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GE Interview Experience Sept 2021

Round 1: Online test- CoCubes platform

The test had 2 sections:
● Aptitude: In this section, the knowledge of all common quants and logical
questions were tested.
● Coding: This part included 2 questions. The first question was to print the
alternate digits in a number, and the second one was a string comparison

Round 2: Technical Round( 30 minutes)

This round started with my introduction. Then the interviewer asked questions
from my areas of interest:
● Difference between Machine learning and Deep Learning.
● Name any five important Machine Learning algorithms.
● What is KNN algorithm and how does it work?
● What is K-Means algorithm?
● What is Genetic Programming?
● What is ILP?
● What is Evolutionary Function?
● What is training data?
● What is Join() in Python?
● What does map() function do in python?
● Object Oriented Programming- Classes, Object, Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Inheritance, and Polymorphism.
● Different types of Inheritance.
● Can an Object be created outside a class?
● Any questions for me?

Round 3: Managerial Round( 30 minutes)

Again this round started with my introduction and one-line explanation of
projects. Other questions asked were:
● What are your strength and weaknesses?
● What do you know about GE?
● Why do you want to join GE?
● Two Scenario-based questions: How will you react when your Manager has got
some issues with your work, and when you have some conflicts with your
teammate how will you resolve this issue?
● Why should we hire you?
● Any questions for me?

Round 4: HR Round( 15 minutes)

Started with my introduction and 2 questions were asked:
● I had mentioned a Covid- 19 project, so the interviewer asked to explain
this project in detail.
● Explain how good you are as a team worker. (I explained with the help of
one of my projects).
● Any questions for me?

Tips: Be honest, Confident, and Comfortable. Make sure you are aware and insightful
about all the things mentioned in your resume. Deliver with focus and be transparent,
that’s what they are looking for.

Aswathi Premkumar
Computer Science and Engineering

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