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Why different fiber has different swelling %?

Ans - The swelling percentage of different fibers varies due to

their inherent chemical compositions and structural

Each type of fiber possesses a unique molecular makeup. For

instance, natural fibers like cotton, flax, and jute are primarily
composed of substances such as cellulose, which contain
hydrophilic properties. These hydrophilic fibers have an affinity
for water due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in their
molecular structure. Consequently, they readily interact with
water molecules, leading to higher swelling percentages when
exposed to moisture.

In contrast, synthetic fibers like nylon or polyester are

hydrophobic. They're designed to repel water due to their
chemical structure, thereby exhibiting lower swelling
percentages. The absence or minimal presence of hydrophilic
elements in their molecular arrangement results in less
interaction with water molecules.
The arrangement of molecular chains within fibers influences
their response to moisture. For instance, the tightly packed or
crystalline regions within fibers may limit water absorption
compared to the more open and amorphous regions, affecting
their swelling behavior.

Moreover, the presence of different functional groups in the

fibers impacts their ability to form bonds with water molecules.
The varying densities and orientations of these functional
groups contribute to the diverse swelling capacities observed in
different fibers.

Additionally, processing methods and treatments during the

manufacturing or production of fibers can modify their
structures. For instance, certain treatments used in creating
regenerated fibers like rayon or viscose can alter their
composition and, consequently, influence their interaction with
water, leading to varied swelling percentages.

In summary, the differences in swelling percentages among

fibers stem from their distinct chemical compositions,
structural arrangements, hydrophilic or hydrophobic nature,
presence of functional groups, and the effects of treatments
and processing methods applied during their production. These
diverse characteristics collectively contribute to the unique
swelling behaviors exhibited by different types of fibers when
exposed to moisture.

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