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Exercise 1

Discuss the questions in pairs.

- Can you relate to the meme?

- How do you usually feel after long
- Why do you think you feel like that?
- How do you deal with these

Exercise 2 When I come back to

Complete the sentences with the work after Christmas
words from the box.

throw, shake, slump, cranny, ruminate, attainable

1.Whenever I’m in an 2. The best way to

emotional _______ _______ o those
and want out, I get “meh” feelings after
outside and connect holidays is to have a
with nature. solid workout.

3. Sleep habits are 4. After the holidays, I

the most signi cant. tend to _______ on the
Not prioritising your past, and it makes me
beauty sleep can depressed. Instead, I
_______ o your try to think about the
mood and energy. future.

6. Setting _________
5. I stay at home a
goals for the future
lot, so my way to get
makes me happier.
over holiday blues is
That’s why I always
to declutter every
do it after the
nook and _______.
holidays to jumpstart
the year.

Rank these activities from the most to the least helpful for you.
Explain your choice. Would you add anything to the list?
Exercise 3
Read the article and match the paragraph
to the headings.

A. Think ahead and make plans to look forward to

B. Move your body intentionally
C. Spruce up your home
D. Reset your eating and sleep habits

1. _______________________________

Call it a holiday hangover or a case of the post-fa-la-la-la-la blahs—no matter how you
look at it, you’re in an emotional slump and you want out. Your workout routine may
have been non-existent amidst the holiday madness, so what better time to shake off
those “meh” feelings with a solid sweat sesh than today? 1. ______ In fact, exercising
for just 10 minutes a day can make a difference—and have lasting, measurable effects
on your health.

2. _______________________________

So we’ve established that the holiday rush didn’t leave much room (or energy) for
working out, and if we’re being honest, the same went for keeping up our healthy
eating and sleep habits. 2. ______ I don’t have to tell you that those slices of pumpkin
pie and glasses of eggnog can mess with your gut health (hello, bloat) and not
prioritizing your beauty sleep can throw off your mood and energy.

3. _______________________________

3. ______ Instead of ruminating on the past, try thinking about the future to help you
feel better in the now. After all, giving yourself things to look forward to—no matter how
small—can reduce stress and boost mood. In fact, simply visualizing and anticipating
your future (best) self can lift your spirits.

4. _______________________________

We’re still in staying in season, which means spending more time at home. 4. ______
As empty as it may feel with the tree gone and all the tinsel stored away, it’s the ideal
time to clean and declutter every nook and cranny. Because a tidy, organized space
can improve your well-being, and there’s nothing more satisfying than checking off the
dirty dishes in the sink, the growing piles of laundry, and the clutter on your desk.
Exercise 4
Read the article once again and complete
the article with the sentences.

A. Between the cookies everywhere you turn and the Christmas

movie marathons, who can blame us?
B. After the spark of the holiday season has faded, it’s hard not to
think back on the good times and feel a sense of dread (womp
C. Do yourself and your mood a favor by doing a quick sweep of
your abode.
D. Start with 10 minutes because it’s all you need to get those
endorphins going.

Exercise 5
Discuss the questions.

1. Do you manage to work out during holidays? How do you feel

after workouts?
2. How do your eating and sleep habits change during holidays?
How long does it take to get back on track after holidays?
3. Does making plans boost your mood?
4. Do you nd decluttering calming? How often do you declutter?

Exercise 6
Match the de nitions with the phrases
in bold from the article.

1. wild and chaotic activities during holidays - ____________

2. a workout that makes you sweat - ____________
3. the sleep that you need in order to feel and look
healthy and attractive - ____________
4. an act of cleaning an area with a broom or brush - ____________
5. to cause someone to become more cheerful - ____________
6. no chance for something to happen - ____________
7. to continue to have healthy lifestyle - ____________
8. to make your house look cleaner, neater, or more attractive - ____________

Exercise 7
Write down 4 questions using the phrases
from Exercise 6. Ask them your partner and
discuss. Then, change the roles.

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