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Annals of the World 9 76 BC Pliny recorded that in the time of Gnaeus Octavius and Gnaeus Scribonius Curio, consuls, Licinius Syllanus, the proconsul and his company saw a spark fall froma star. It increased in size as it neared Farth until it became as large as the moon and gave off as much light. Tt went up toward the north where it changed into a torch. Ussher at 76 BC) 69 BC In the Letter of Mithradates as preserved by Sallust written to Arsaces, we read, “The Romans have waged war everywhere but it is most violent where the victory over their adversaries affords the richest spoil..." (Annals 69 BC) 66 BC ‘The daughter of Mithradates ky was named Dripetine, born to his queen named Laodice. When Mithradates escaped the Romans his daughter went with him. She is recorded to have had a double row of teeth, according to Valerius Maxims. (annals 66 BC) 65 BC A terribly destructive earthquake afflicted Bosphorus. Cassius Dio claimed that " was the greatest in the memory of man and which destroyed many cities..." (Annals 65 BC) 64 BC Cicero wrote that on this date as the Romans celebrated their Feriae festi. val, a comet appeared like fire and at the same time the moon was cast into darkness. (Annals 64 BC) Saxee 54 BC Crassus was hated because of his avarice. He spent more time in the east as a tax collector and extortionist than a general. (Annals 54 BC) 51 BC A total eclipse occurred according to Cassius Dio, also mentioned by Lucan. (Annals 51 BC) Because no eclipse occurred over Rome at this time we are led to think that the sun darkened by some other passing body. 37 BC Herod took Jerusalem by force as the Jews faught for the government of Antigonus. 1654 AD Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus published, a monumental work of world history- 31 BC Xnxkhe Judea was shaken by an earthquake said by some to be the worst in the history of Jerusalem. f@ (Annals 31 BC) 30-33 AD Ussher Cites Valleus (Valleius Paterculus and his History of the Roman People several times, wk but when chronicling the life of Jesus not one mention is made by Ussher that Paterculus passed through Palestine or saw Jesus. © 31 BC Due to confusion in his own chronological research, Ussher, who is off by one or more years for many of his BC dates, Ussher cites this as occurring in 30 BC. Cassius Dio reported that in Egypt a strange rain occurred that was mixed with blood (red cosmic Gust). There were odd flashes in the skies seen even through the clouds as this red rain bathed the land. Then the people saw a deagon of incredible size accompanied by come&ts. (Annals 30 BC). This is one other than the passage of planet NEBERE. Khoant 25 4 BC The Roman Egytpians believed that this year ended a cycle of 1460 years. (Annals 25 BC) Interestingly, 1460 years earlier was about the exact time that ancient Italia's famous king, Janeas, died (1484 BC) AD The city of Mauretania was named after another city called Mauretania Tocated in Palestine. (annals 22 BC) Chronicon AD additions 1 14 AD A comet appeared at the death of Augustus. (20). (Comets: The Swords of Heaven) 79 AD Weeks before the eruption of Vesuvius in Italy, a comet was seen over Italy. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven: 27) 451 AD Just days before the Goths halted the westward advance of Attila the Hun, a bright comet appeared. About 150,000 men lost their lives in the battle. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 28) 532 AD Byzantine astronomers reported appearance of a very bright skmx comet, followed by an earthquake. Dated by some at 531 AD. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 28) 684 AD Comet is blamed for a widespread pestilence throughout Europe and Asia killing millions of people. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 28) 1000 AD Western world already panicked thinking that it was the Day of the Lord, the coming of the Tribulation in 1000 AD, their fear was exaserbated at the appear- ance of a bright comet shaped like a "horrible serpent," that seemd to fulfill ‘the prophecy that "signs and wonders in the heavens," would precede the coming of Christ. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 28) 1002 AD The End-of-the-World scare abated, it was renewed at the appearanceof another comet in this year throughout Europe. (Comets: ‘The Swords of Heaven 29) 1222 AD Mongols invade India, a comet high in the sky. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 96) 1267 AD In Deceniver the Jordan river was damned for 16 hours, probably by a quake. k@omet (Worlds in Collision 150) 1303 AD Comet appeared and Pope Boniface VIII regarded this comet as favorable to his reign. But several weeks later he was kaw taken prison er by King Philip of France, dying of a stroke. (Comets: ‘The Swords of Heaven 29) 989 AD Pope Calixus issued a Papal Bull against the Nohammedans, the Turks and the Comet." (Catastrophism and Ancvient History: Vol- XT Part 1 p. 7 Patton & Windsor) . 1331 AD Comet appeared at birth of Tamerlane, over his birthplace of ‘Turkestan. 1347 AD A comet appeared immediately peceding the Black DEath plague. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 29). 1456 AD Comet described as fanlike tail, a spectacular comet. ‘he Turks stood at the gates of Belgrade when the hairy and fiery star appeared. (Comets: the Swords of Heaven 29) 1528 AD Comet seen. Ambrose Pare wrote, “It appeared to be of great length [and] the color of blood. At its summit was visible the figure of a bent arm, holding in its hand a great sword as if ready to strike..." Pare describes many fark dark formsin sgpace travelling with the comet. Tt caused a massive panic. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 11) 1301 AD Florentine historian Villani described it as spewing great trails of flames. Apearing in September, it remained visible until early 1302. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 22) 1531 AD After comet appeared, a Dutch dike failed and resulted with the tragic Growning of 400,000 people. (Comets: The Swords of Heaven 96) 1556 AD 830,000 Chinese died in earthquake. (Worlds in Collision 115) Gronicon I: AD additions 96 AD Domitian claimed to be Lord God and had silver and gold statues made of himself sent to all corners of the empire. Demanded worship of himself - AD Diocletian became Emperor of Rome after killing an assassin named Aper (the Boar). , fulfilling a prophecy of a druidess who told him earlier that he'd be Emperor after he slew a boar. (The Philosopher and the Druids 172) AD During Hadrian's reign sea waves washed open an ancient tomb of a gigantic man near Rhoeteum. The knee caps alone were measured the size of a large @iscuss. Hadrian at once ordedred the bones reburied. (The Greek Myths 685-686) 431 AD Council of Ephesus permantly sealed the division between the eastern and western church, of Constantinople and that of Rome. Ephesus recognized the Mother of God as worthy of worship- the ancienbt Diana of the Ephesians. AD Seneca referred to the Jews as "...the most criminal nation." (Jewish Supremacism 182) AD Tacitus wrote about the Jews, saying, "Among themselves they are inflexible hones x and ever ready to show compassion, though they regard the rest of mankind with all the hatred of enemies.” (ibid p. 182) 79 AD earthquakes cccurred during eruption of Vesuvies. (The Complete Story of the San Francsico Horror 238) AD In Plutarch's Morals is found an astonishingly accurate description of a trans- Atlantic voyage from Britian to the Hudson Bay area in North America. (‘The Lost Treasure of King Juba 158) AD The Teutons were not German at all, but a Celtic people who hated the Germans. (The Invaders of Rome 16) ‘The Romsn called the Scythians by the name Goths. ((Post-Capticity Names of Israel) 102) Chronicon additions Bc 1 1687 BC Julius Africanus wrote that, "After Ogygus, by reason of the vast destruction caused by the flood, the present land of Attica remained without a king up to Cecrops, a period of 189 years." (Worlds in Collisiosn 161) Ogyges is a mystery, a figure unknown to the Greeks exeept in foreign prestige. Aeschylus wrote that Ogygesd was from Thebes in Egypt, the founder of Egyptian Thebes. (Worlds in Collision 162). Solinus in Polyhistor relates that the flooding was followed by nine monthsof darkness. (Worlds in Collision 1682) Velikovsky is convinced that Ogyges is a rendering of the Amalekite king Agag, a Hyksos ruler over Egypt. agag was a title used by the Amalekites down to the days of Solomon when Agag was killed by the prophet Samuel in the 10th century BC. In 1687 BC the Hyksos power was emerging to control Egypt, spo Vel9ikovsky may be correct. Our dating here is supported by assertion that Cecrops came 189 years later to ancient Greece, just a generation before the Exodus. 1533 BC Some date this comet at 1537 BC (4 year variance). In China the comet was blamed for devastating floods. (Comets: Swords of Heaven 27) aF-BE— Widrashim texts convey that at the Exodus of Israel that the motion of the \\Be sun was latered. (Worlds in Collision 129). R&¥aMi Psalm 76:8 reads that on that | day, "the earth feared and was still.” 1447 BC Servius wrote that the world turned bloody red. Velikovsky wrote of a fine dust that covered the dearth from the sky. (Worlds in Collision 64) 1447 BC Manuscript Quiche of the Maya relates that during a disaster of quakes the sun's motion was interrupted and the water in the rivers turned to blood. (Worlds in Collision 64) 1447 BC Veiikovsky provides evidence that the darkness was caused by thousands of volcanoes around the world and this gloom lasted 24-25 years (ca. 1423 BC) During this generation the nations waned, starved, depopulated, while in the wilderness, Israel multiplied. IN. 1447 8c Velivoksky notes that tne Passover disaster in Foypt is remenbered in two distinct ways. ‘he early Israelites marked it for a feast of celebration on the 13th day of Aviv, the first month. (Exodus 12:18). whe first month to the Egyptians was called Thout, and the 13th day was a very bad day. Eg7yptians later passed lavs declaring that no one » should do anytyhing on this day. It was the day Seth waged war against Horus. (Worlds in Collision 81) Velikovsky notes that on the other side of the world on the Aztec calendar, the 13th day of the month Olin (Movemenet /éarthguake), a new sun is said to have initiated anotiner \\ee,__ FTG age. (Worlds in collision. p. 81) “| 407 8c A Samaritan chronicle relates that during Joshua'slong day, a new star appeared. (Worlds in Collision 169) 1407 BC Homer describes birth of Athene (Venus) as occurring during a period of flooding when the earth reeled and the sun stopped in its course. (Worlds in Collision 177) 1407 BC Mexican anaals of Cuauhtitlan written in Nahuatl in the 16th century relate that during a catastrophe in American hiskwxy antiquityes, the night did not end for a long time. (Worlds in Collision 61) 1407 BC In the Annals of King Ammistramca T of Ugarit, a contemporary of the Pharoah Amenhotep III of Egypt, we read a tablet record that says, x "Sun put to shame; went down in daytime." (Journal of the British Astronomical Assoc. Vol. 89 (1979) pg. 246). ‘This is specifically dated as having occurred before the record of King Mursilis II of Hatti concerning the darkening of the sun (see 1273 BC). Amenhopep III would change his name to Akhenatomn- Chronicon BC additions 2 XX 8< tn ancient Athens a feast was observed in the month Anthesterion in the soring, on the 13th day of the month. The people offered honey and flour into a fissure of earth. (Worlds in Collision 160-161) This was in commemoration of the manna the ancient Israelites ate after escaping the disasters of Egypt on the 13th dayof Aviv in 1447 BC. The Atheninans were desceded from those Israelites that escaped Egypt and wandered through the wilderness. 1283 BC Mursilis II ascended the throne of the Hittites in this year. 1276 BC IN the annals of King Mursilis IT of Hatti we read that the Egyptians invaded Syria but stipped before reaching Carchemish. (Catastrophism and Ancient History Vol-xPart 2 pg. 108) At this time the Hitties were at war against the Azzians, who in this year attacked the Hittite city of Dankuwa. 1275 BC King Mursilis II of Hatti faught against Phavaohn Ramesis II of Egypt at Carchemish in Syria. The Egyptians fled but Mursilis II did not pursue them for he continued his war agains6t the Azzians to the north. 1274 BC As soon as Mursilis II of Hatti departed Syria the Assyrians invaded Syria and attacked Carchemish, taking it. (Catastrophism and Ancient History Vol. x Part 2p. 104). Mursilis II's ow records claim that he hastily returned to his #own city, Hattusas for the winter and invaded agai in the following yearw (1273 BC)/. Tt was the Assyrian aggression that would in a few years forge an alliance tween Hatti and Egypat. 1273 BC In the annals of King Mursilis IT of Hatti we read that he ke set out to make war against the Azzians early in the year when suddenly, "...the sun became obscured." ‘This occurred in the 10th, year of his reign. ° lara q ‘The Acgives were referred to as tyrants at this time, including Thyestes and his brother Atreus., Of this time Archilochus weote, Men should be prepared for everything and not wonder at anything. Since the day Zeus turned midday into agg _Bights hiding the Light of th e dazzling sun. (paraphrased by Yelikoveky 224) ° 435-82. Seneca in Yes Thyesteds wrote that the sun was blotted out at midday, mentioning Vesper (Venus) as separated from this event. He mentions Typhon in this world destruction when both the sun and moon gave no light. (224 of Worlds in Collision). 1123 BC Babylonian text dated approx. 1140 BC describes a luminous body that shone brilliantly, as "brightly as the day," with a tail like a scorpion. (Worldss in Collision 57). A description of NIBIRU. (17 year variance on approximate) 1123 BE New Chinese Dynasty created by King Wu of Chou placing Kija on the throne. ‘Traditional date estimated 1122 BC (1 year off). The ousted ruler, Tangun, was at this time 1908 years old, which is a calendrical reference bringing us back to the year 3031 BC (864 Annus Mundi). (Catastrophism and Ancient History Vol. XI Part 2p. 117). aaa © 495-8 Plato in The Statesman wrote that the entire motion of the sun was aicered as a trestimony in favor of Atreus. (Horldsin Collision 122) Sophocles in his Atreus wrote that Zeus changed the course of the sun. (ibid 122) Euripides in Electra wrote that the sun and sky turned red. (ibid 122). 753 BC Terem farro wrote that Rome was founded in the third year of the sixth Olympiad (753 BC), this reckoning followed also by Censorinus. (Worlds in Coli- sion 245)

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