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Olvasd el a szöveget a Valentin napról, majd karikázd be a helyes válasz betűjelét!

1. Saint Valentine is sometimes known as….

a) the patron Saint of gifts.
b) the patron Saint of love.
c) the patron Saint of husbands.

2. Who was the Roman God of Love?

a) Cupid
b) Valentine
c) Teddy

3. Which of these birds is a symbol of Valentine’s Day?

a) robins
b) turkeys
c) doves

4. Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate….?

a) eating chocolate
b) romance and love
c) patron saints

5. Which of these things is not connected with Valentine’s Day?

a) setting off fireworks
b) giving gifts
c) sending cards

6. How many cards are sent every year on Valentine’s Day?

a) about a billion
b) about a million
c) the text doesn’t say

Megoldás: 1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4. B; 5. A; 6. A

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