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Destination image and loyalty development:

the impact of tourists’ food experiences at
gastronomic events

José A. Folgado-Fernández, José M. Hernández-Mogollón & Paulo Duarte

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Destination image and loyalty development: the impact of

tourists’ food experiences at gastronomic events
José A. Folgado-Fernándeza , José M. Hernández-Mogollónb and Paulo Duartec
Financial Economics and Accounting Department, University of Extremadura, Plasencia, Spain; bBusiness
Management and Sociology Department, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain; cManagement and
Economy Department, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal


This paper discusses an analysis of the impact of tourists’ food Received 3 December 2014
experiences at gastronomic events on destination image and Accepted 25 July 2016
these events’ contribution to both destination and event loyalty.
Data were collected with a survey conducted during two Gastronomic tourism;
renowned Spanish gastronomic festivals: the Cherry Blossom destination image; tourism
Festival, in the Jerte Valley, and the National Cheese Fair, in management; tourist events;
Trujillo. A total of 616 valid responses were obtained and analysed loyalty
using the partial least squares path modelling technique. The
results show that gastronomic experiences have a positive effect
on destination image and loyalty. Furthermore, destinations’
structural elements have a significant relationship to destination
brand but not to destination loyalty. Loyalty to gastronomic
events is positively correlated with event brand and destination
brand and image. Together, these elements have a positive
relationship to destination loyalty. This study provides a novel
approach to gastronomic experiences associated with place
branding. The findings indicate that managers need to coordinate
the different branding strategies of public and private
administrators to focus these on emphasising the value of
destinations’ structural elements and events’ brand and, thereby,
enhancing tourists’ loyalty.

Gastronomic tourism is an emerging phenomenon attracting millions of tourists who are
motivated to travel by activities related to food experiences; the quality, variety and
uniqueness of local products; and the opportunity to experience exclusive events
(Kivela, 2006). Gastronomic tourism is also becoming a significant area of growth for des-
tinations, and it is regarded as a great marketing opportunity (Henderson, 2009) since a
third of tourists’ spending is devoted to food (Quan & Wang, 2004). Based on the relevant
literature (Boniface, 2003; Hall & Mitchell, 2001; Hall & Sharples, 2003; Long, 2004), food or
gastronomic tourism can be defined as an intentional, experiential trip to a gastronomic
region for recreational or entertainment purposes. Hall and Mitchell (2001) indicate that
gastronomic tourism can include visits to food producers, gastronomic festivals, food
fairs and events, restaurants, farmers’ markets, cooking shows and demonstrations and

CONTACT José A. Folgado-Fernández Financial Economics and Accounting Department,

University of Extremadura, Avda. Virgen del Puerto s/n, 10600 Plasencia (Cáceres), Spain
© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

are unique to the host destinations and that can be used to support destination-branding
strategies. This authentic quality can be achieved by creating alternative opportunities for
food producers, especially in rural areas, and transforming local resources related to food
into well-organised tourist attractions, thereby increasing the number of tourists’ visits and
strengthening these visitors’ loyalty.
Regarding practical implications, these findings can be used as a strategic tool for defin-
ing public policies promoting the development of food event experiences that enhance
destination image and loyalty. The proposed model can serve as a platform for managerial
analyses and discussions of how to use gastronomic events successfully to consolidate
destination image and increase regions’ attractiveness. Managers need to ensure distinct,
coherent destination images and coordinate food-related events associated with host des-
tinations, as these are important ways to attract potential tourists who want to experience
regional foods at particular destinations and reinforce these tourists’ destination loyalty.
This study and its findings, despite the above potential for practical applications, have
several limitations. One limitation arises out of the constructs’ definitions due to the
limited research conducted on the specific topic of gastronomic events. The sample’s
partial nature, which meant that only gastronomic events in a restricted geographical
area were analysed, should also be noted. Generalisation of the findings should thus be
done carefully since this study only addressed two events in a specific country and
region and any interpretation of the results is necessarily confined by the research context.
Future research needs to replicate this study in other locations and events, with the
necessary adjustments. The current findings can be assessed in future studies focusing
on the correlation between gastronomic events and destination loyalty, in order to
confirm these results and explain structural elements’ inability to predict destination
loyalty. A further interesting future direction would be to examine the differences
between those tourists attending an event for the first time and those who are repeat

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Notes on contributors
José A. Folgado‐Fernández is a professor in the Department of Financial Economics and Accounting
in the University of Extremadura, Spain. Prior to his academic career, he worked in managing several
service companies. He was given a PhD Extraordinary Award. His research is focused on tourism
events, branding and destination management. He has published several papers in specialised jour-
nals. He is also reviewer of international journals.
José M. Hernández‐Mogollón is a professor at the Department of Business Management and Soci-
ology, Faculty of Business Administration and Tourism, University of Extremadura, Spain. He holds a
Ph.D. in Economics and Business Management, and he is the author of various papers in Spanish and
international journals and chapters in edited volumes. His research interests are marketing and
tourism management.
Paulo Duarte is professor of marketing at the Management and Economics Department at the Uni-
versity of Beira Interior, Portugal. Prior to receiving his Ph.D. in Management at the University of Beira
Interior, he held a senior marketing position in a fast moving consumer goods distribution company.

Academically, he has been doing research in the fields of consumer behaviour, tourism manage-
ment, satisfaction, brand management, online buying behaviour and Partial Least Squares, having
published articles on these topics, and having received the best paper award in several international
conferences. He is also reviewer and member of the editorial board of several international journals.

José A. Folgado-Fernández
José M. Hernández-Mogollón
Paulo Duarte

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