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Potato family eg-Solanum nigrum.

1. Habit-mostly herbs and shrubs, rarely trees,
2. Root-tap root, branched
3. Stem-Erect, woody, aerial, cylindrical, branched, hairy.
4. Leaves.Simple, Alternate, reticulate venation.
Floral Character
5. Inflorescence- Solitary, Cymose, sometimes axillary. ,
6. Flower-Bisexual, actinomorphic, Complete, pedicellate,hypogynous.
7. Calyx Sepals 5. gamosepalous, persistent, valvate aestivation.
8. Corolla. Petals 5, gamopetalous, valvate aestivation
9. Androecium- Stamens five, epipetalous, Anther dithecous with apical pore.
10. Gynoecium-Bicarpellary Syncarpous, bilocular, ovary superior, placenta swollen with
many ovules, ovary obliquely placed - (due to turning of the posterior carpel to the right and
anterior carpel to the left)
11. Fruit- Berry with persistent calyx-eq-Brinjal tomato.
12. Seed-Many, endospermic
Economically Important plants:
Food- Solanum tuberosum –Potato
Solanum melongena – Brinjal
Lycopersicon esculentum – Tomato
Medicine- Withania somnifera-Ashwagadha
Atropa belladona –belladona
Petunia exserta – Petunia
Capsicum annuum – Chilli
Nicotiana tabacum- Tobacco

Floral Formula-

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