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Environmental Awareness: Risk factors underlying disaster

Philippines is one of the developing countries. There is no doubt when there’s a disaster we are
severely affected . Climate change one of the risk factors of disaster that our country suffers right now.
Climate change which would be risk to farmers and the agricultural sector of yield losses and land
degradation as consequences of increasing temperatures, droughts and heavy rains events. That
without further action in the future droughts across the world could double in less than 80 years which
was major implications for the livelihoods of the rural poor. Sea level rise coastal flooding events could
threaten assets worth up yo 20% of the global GDP by 2100. By 2030 fire season could be three months
longer in areas already exposed to wildfires. Also unmanaged climate change threatens to set back the
progress by damaging poverty eradication efforts worldwide and disproportionately affecting the
poorest, which also exacerbating vulnerabilities and social inequalities and harming economic growth.
Disaster mortality risk is closely correlated with income level and equality of risk governance which is if
inequality continues to rise, it may become establishing global force that manifests not only in
increasing disaster risk but also in decreasing capacities to manage those risk.

In order to mitigate those disaster risk we should be prepared by identifying and measuring disaster risk,
Education and knowledge development, Incorporating institutions and legislative arrangements,
providing financial protection for people and business and integrating DRR across multiple sectors,
including health, environment etc.

At the same time, we maintain that distributive and procedural justice must be at the forefront of every
stage of environmental policy making. In planning development, and implementation, the effort to
reduce emissions must be at the service of development such as poverty and inequality reduction, the

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