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Navegando Nuestra Tierra, or Navigating our Land

Focuses on Vieques’ rich and underutilized cultural resources.

Designing ecological restoration sustainable production and renewable energy systems to work
with these existing resources, putting Vieques on a path to fulfilling its potential.


These resources include:

The many free roaming horses found on the island

The abundant coconut palm trees apt to Vieques tropical conditions

And as expected of an island, one of its popular staple foods, fish


With these in mind, I looked at how to integrate them into coastal protection. Sustainable
production and renewable energy systems

- Coastal protection: aims to reduce risk through storm attenuation

- Sustainable Production: aims to promote a diversified economy by boosting economic
development through the repurposing of various components
- And Renewable Energy systems: seek to establish a dependable and reliable energy

Here we see how Horses can be applied throughout the network, such as the repurposing of
their manure for Biomass

Palm trees by products can be allocated to aid in coastal protection efforts

And enhanced fisheries can serve to build up a type of community-based tourism

I will focus on the highlighted aspects of each strand and their interrelations to the cultural


Starting with horse, on the left we see images of their current use:

- They are still crucial for transportation and for work locals need done, as many are
domesticated and owned yet not necessarily cared after and left to fend for themselves
- They play a role in social and recreations activities such as “Cabalgatas”, which are
processions of horses or used by tourist tours

- As much as they are part of the island as its beaches, through time they have brought
issues of erosion to sensitive areas, damaged water pipes and gardens as they scavenge
for food and water and many times are at the center or car accidents

- In the Diagram” We see how they can be repurposed to support the different systems:

o For example, their containment can reduce risks found on shores and their
manure for fuel a fertilizer


In the case of palm trees, they are used by locals in the form of home remedies and as an
ingredient in their cooking and most noticeably by the many cocoteros/coconut vendors found
parked throughout the island

- Palm trees are considered to be one of the most useful trees in the world as their
byproducts serve a wide range of uses
o Their trunk wood for building and for strengthening shallow areas
o Their fronds for mulch and water retention
o And their coconut husks to produce coir that can aid to build up dunes and
mangrove peat


Last Fish, contribute to the economy of the island although it has been currently in under attack
by wholesaler with their mass importation of fish, it serves as a recreational activity and is a
favored staple food for the islanders

- Here as the mangroves are strengthen, fish habitats are enhanced and thus their
quantities and diversity
- Fishermen boats can be repurposed in transporting people to and from the island, and
used to bring awareness to locals and tourists on the importance of coastal protection


In the master plan, we see the areas intended to house these different resources

Horses in yellow – acting as the thread that connects the coconut forests in teal and the
enhanced fishing zones in red
To place these effectively I looked at ecological factor at play, such as wind patterns, flooding
and erosion

Land qualities, looking particularly at the open spaces suited to contain horses

Soil conditions for optimal palm growth

And analyzed points of interest that would support the network

With this research, I chose Esperanza as my site of focus (a gentrified tourist oriented and
commercialized area, with many open beaches)
- It is also representative of an area that can allocate horses, promises fruitful conditions
for palm growth and is home to many existing mangrove

- I looked at the topography, water movement and land features

- Choosing to place the horse quarters toward the northern end of the town, the coconut
forest in a non-flooding area and the enhanced fisheries by the shore

- All individual areas exhibiting a series of repeating features such as water filtration and
service areas, lush vegetated zones and social nodes


For the first site, the horse quarters will provide for the needs of the horses while intrgrationg a
lookout plaza and a manure composting zone

- By providing shelter for the horses, they will be kept from roaming sensitive mangrove
and dune areas, reducing the impact of erosion
- Horse manure can be used as biomass for gas and as composting fertilizer to aid the
growth of the coconut palm trees
- And in turn aid coconut oil production, which produces a byproduct of coconut meal
that can be fed to the horses, promoting the advancement if different economic


The coconut forest, will support a coconut oil and trunk wood processing plant as well as a coir
logs and sheets manufacturing

- The coir and wood can be used to build up dunes and mangroves, reducing storm
- Palm biomass can be used for fuel
- And as a whole, increase job opportunities for locals


The enhanced fisheries will be supported by the health of mangroves and living shores

- Made possibly by the byproducts produced from the coconut forest

- Providing an enhanced habitat for fish, crayfish and crabs, increasing food supply and
aiding the economy
- And to loop the system, fishermen boats could purposely transport people to and from
the mainland, tying tradition to a new experience and creating a type of community-
based tourism


This web shows the entirety of the many relationships amongst the systems in hopes to…


Reduce commercial competition from outsiders



Low income


And lack of preparedness from natural disasters

ð Empowering Viequenses to take pride in their culture, stewardship toward issues in

need and find a lucrative source on income as they reclaim ownership of the land, they
call home

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