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1BBC radio show.

Breaking news people! It is almost time for the release of the metaverse as Mark Zuckerberg the
CEO of meta has just announced it’s nearing release. The metaverse is a vision of what many in
the computer industry believe is the next iteration of the internet: a single, shared,
immersive, persistent, 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways they
could not in the physical world.
The metaverse would be accessed through the use of VR headsets and Augmented Reality
glasses. Now, the metaverse would be used to do various things such as Gaming and
Simple taking a break from the sad reality we live in, multiple companies also plan to set
their roots into the Metaverse such companies would be Epic Games which is most known
for fortnite but also Bigger companies such as Microsoft. Microsoft plans to implement
Microsoft Teams into the Metaverse to make online meetings more collaborative, the new
service would include A.I. powered tools for session management, special rendering, avatars
and so much more.
A lot of things will also have a rise when the metaverse releases, one of such is the NFT.
In the metaverse anything you make can be considered an NFT, did you create a beautiful
world filled with luscious green forests? Turn that virtual piece of real estate into an NFT and
you can trade or sell it to someone. This could possibly lead to new jobs such as a
professional World Builder who could create and sell pieces of real estate they created
themselves even artist would be more common as the most basic form of NFT is art.
Anyways its time for the next news broadcast, but make sure to keep your heads up for the
release of metaverse.

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