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The GTP replayer utility tool can be found here:


#-server -Xms128m -Xmx512m$INSTALL_DIR/tmp -XX:+UseG1GC -

Dlog4j2.configurationFile==sig-firewall-gtp-pcap-replayer-log4j2.xml -"$SIG_FIREWALL_GTP_TRUSTSTORE_PATH" -"$SIG_FIREWALL_GTP_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD" \

Installation –

1. Copy the tar artefact onto a NIF or APP node.

2. Extract the tar artefact
$cd /opt/engine/
$ tar xvf <path-to-tar-file>/sig-firewall-gtp-pcap-replayer-1.1.4.tar

3. Configure the EWOK load director settings

$ cd /opt/engine/conf
$ cp examples/ .

Edit the provide file to set site

specific values of the load director(s)
# Comma separated list of load director hosts

# Comma separated list of load director ports

4. Configure the log file location

$ cd /opt/engine/conf
$ cp examples/sig-firewall-gpt-pcap-replayer-log4j.xml .

Edit the provide sig-firewall-gtp-pcap-replayer-log4j.xml file to set site specific

log file location
<!-- ************************************************************************** -->

<!-- * FILE - Application Messages * -->

<!-- ************************************************************************** -->
<appender name="FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="target/signalling-firewall-gtp-pcap-replayer.log" /> <!--
<param name="Append" value="true" />
<param name="MaxFileSize" value="20MB" />
<param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="20" />
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS} %c{1} %p - %m%n"

Running the Utility Application –

The application is called sigfirewallgtppcapreplayer and is installed in

$ /opt/engine/bin/sigfirewallgtppcapreplayer

The following command line arguments are supported

-r <pcap file name> - Specifices the input pcap file. Multiple input files can be
specified, i.e. -r file1.pcap -r file2.pcap
-v0 - Only replay GTP V0 messages.
-v1 - Only replay GTP V1 messages.
-v2 - Only replay GTP V2 messages.
Note that these flags can be used in combination, i.e. '-v0 -v1' replays both V0
and V1 messages. If neither -v0, -v1, nor -v2 is specified then all packets
regardless of GTP version are replayed.

-m <messagetype> - Only replay GTP message of type <messagetype>. Multiple message

types can be specified, I.e. -m 32 - m 33
-p <port> - Only replay GTP message whose destination port is <port>. Multiple
message ports can be specified.
-s <ipAddress> - Only replay GTP message source IP is <ipAddress>. Multiple source
IP addresses can be specified
-d <ipAddress> - Only replay GTP message destination IP is <ipAddress>. Multiple
destination IP addresses can be specified
-b <burst> - Replay the GTP traffic in bursts of <burst> packets at a time
(defaults to 1)
-g <delay> - Inter burst gap in millseconds between sent traffic (default to 1000)
-g 5000 -b 10 -r pcap

So, for example the options -b10 -g 10 would send 10 packets in bursts of 10 every
10 milliseconds, i.e at an overall TPS of 1000
-l <loop> - Number of times to loop through the input pcap files (default 1)

/opt/engine/bin/sigfirewallgtppcapreplayer -r /opt/engine/bin/test_2G.pcap -l 1 -


$ /opt/engine/bin/sigfirewallgtppcapreplayer -r gtp-traffic.pcap -b 20 -g 100 -l

Would replay all the traffic from gtp-traffic.pcap 1000 times at a TPS of 200.
[engine@tcbrs1-app01 bin]$ ./ -op:e -val:engine
PropertyEncryptionHelper{_bUseDefaultValues=true, _sKeyValue='Mobileum',
_sKeyValueLength='128', _sSaltValue='mueliboM', _sPropertyValue='null',
[Property] Original: engine --> Encrypted:
[engine@tcbrs1-app01 bin]$

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