangrorn - which can divert a significant portion of Shareth's forces.

Imgormand and Morildrane are on their way to Thigrak and then north to the Dwarf lands. They're both
excellent at recruiting Dwarves and Icelords, but need to scarper once Shareth's main force arrives as they'll
get their heads handed to them if they hand around (unless the Fey recruiting went well and the cavalry have
shown up).

Rorthron goes NW (getting Lorangrorn along the way if Thangrad hasn't done it), using Flames to get
Carormand. Carormand NW to get Glortharg. Carormand can recruit Anvildrak, and if you can split the 3
Stooges, then that's a big bonus. However, as Rorthron continues N, he'll almost inevitably be greeted by the
familiar sight of every DDR player's least favourite threesome shambling south in search of trouble.
Anyway, he goes N, partly for Carangrane, but also because the plains + forest S of Carangrane is a good
site to find Crowns. From there, Rorthron hunts Giants, if nothing else to make sure that everyone else is not
in the way when they coalesce into a dumb, mardy mass and start breaking things.

The Barbarians should also be largely onside now, so they can escort Luxor. Don't go looking for Varatrarg
- he'll turn up.

Dwarfs all eventually end up at Glormane, so seat said gentleman there and wait for them to show up. If all
went well, Imgormand will have got Thigrak, which leaves Lorangrarg and his buddies for Glormane.

The Dwarves should just sit at Glormane, and if you recruit any top Icelords, send them their so that their
minions get beaten up when they go after their lieges.

That's pretty long, but it's my method. My aim is to get every recruitable character in the game, keep them
alive, and get an overwhelming victory. I have done this exactly once (got all but a few dead several times,
got and kept alive every living character several times - some of those Icelords die too easy!)

Some interesting tips there too. My recruiting strategy is slightly different here and there, but not
significantly. I agree with sending Luxor NW to Imgorad immediately rather than wasting a day on
Torinarg, and no matter how you do it there always seems to be a short but nasty Fey Civil War down in the
SE of the forest. Carorthorn is a git for wandering off by himself, and it's a pity cos he's a good fighter, and
excellent at seiges (as are Thormand and Carorthand).

I prefer to fight along a long front rather than have an Armageddon in one location.

Usually I'll have Luxor, with most of the Barbs and western Fey, at Lorangrorn - gives you more time to get
organised, and you can see Shareth coming miles away.

Then I'll have some small garrisons, maybe 4/5 Lords each , at Thangrad and Thorthen and Gloruk, and
another major force of Dwarves and Fey at Glormane. I like to have a couple of small groups made up
of lean mean killing machines like Firak and Obireon roaming around picking off stray Icelords too, just for
the fun of it. Occupying Imgorarg/Torormarg, and/or the eastern Dwarf fortress up by Fangrorn
(Hagildrorn?) with Fey and Barb garrisons helps here.

The Giants rarely play much of a role in my games, as by the time I get Rorthron up there they all seem to
have disappeared!! Once they've congealed though, track them with Rorthron as Carangrane will almost
always end up one step ahead of the pack, recruit him and the rest will follow. Something that's a lot of fun
to do is to just get Carangrane and lead the lumpen shambling pack right into the middle of the advancing
Imperial forces ;-))

By the time the Empire has fought it's way past Glormane, Gloruk, 25 random Giants, Thortheon, Thangrad
then a good number of Icelords should have been picked off, or their armies badly damaged. The final
battle at Lorangrorn should be more of a skirmish.

Granted, keeping all your lords alive with this strategy is almost impossible, and the slaughter is
unbelievable, but it's a hectic and fun way to fight a DDR campaign! To make it *really* hard, you can
refuse to recruit Icelords at all...

And hiding Luxor in tunnels is for big girls blouses!

To gain entrance to Morkins prison, you can either take the long route from the Pit of Fildrak in the extreme
NE corner of Icemark, or the shorter (but one-way) path in from a Gate on the edge of the forest NE
of Lorelorn's city. Watch out for the fork in the tunnel though! The path to Morkin branches off to the West
at one point, the other is a dead end.

Recruitment: I've found that knowing the *precise* recruitment algoritm detracts from the gameplay a bit.
But some hints:

Recruitment is mostly based on how similar the two leader's personalities are. The more personality
attributes in common, the more likely an approach is to succeed. If you are *not* the leige of a character,
then take extreme care when approaching a "loyal" lord, as he is far less likely to desert his leigelord.
"Treacherous" lords, on the other hand, are more likely to jump into bed with whoever comes along. Don't
leave treacherous lords alone, or they may desert again!
If a character is neither teacherous nor loyal then it's purely down to compatible personalities. The
Crowns/Runes/Spell are also an aid to recruitment.

The Runes make the bearer unkillable in battle, which is handy for Rorthron, or you could give them to
Firak and go on a killing rampage ;-) The Crowns gather all your lords to Luxor or Morkins location when
used, and the Spell immediately transports Tarithel to Morkin. Do *not* use the Spell at the end of the day,
otherwise Tarithel and Morkin will be stuck in the same location and will fight, possibly killing one or both!

That should do it for starters ;-)

Best strategy for DDR, Fey original movement.

House rules: No recruiting Icelords. No using tunnels, except for return of Morkin and Tarithel. All main
characters must survive, carrying their artefacts. Shareth dead. Gather as many other lords as you can.

Speed is of the essence. Whatever happens, go north as fast as you can. If a Lord is missing, go north.
Somebody will pick runaways later.
Day 1:
Luxor goes to the north (3), turns northwest and moves until night.
Tarithel picks up Imorthorn, ends day 1 square east of Carorthand.
Rorthorn goes to the north (3) than northeast.
Imorthorn goes towards Thigrand.

Day 2:
Luxor continues to go to the north, towards City of Imgorad.
Tarithel picks up Carorthand, Thormand and by using 2 Flames ends day in the northern edge of Forest of
Glorthorn, heading to City of Glormane.
Rorthorn turns south, picks Careneon, NE to Kahudrarg. Ends day near Fortress of Firak.
Imorthorn pick Thigrand, than goes to City of Carorthane, ending day there.
Carorthand goes NE towards Thigrak.
Send Thormand to City of Glireon (!). Thigrand should start serching Forest of Fangrim. ;)
Careneon moves S and rests.
Kahudrarg moves NE as far as he can go.

Day 3:

Luxor picks Imgorad, heading to Thorthak.

Tarithel picks Glormane, after that goes to Torelorn.
Carorthand ends day out of Forest of Fangrim, one day to Thigrak.
Rorthorn ends day south of fortress of Anvortun.
Careneon picks Anvortheon and Torinarg. All three do whatever you want.
Kahudrarg picks Varangrand. Both do whatever you want.
Imorthorn is going to use "southern route". Ends day south of Fortress of Thigrand.
Carorthane is going to Berormane, then to Tharand.

Day 4:

Luxor picks Thorthak, goes north to Carormand.

Thigrak is going to pick Dwarves to the East, Carorthand is looking for Imulorn.
Tarithel picks Torelorn. Torelorn is going to Thelak, Tarithel to Thatruk.
Glormane is going to Lorangrarg.
Rorthorn picks Anvorthun and Lorangrorn. Lorangrorn goes east to Varatrarg.
Imorthorn picks Lorangrim. Imorthorn goest to Thorthand, Lorangrim goes to Berormorn then Imortesh.

Day 5:

Luxor picks Carormand and continues to go north (beware of Anvildrak!)

Carormand picks Glortharg.
Rorthorn is going to Thangrad, Thortheon...

Days to come:

Keep advancing on all fronts. Luxor should send scouts advancing to check for
Giants. There is no need fo hurry any more. If Anvildrak & Co are coming, send
Thorthak, Careneon and a couple of Barbarians to break them apart. If
Carangrane is coming, stay on plains and wait until Carangrane (he is fast) is
in front of Giant swarm.
Rorthorn is advancing via Thortheon, Ganigrorn, Torelak, Imgenarg, Varangrim.
This route is not mandatory. Rorthorn shoul run after Giants, wherever they are.

Tarithel may help recruiting Dwarfs or keep her between Glormane and Hagudril as
a scout.

Thormand has reached Glireon and you can find out what is Shareth up to.

Feys shout advance along eastern edge of the map via Carorthay towards Glireon.
Start taking fortresses and cities along the route. All Feys should end at

Wherever Carangrane is, rest of Giants will also be. Advance them to Glireon.

As soon as you have two spare Dwarves send them do defend straight line SE of
Glireon. When you get there, you may start advancing several dwarfs EXACTLY to
the NE. They should start advance, but keep on that line. Keep them fresh. As a
help, SE of Glireon line passes one square south of City of Imgorarg.

Barbarians should advance and group at Fortress of Thortheon. Send somebody fast
to start taking Icelord fortresses south of Forest of Farorn.

Now strategy depends on what Shareth is up to.

If Shareth is at Glireon, waiting, approach with Barbarians from west, Dwarves

from southeast and Feys from North, taking fortresses along the route. Cowards
should "refill" garrisons and bring fresh troops from south. Attack Glireon with
odds at least 2:1.

Advance with Luxor towards Glireon. Keep him on straight line from Glireon
(south or west) covered with couple of characters as bodygard one square closer
to Glireon.

If Shareth is going to Luxor, check who is going to be attacked first - Dwarfs

or Barbarians. Apply following tactics:
After the first day of battle, send four characters one square from battle one
square towards Luxor. Let everybody else from that group rest. On second day,
Shareth should be alone with four of your characters. Keep moving in Luxor's
direction, one group should fihgt Shareth and any escort, other group shoud slow
down other Icelords. You will lose this battle, almost the whole race shall be
wiped out by Icelords.

It will be easy to kill Shareth with other group. You should win that battle
comfortably. Apply the same tactics, forcing Shareth to fight with several
caharcters. Retreat.

If something ugly happens, remember that you are fast. Use a couple Flames and
escape to Glireon by that time in hands of a Fey. Reinforce Dwarfs and

Fey lords commanding warriors should spend most of their time searching for
Spell of Thigrorn, Runes of Finorn or Crowns. Morkin with Crown or Carudrium
should go to the Gate of Varenorn and wait until Shareth is dead.

If you play this way, you will seldom get bored. Some character will always
escape and you will be forced to crate small task forces with quests "Find
runaway Firak", etc.

Don't bother taking fortress with Luxor. If Luxor needs to fight, you are
playing something wrong.

Have fun.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Kay [mailto:davenich@...]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 2:05 PM
Subject: [midnight] Re: Doomdark's Revenge Tactics

DDR is a very different quantity from LoM, mainly because the characters in
the game are less story-driven in their actions, and therefore less
predictable. Still, I tend to start each game in the same way:

Luxor turns southwest and recruits Torinarg the Barbarian. After this he
goes north, Luxor is not really good at recruiting Barbarians, but he can
usually convince the more powerful ones, which is all you need.

One tip with Luxor is to try to capture a fortress with him early on. I find
Firak the Barabrian hard to recruit, so I usually attack his home. It can be
tricky, but once Luxor has a fortress in his name, he has a supply of Free
troops, which can be a great safety valve if battles go against you.

Rorthron goes east into the mists to find Careneon the Barbarian. You need
to find him on day 1 (I can't remember the exact path to take, but he can be
reached by Rorthron) otherwise he tends to travel with Varangrand and is
hard to get.

Both Rorthron and Luxor head north towards Thortheon, recruiting as many
barbarians as they can before they get there, Once there, you can either
send Rorthron straight north, or east into the dwarf lands. North means he
will usually encounter Giants, while going east often allows him to pick up
a few stray icelords.

Keep Luxor at Thortheon. Shareth will head for him in time, and you cans
tack the fortress with your onw lords, and you will see her coming. Send
lords (and rorthron) to scout Shareth's army, and pick off (recruit) any
single Icelords you find.

Tarithel turns south and recruits the fey lord to the south of her (can't
remember his name). Then she turns north to recruit Imorthorn. This lord is
an excellent recruiter of Fey, I tend to keep him in the forest, heading
east to recruit other fey, starting with Torothane (almost straight east).

Tarithel herself, recruits a fey to the west of Imorthorn (Carorthane, I

think) and then goes north, hopefully picking up Thormand on her way into
the Dwarf lands. Thormad's (I think it's Thormand) fortress is almost
directly noth of Caror-whatever, so it's easy to find even in the mist. If
recruited, I use him as Tarithel's travelling companion; her path becomes
more treacherous from now on.

Once in the Dwarf lands, you can go either north (towards Glormane) or east
along the mountains towards Carorthay. Dwarfs are resonably easy for
Tarithel to recruit, starting with Imulorn and Carorthay. Glormane himself
tends to be tricky, I usually end up fighting against him.

My general tactic is to recruit as amny lords as possible, and hold the

Fortress of Thortheon and the City of Glormane against attack. It's about a
3-4 day journey between these two places, so you can reinfoce one from the
other in an emergency. Don't hesitate to try recruiting Giants and Icelords,
Carangrane the Giant is an excellent ally, and Luxor can usually recruit him
with ease. once you have him, the other giants are easier to get.

That's my help; others here might have their own take on game tactics.

Traithel can also recruit Imulorn the Dwarf on same day as she recruits Thormand and Rorthrorn
needs to stop before nightfull to recruit Caraneon and kahudrarg.
and if Caraneon heads south east, he ends up at his fortress to pick up more troops
Anvortheon is usually one square directly south of his fortress next morning and Torinarg can also
be recruited with carefull movememnt of caraneon

 Traithel can also recruit Imulorn the Dwarf on same day as

> she recruits Thormand

That causes one day delay. Getting Glormane is more important than Imulorn.

I usually try to create a defensive line between the Fortress of Thortheon

and the City of Glormane. Each position can reinforce the other in 3-4
days, which is usually enough time. Cowards I leave at the hall of
obortharg, to stop those accursed Ice Trolls from coming back. Otheriwse
cowards stay near Luxor, who is bound to be attacked.

One other thing I try to go is use Luxor to capture a fortress or city

early in the game, as having a source of fresh free warriors is
invaluable. However this only works about 1 game in 3.

I send Tarithel north to recruit dwarfs as soon as possible. Imorthorn can

recruit the fey, then I send the fey to Glormane to join dwarfs and any
icelords recruited early.

Rorthron gets as many barbarians as he can, then looks for stray icelords,
as does tarithel once she has run out of dwarfs to go for. Giants and
barbarians stock the fortress of Thortheon, and this is often where I
leave Luxor too.

Quite often I find Shareth comes hard against the mountains but still
through the dwarven plains to reach Luxor at Thortheon. So I can mount a
major assault with my forces from Glormane, plus harry her forces as they
get closer to Thortheon. This means Luxor faces a vastly reduced assault,
and can be reinforced by Glormane survivors and newly receruited icelords.

While this huge fight goes on, Tarithel journeys north to get Morkin.

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