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I hope you guys enjoyed that last video on the calendrical programming

embedded in the year 1902- a lot more videos like that on the way.
I now have Phoenix archivists all over the world, the Phoenix flash
drives are throughout the America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East,
Australia and even a couple in Egypt.
Now I have finished uploading the 47 Anunnaki videos, 30 solid hours of
presentations, 135 chronological charts, diagrams, illustrations and
images related to the Anunna and these videos, 50 articles on the
Anunna packed with sources, transcripts and posts- enough to fill a
large book. I’ve included the Archaix Syllabus of glossary words and
definitions as well as the year by year Archaix Timeline of the ancient
World from 5239 to 1 BC.
This thumb drive is filled with much more than the Phoenix drive and
I’m asking those of you who want to order it to email me. I need to
distribute this data all over the world as well. And as with my Phoenix
materials, full permissions are granted herein for those who want to
use the Anunnaki videos or posts for their own purposes. All I ask is
give Archaix credit.
The Anunna migrations from North America, their sudden appearance
in the Old World founding whole civilization after a cataclysm, the
Capture of Luna, the Nemesis X Object histories, the Mayan Long-
Count, Vedic calendars, Sumerian King-List and Chinese Dragon Kings
histories all explained and dated.
Ancient race wars, technological infrastructures, the Anunna during the
Contact Period under the Vapor Canopy, the Technolithic Period and
the Shock and Abandonment Period when the Anunna vanished before
a second catastrophe. The Birth of the Sun at the collapse of the Vapor
Canopy and rise of the Heliolithic Kings and Maritime Trade Empire.
The secrets of the ancient world are put into perspective, arranged in
the order they occurred and dated with precision.
And look out…I have some intriguing videos coming and a line up of
podcasts. Phoenix thumb drives are still available but I’m really trying
to get these Anunnaki ones distributed to the Four Winds. And
remember, a little learning helps us tread carefully in the dark.

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