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Farah Hasna Arafah-2602308570

Tugas Personal 2
Week 7

• LO2: Apply the step for preparing financial reports, consisting of statement of financial
position, statement of profit or loss, statement of change in equity and statement of cash flow
and analysis of financial statements

1. Berikut ini merupakan statement of financial position dan statement of profit or loss dari
Roulette Company Ltd.
Roulette Company Ltd.
Statement of Financial Position
For December 31, 2021 and 2020

Assets 2021 2020

Cash $100,350 $ 48,400
Accounts Receivable $ 92,800 $ 33,000
Inventory $112,500 $102,850
Prepaid Expense $ 29,300 $ 26,000
Land $140,000 $114,000
Equipment $265,000 $242,500
Accumulated depreciation – equipment ($ 47,000) ($52,000)
Total $692,950 $514,750

Liabilities and Equity

Accounts Payable $112,000 $ 67,300
Accrued expenses payable $ 16,500 $ 17.000
Bonds Payable $110,000 $150,000
Share Capital – Ordinary $220,000 $175,000
Retained Earnings $234,450 $105,450
Total $692,950 $514,750

Roulette Company Ltd.

Income Statement
For the year ended December 31, 2021

Sales Revenue $392,780

Gain on disposal of equipment 5,000

Accounting for Business

Farah Hasna Arafah-2602308570

Cost of Goods Sold ($135,460)

Gross Profit $262,320
Operating expense, excluding depreciation $ 12,410
Depreciation expense $ 45,000
Interest expense $ 4,730
Profit before income tax $200,180
Income tax expense $ 27,280
Net Profit $172,900

Data tambahan :

a. Peralatan baru dengan cost $80,000 dibeli tunai selama tahun 2021
b. Peralatan lama terjual sebesar $12,500 tunai. Peralatan tersebut memiliki cost $57,500 dan
akumulasi depresiasi $50,000
c. Hutang Obligasi jatuh tempo dan telah dibayar selama tahun 2021
d. Dividen tunai senilai $43,900 telah dideklarasikan dan dibayar selama tahun tersebut


Accounting for Business

Farah Hasna Arafah-2602308570

a. Siapkan statement of cashflow dengan menggunakan direct method (35%)


Roulette Company Ltd.

Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash receipts from customers 332,980
Less cash payments:
To Suppliers - 100,410
For Operating Expenses - 12,910
For Income taxes - 27,280
For Interest - 4,730
For Prepaid Expense - 3,300
Net cash provided by operating activities 184,350
Cash flows from investing activities
Sale of equipment 12,500
Equipment purchase - 80,000
Land Expense - 26,000
- 93,500
Cash Flows from financing activities
Bonds Payable - 40,000
Share Capital - Ordinary 45,000
Dividen - 43,900
- 38,900
Net Increase in Cash 51,950
Cash at beginning of periode (2020) 48,400
Cash at end of periode (2021) 100,350

Accounting for Business

Farah Hasna Arafah-2602308570

b. Siapkan statement of cashflow dengan menngunakan indirect method (35%)


Roulette Company Ltd.

Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income 172,900
Adjustments to reconcile net income
To net cash provided by operating activities:
Gain on disposal of equipment - 5,000
Increase in accounts receiveable - 59,800
Increase in depreciation Expense 45,000
Increase in Prepaid Expense - 3,300
Increase in inventory - 9,650
Increase in accounts payable 44,700
Decrease in accures expenses payable - 500
Cash flows from investing activities
Sale of equipment 12,500
Equipment purchase - 80,000
Land Expense - 26,000
- 93,500
Cash Flows from financing activities
Bonds Payable - 40,000
Share Capital - Ordinary 45,000
Dividen - 43,900
- 38,900
Net Increase in Cash 51,950
Cash at beginning of periode (2020) 48,400
Cash at end of periode (2021) 100,350

2. Selama tahun 2021, Barb Ryan, pemegang saham tunggal di Sunshine Farms Pty Ltd,
memutuskan untuk berinvestasi pada peralatan manufaktur otomotif untuk mengurangi
biaya tenaga kerja langsung. Dia memutuskan untuk mendanai investasi sebesar $140.000
dari laba ditahan. Data keuangan (asumsikan data rata-rata untuk item laporan posisi
keuangan) sebelum dan sesudah investasi ditunjukkan di bawah ini.

Accounting for Business

Farah Hasna Arafah-2602308570

Before After
investment investment

Total assets $ 799 210 $ 929 310

Total liabilities 409 400 378 950
Shareholders’ equity 389 810 550 360
Interest expense 14 000 18 000

Profit before income tax 328 000 336 500

Income tax expense (30 per cent) 98 400 100 950

Profit $ 229 600 $ 235 550

a. Hitunglah rasio berikut berdasarkan data di atas ! (20%)


Before After
Aspek Rumus
Investment Investment
ROA ratio profit/total aset 28.7% 25.3%
ROE ratio profit/total equity 58.9% 42.8%
Debt to total total liability/total
0.51 0.41
assets ratio assets
Times interest (profit + interest
24.43 19.69
earned ratio exp)/interest exp

b. Berdasarkan perhitungan dalam 1 periode tersebut, akankah Ryan bergembira dengan

investasi yang telah dilakukan? (10%)


Setelah melewati 1 periode berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dan data di atas, terjadi penurunan
investment dari beberapa aspek rasio (ROA, ROE, Debt to total assets, Times interest earned).
Tetapi penurunan ini masih dalam batas normal dan belum menyebabkan kerugian untuk
Ryan. Solusi agar Ryan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari investasinya adalah
mengkonsultasikan kepada consultant investment agar dapat menganalisis trend dari
Perusahaan yang saham nya akan dibeli oleh Ryan terlebih dahulu. Sehingga akan
meminimalisir kemungkinan kerugian yang akan ditanggung oleh Ryan.


Accounting for Business

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