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This project will be a qualitative investigation researching into the representation of

Muslims and the Islamic world within film and TV. We are currently in the process of
gathering data from several films and TV shows in which there is an inclusion of Muslim
characters or the Islamic world. We are focussing on scenes involving speech directed at,
involving or discussing either Muslim characters or the Islamic world in general. The
language that is used within this discourse in the film and TV shows will be analysed by
applying a critical discourse analysis framework. Popular movies and TV shows will be
examined in particular due to most of them receiving acclaim, despite criticism they recived
in representing Muslims. Some of these include The Bodyguard, Aladdin, Elite, The Kingdom
and so on. An emphasis will be put on the TV show The Bodyguard due to the abundance of
language used in relation to Muslims and how this language pushes a certain ideology. The
data that is gathered will be separated depending on the stereotype/ ideology it alludes to.
For example, language used in relation to the presentation of Muslims women will be
examined in comparison to that of Muslim men. However, the overarching meaning and
ideology that these movies and TV shows present will be concluded.

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