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Quiz (Linear Law)

Name: ……………………………………………… Class: 4B

1. The table below shows the values of the variables x and y which are obtained from an experiment.
Both variables are related by the equation y = 10k p x , where k and p are constants.
x 4 6 8 10 12 14
y 22.4 63.1 158.5 446.7 1 202.3 3 162.3
(a) Plot log10 y against x, using a scale of 2 cm to 2 units on the x-axis and 2 cm to 0.5 unit on the
log10 y -axis. Hence, draw the line of best fit. [4 marks]
(b) Use your graph in (a) to find the value of
(i) k,
(ii) p,
(iii) y when x = 9. [6 marks]

y 3 3 x(7 − x) . A straight line graph is obtained by

2. The variables x and y are related by the equation=
plotting against x, as shown in Diagram 1.

 (5, u)

 x
0 (w, 0)
Diagram 1
Find the value of u and of w. [3 marks]
3. Diagram 2 shows the line of best fit for the graph xy against x.


Q(3, 5)

 R(5, 1)
Diagram 2
Express y in terms of x. [2 marks]

4. The variables x and y are related by equation 2 y = (m − 1) x + , such that m is a constant. Diagram 3
shows a straight line graph of RS obtained by plotting xy against x2.

R(0, 5n)

 x2
Diagram 3
(a) Express the equation 2 y = (m − 1) x + in the linear form used to obtain the straight line graph as
shown in Diagram 3.
(b) Given the gradient of the straight line RS is –3, find the value of m and of n. [5 marks]

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