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Practice Problems

Note: In case of programming problem, write your code in Java or Python Only.
1 What is a quad tree and Octrees, and what are their applications?

A Quadtree is a tree data structure in which each internal node has exactly four children,
representing four quadrants of a two-dimensional space. The space is recursively
subdivided, and each node represents a region in the space. Quadtrees are commonly
used for spatial indexing, partitioning a 2D space into smaller regions efficiently.

Applications of Quadtrees:

1. Image Compression: Quadtrees are used in image compression algorithms,

where regions of similar color or intensity are grouped together, and the tree
structure helps in efficiently representing and encoding these regions.
2. Geographical Information Systems (GIS): Quadtrees are employed in GIS
applications for spatial indexing and searching. They help organize and query
geographical data efficiently.
3. Fractal Representation: Quadtree structures are utilized in representing fractal
patterns, where each quadrant of a region is further subdivided to represent
intricate details.


An Octree is an extension of the Quadtree concept to three-dimensional space. Each

internal node of an Octree has eight children, corresponding to eight octants in 3D
space. Similar to Quadtrees, Octrees recursively subdivide 3D space.

Applications of Octrees:

1. 3D Computer Graphics: Octrees are widely used in 3D computer graphics for

representing and managing volumetric data, such as 3D models, terrain, or voxel-
based scenes. They facilitate efficient spatial queries and rendering.
2. Ray Tracing: In computer graphics and rendering, Octrees assist in speeding up
ray tracing algorithms by organizing and subdividing the 3D space to quickly
determine intersections between rays and objects.
3. Medical Imaging: Octrees find applications in medical imaging for organizing
and processing volumetric data obtained from techniques like MRI or CT scans.
2 What is an AVL trees? What is balancing factor in AVL tree.

An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree (BST) where the height difference
between the left and right subtrees of any node (known as the balance factor) is at most
one. It was named after its inventors Adelson-Velsky and Landis.

In an AVL tree, for every node:

1. The height of the left subtree and the height of the right subtree differ by at most
2. Both the left and right subtrees are AVL trees.

The balance condition is maintained during insertion and deletion operations, which
involves rotations to rebalance the tree.

Balancing Factor in AVL Tree:

The balancing factor for a node in an AVL tree is defined as the difference between the
height of its left subtree and the height of its right subtree. Mathematically, it is
represented as:

Balance Factor=height(left subtree)−height(right subtree)Balance Factor=height

(left subtree)−height(right subtree)

The balancing factor can have three possible values:

 Balancing Factor = 0: The left and right subtrees have the same height.
 Balancing Factor = 1: The left subtree is one level higher than the right subtree.
 Balancing Factor = -1: The right subtree is one level higher than the left subtree.

When the balancing factor of a node becomes greater than 1 or less than -1, it indicates
that the tree is unbalanced, and rotations are performed to restore balance.

3 What is tail recursion?

Tail Recursion:

Tail recursion is a specific form of recursion in computer science where the recursive call
is the last operation in the function. In other words, the recursive call is the "tail" of the
function, and no additional computation is performed after the recursive call returns. In
a tail recursive function, the result of the recursive call is directly returned without
further manipulation.

Benefits of Tail Recursion:

1. Optimization: Some programming languages and compilers can optimize tail

recursive calls, converting them into iterative loops. This optimization is known as
"tail call optimization" or "tail call elimination." It avoids the risk of a stack
overflow and improves the efficiency of the recursive function.
2. Space Complexity: Tail recursive functions can have a constant space complexity
(O(1)) if tail call optimization is applied. This is because the compiler can reuse
the same stack frame for each recursive call.

4 What is B+ tree? Explain its uses.

B+ Tree:

A B+ tree is a type of self-balancing search tree data structure that maintains sorted
data and allows searches, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. B+ trees are
particularly well-suited for storing large amounts of data on disk or in memory where
efficient searching and sequential access are essential.

Key Characteristics of B+ Trees:

1. Balanced Structure: B+ trees are self-balancing, ensuring that the depth of the
tree is kept minimal. This helps maintain efficient search, insert, and delete
2. Node Structure:
 Internal nodes store keys and pointers to child nodes.
Leaf nodes store keys and a pointer to the next leaf node, forming a linked
3. Sorted Data:
 Keys in each node are stored in sorted order, facilitating efficient search

Uses of B+ Trees:

1. Database Indexing: B+ trees are widely used in database management systems

for indexing. They provide efficient retrieval and range queries, making them
suitable for large-scale databases.
2. File Systems: B+ trees are used in file systems to manage file storage efficiently.
They help in quickly locating and retrieving data blocks.
3. Key-Value Stores: B+ trees are employed in key-value stores to organize and
manage the storage of key-value pairs efficiently.
4. In-memory Databases: B+ trees are utilized in in-memory databases to maintain
sorted data structures efficiently in memory.
5. File Organization: B+ trees are employed in file organization to efficiently
organize and manage records in secondary storage.
6. Geographical Information Systems (GIS): B+ trees are used in GIS to index and
efficiently retrieve spatial data.

5 How to insert, delete, and search in a binary search tree (BST) and their time
Binary Search Tree (BST):
In a Binary Search Tree (BST), each node has at most two children, and for each node:

 All nodes in its left subtree have values less than the node's value.
 All nodes in its right subtree have values greater than the node's value.

Insertion in a BST:

To insert a new key into a BST:

1. Start at the root.

2. If the tree is empty, create a new node as the root with the given key.
3. If the key is less than the current node's key, move to the left subtree.
4. If the key is greater than the current node's key, move to the right subtree.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 until an appropriate empty spot is found, then insert the new

Time Complexity of Insertion: The time complexity of insertion in a balanced BST is

O(log N), where N is the number of nodes. However, in the worst case (unbalanced tree),
it can be O(N), where N is the number of nodes.

Deletion in a BST:

To delete a key from a BST:

1. Find the node containing the key to be deleted.

2. If the node has no children, simply remove it.
3. If the node has one child, replace the node with its child.
4. If the node has two children, find the in-order successor (or predecessor), replace
the node's key with it, and recursively delete the successor.
Time Complexity of Deletion: The time complexity of deletion is also O(log N) in the
average case for a balanced tree. However, it can be O(N) in the worst case for an
unbalanced tree.

Search in a BST:

To search for a key in a BST:

1. Start at the root.

2. If the tree is empty, the key is not found.
3. If the key is equal to the current node's key, the key is found.
4. If the key is less than the current node's key, search in the left subtree.
5. If the key is greater than the current node's key, search in the right subtree.
Time Complexity of Search: The time complexity of searching in a balanced BST is
O(log N). In the worst case (unbalanced tree), it can be O(N), where N is the number of

6 How a stack can be used to evaluate an mathematical expression?

A stack can be used to evaluate a mathematical expression, especially expressions
written in postfix (also known as Reverse Polish Notation) or infix notation. In this
explanation, I'll focus on using a stack to evaluate postfix expressions, as it's a
straightforward and commonly used approach.

Postfix Expression Evaluation Using a Stack:

In postfix notation, operators come after their operands. For example, the infix
expression "3 + 4" is written as "3 4 +" in postfix notation. The stack is used to keep
track of operands and perform operations as they are encountered.

Here are the steps to evaluate a postfix expression using a stack:

1. Initialize an empty stack.

2. Scan the expression from left to right:
 If an operand is encountered, push it onto the stack.
 If an operator is encountered, pop the required number of operands from
the stack, perform the operation, and push the result back onto the stack.
3. The final result is the only element remaining in the stack.

Let's evaluate the postfix expression "3 4 + 5 *":

1. Start with an empty stack: []

2. Scan the expression from left to right:
 Encounter '3': Push onto the stack: [3]
 Encounter '4': Push onto the stack: [3, 4]
 Encounter '+': Pop two operands ('4' and '3'), perform addition, and push
result ('7') onto the stack: [7]
 Encounter '5': Push onto the stack: [7, 5]
 Encounter '*': Pop two operands ('5' and '7'), perform multiplication, and
push result ('35') onto the stack: [35]
3. The final result is the only element in the stack, which is '35'.

Note: niche wala implementation is not important only for padhne k liye
7 Write a recursive function to check weather a given string is a palindrome.
Certainly! A palindrome is a string that reads the same forwards and backward. To check
whether a given string is a palindrome, you can use a recursive function. Here's a simple Python

In this recursive function:

 The base case checks if the length of the string is less than or equal to 1, in which
case the string is considered a palindrome.
 The recursive case compares the first and last characters of the string. If they are
equal, the function is called recursively with the substring excluding the first and
last characters.
 If the first and last characters are not equal, the string is not a palindrome.
This function will correctly identify whether a given string is a palindrome or not.

8 What are the various collision resolution techniques in hashing? Compare them.
Collision resolution is the process of handling situations where two or more keys hash to
the same location in a hash table. There are several techniques to resolve collisions in
hashing. Here are some common collision resolution techniques, along with a brief

1. Separate Chaining:
 Description: Each bucket in the hash table maintains a linked list of
elements that hash to the same location.
 Pros:
 Simple to implement.
 Efficient for a small number of collisions.
 Cons:
 Requires additional memory for linked lists.
 May result in poor performance for large numbers of collisions.
2. Open Addressing (Probing):
 Description: If a collision occurs, the algorithm searches for the next
available slot in the hash table until an empty slot is found.
 Pros:
 No additional data structures needed.
 Good for small-sized tables and a low load factor.
 Cons:
 Can lead to clustering (groups of occupied slots), affecting
 Hash table needs to be periodically resized.
3. Linear Probing:
 Description: The algorithm checks the next slot in a linear sequence until
an empty slot is found.
 Pros:
 Simple implementation.
 Memory-efficient.
 Cons:
 Clustering can occur.
 Poor cache performance.
4. Quadratic Probing:
Description: The algorithm probes slots with quadratic increments, i.e.,
1^2, 2^2, 3^2, until an empty slot is found.
 Pros:
 Reduces primary clustering compared to linear probing.
 Cons:
 May still exhibit clustering.
 Requires extra computation.
5. Double Hashing:
 Description: The algorithm uses a secondary hash function to calculate
the step size for probing.
 Pros:
 Reduces clustering.
 Less sensitive to the load factor.
 Cons:
 Requires a good secondary hash function.
 More complex than linear probing.


 Space Complexity:
 Separate Chaining: Requires additional memory for linked lists.
 Open Addressing: Generally more memory-efficient, as it doesn't require
additional data structures.
 Performance:
 Separate Chaining: Good for a small number of collisions but can
degrade for a large number.
 Open Addressing: Can be more efficient for a low load factor but may
suffer from clustering.
 Complexity:
 Separate Chaining: Simple to implement.
 Open Addressing: More complex, with various probing strategies.
 Cache Performance:
 Separate Chaining: Poorer cache performance due to scattered linked
 Open Addressing: Can have better cache performance if clustering is
 Load Factor Sensitivity:
 Separate Chaining: Sensitive to the load factor.
 Open Addressing: Less sensitive to the load factor, especially with double

The choice of collision resolution technique depends on factors such as the expected
number of keys, the distribution of keys, and the desired trade-offs between simplicity,
space efficiency, and runtime performance. Each technique has its strengths and
weaknesses, and the optimal choice may vary depending on the specific use case.

9 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of recursive and iterative

approaches for solving a problem (take example of factorial of a number).
Criteria Recursive Approach Iterative Approach
Advantage: Iterative code can also be
Advantage: Recursive code can be clear and concise, especially for
more readable, especially for problems problems that naturally fit iterative
Readability that have a recursive nature. solutions.
Advantage: Recursive implementation
is often more straightforward and Advantage: Iterative implementation
Ease of mirrors the problem's mathematical can be more direct and closer to the
Implementation formulation. problem statement in certain cases.
Disadvantage: Recursive calls Advantage: Iterative solutions
consume more memory due to the typically have lower memory overhead
function call stack. May lead to a stack as they use a single loop. Less risk of a
Memory Usage overflow for large inputs. stack overflow.
Advantage: Iterative solutions can be
Disadvantage: Recursive solutions may more efficient in terms of runtime
have higher function call overhead and performance, especially for problems
Performance may be less efficient for large inputs. with a simple iterative structure.
Advantage: Some languages support
tail call optimization, which can
optimize certain tail-recursive Disadvantage: Not applicable in all
Tail Call functions, mitigating the risk of a stack programming languages, and not all
Optimization overflow. iterative structures benefit from it.
Advantage: Recursive solutions can be Disadvantage: Iterative solutions can
concise, requiring fewer lines of code sometimes be longer due to explicit
Code Length for certain problems. looping constructs.
Advantage: Recursive code can be Advantage: Iterative code is often
Ease of harder to debug due to the multiple easier to debug with standard
Debugging levels of function calls. debugging tools.
Applicability to Advantage: Recursive solutions are Advantage: Iterative solutions are
Problems suitable for problems with a recursive suitable for problems with a sequential
nature or a divide-and-conquer or iterative structure.
Criteria Recursive Approach Iterative Approach

10 Write a function to find the height of tree.

Certainly! The height of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf node.
Here's a simple Python implementation of a function to find the height of a binary tree:
11 Write a program to implement a sparse matrix.
A sparse matrix is a matrix in which most of the elements are zero. To efficiently represent and
work with sparse matrices, you can use a data structure that only stores the non-zero elements
along with their row and column indices. Here's a simple Python program to implement a sparse
matrix using a list of lists:
12 Write a program to parenthesis balancing?
Balancing parentheses in an expression is a common problem in computer science and
programming. You can use a stack data structure to implement a program to check whether
parentheses in an expression are balanced. Here's a simple Python program:

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