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Hello, I'm really pleased that you've taken this quantum leap of faith.
Next, I'll provide the instructions on how you can progress through
each module, in which you'll find the powerful frequencies that will
enable your spiritual awakening.

In each section, you will find the correct way in which you should
listen to them. I hope you enjoy your journey on this path to
consciousness awakening and accomplish each of your goals.

What is the correct way to

listen the frequencies?

Once you begin your journey, you will encounter various highly
powerful frequencies, distributed across different modules.
Each one has been designed to assist you in achieving your spiritual
healing goals, activating the pineal gland, and elevating your
consciousness, among other things.

Each of us is a unique and distinct universe, so I recommend you

follow the general instructions and adapt them to your individual
process. Remember that you're not alone on this path, and you can
always count on our support.



You can listen to the audio tracks at two points during the day: in the
morning between 5 and 6 am, and in the evening just before going to
At these times, your pineal gland produces higher levels of melatonin
(especially before 5 am). If you decide to listen before sleep, it's crucial
that you completely clear your mind and refrain from any activities
after listening.

This should be the last thing you do in the day. Seek a dark place, or
one with very little light, where there are no distractions, noises, or
anything that might disturb the peace and tranquility you're about to

Allocate at least 10 minutes of your time to internalize each of the

audio tracks and receive the power each one grants you. Listen to the
audio tracks, in just the right measure and according to their duration.

Once they end, remain silent, allowing yourself to feel any emotions
that might surface, the strange sensations, or the deep peace you can

You can follow the modules in order, completing the 33 days, or

according to your goals you can alternate them in the following way: if
you decide on the morning schedule, you will listen to the pineal gland
activation frequencies, then do one of the Gateway meditations and
give yourself some introspective space in which you can assimilate the

If you decide to listen to them at night, start with the pineal gland
activation audios and then with the CIA frequencies. You can repeat
this process for the 33 days.

It's natural to feel overwhelmed, for complex emotions to surface that

you don't understand, or to simply feel strange, but this is part of the
healing process: you need to purge and release negativity to make
room for positivity and rejuvenate your life, paving the way for self-
healing. Pineal gland decalcification frequencies are designed to
stimulate and activate it.

They might seem strange or even cause a bit of fear, but once you
manage to assimilate them, everything will feel peaceful. It is
recommended that you listen to ONE audio per day; when you finish
day 5, you will start day 6 with audio number 1, and so on, until you
complete 33 days.

(This is the time it takes for your gland to get stimulated and start
generating positive changes.)
**My recommendation is to listen to one audio per day**


1-5 1-5

1-5 6-10

1-5 11-15

1-5 16-20

1-5 21-25


1-5 31-33

You can apply this same relationship to the other modules; you
can combine them, but remember you should only listen to one
pineal gland audio.

As for the other modules, like the meditations, you can listen to
these as many times as you feel necessary for your process.

That is, one pineal gland audio and one Gateway meditation (you
can repeat this one more than once).
The CIA frequencies can be listened to in two ways: daily if you
felt comfortable listening to them, and every two days if they
made you feel strange.

These frequencies contain sounds that are imperceptible to the

conscious part of our brain, so we recommend listening to the
first one and taking a moment to reflect on whether it's better
for you to listen to them daily or every two days.

The frequencies of the CIA, the pineal gland decalcification, and

Gateway meditations, should not go unlistened for a maximum
period of 48 hours or the results may diminish or the process may not
be effective.

Remember to eliminate distractions, if you need to repeat the audio,

take a moment to retain the results, take a deep breath, and continue
calmly with the process, avoiding distractions from your cellphone or
other electronic devices.

It's normal that this may initially be challenging, as human beings are
often overwhelmed with information and constantly thinking about
something, but as you progress, you will be able to clear your mind to
make space for new information that the universe has prepared for

Each of the bonuses is a supplement that will help nourish your

consciousness awakening process. You might be wondering about the
correct way to listen to them, but the truth is that you should adapt
them to your needs to take full advantage of them. Remember, your
brain doesn't function the same as others, as your mind is unique and
irreplaceable. However, here are some recommendations that can
guide you more effectively:

Harmonic chakra: The Vibrant

Path to activate the energy
flow of the 7 chakras

These frequencies are a complement that will help you nourish your
process, it is not necessary that you follow a strict order or that you
must listen to them uninterruptedly as is the case with the pineal gland
decalcification audios, which should not stop listening for more than
48 hours or the process could be affected.

These frequencies, I recommend you listen to them in the established

order, however you are free to repeat them or change their order
according to your own needs. Finally, listen to these frequencies at
least 3 times a week in order to guarantee its benefits.
Theta brain Waves
of Astral Projection

These enigmatic frequencies were designed to facilitate the experience

of astral travel, as they have a direct impact on your brain waves,
allowing you to enter a state of deep concentration. My
recommendation is to listen to them JUST BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP.

Don't forget to eliminate any distractions before you begin. When you
sleep, you enter a deep trance state where your brain is more active,
making it the best time to connect with the universe. It doesn't matter
if you fall asleep while listening, this is completely normal: your
subconscious will continue to listen.
Remember, your brain is more active while you sleep, so don't worry.

These frequencies you see here are the most important. Within these
frequencies, you'll find two types. One type includes guided
meditations, and the other contains only the frequencies created by
the CIA through Hemi-Sync. The way you should listen to them is as

The "Gateway" meditations are the most powerful of all. The idea is for
you to engage in one of these meditations at least once a week. You
can do this at the end of the week after you've listened to the other

As your brain will be trained, you will be more receptive to them. I

recommend listening to one at least once a week because these
frequencies are extensive in duration and most people do not have the
time to listen to them. Ideally, you should develop a schedule with your
daily agenda to plan when you should listen to these audios.
Try to listen to them without having eaten anything for two hours, as
this will help your body avoid secondary processes like digestion,
which can obstruct the results.

The second type of frequencies, the "Gateway" frequencies, you can

listen to at any moment you wish. Due to their simple synchronizing
effect, you can synchronize your hemispheres whenever you desire.
Ideally, you should listen to these frequencies at least twice a week.

Remember, during your entire process, you should not neglect to listen
daily to the pineal gland audio. If we want the frequencies to work, this
sacred organ must be revitalized.



If you have already completed the process, what you can do now is to
listen to the frequencies with which you felt the greatest harmony,
making them a part of your daily routine. Think of it this way: it's like
never stopping training your body once you start going to the gym.

The same goes for the frequencies, even if you have completed the
recommended 33 days, by making them a part of your routine, you
ensure that your process won't be lost or interrupted in the future.

I hope you enjoy your journey on this path to awakening

consciousness and achieve each of your goals.


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