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192 - The creature in Affo was an attempted diety, one that failed. One of mending.
They go by the Mender - share art. They were laid to rest in an tomb that has not
been discovered by modern man.

168 - Soul tears do not inherently make one violent. Instead the nature and ideals
of the plane they travel to fill them and replace their personality and soul... so
they had to come from a violent place to act this way initially. And the infection
is just spreading the power of the plane to other people. Share plane map!

144 - The implication of traveling beyond The Divide means they'd have to go to
some other plane beyond the divide. One of the gods domains.

120 - There is text where an ancient creature in Affo was capable of healing the
soul. It doesn't specifically say what the creature was, but it does mention Ell
Ariwai. Details on Affo as well.

96 - The wounds are called soul tears and come from traveling past the divide
without proper protection. They're very rare as people haven't traveled past the
divide outside of powerful creatures transporting them there. Explain the Divide.

72 - This is a wound on the soul and innately magic. The blue mist is the original
soul leaking out. Once someone has the wound, they gain the ability to inflict
others with it.

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