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Chronicon BC addition for 1447 BC and 1407 BC Immanuel Velikovsky's monumental book Worlds _in Collision focuses on the global catastrtophe that occurred in tandem with the Plagues on Egypt and the Israel- | ites escaping Egypt, this being 1447 BC. He goes on to show persuasive evi \ dence that these disasters were caused by a close pass of Venus. Shortly \ afterward, Venus again came close to earth before it was stablized in its | orbit. Here are the conclusions of Velikovsky and how they corroborate the evidences recorded in Chronicon: > In antiquity prior to the 14-13th centuries BC, no ancient texts mention Venus; > Long ago, prior to the 8th century BC, Venus was much closer to Earth, its | horns (phases) clearly seen and recorded: Mars was an insignificant red star; > In the late 8th century BC Venus became far away at same time that Mars became suddenyl prominent (larger in sky). This occurred 713 BC. Texts of the Old World lose interest in Venus and now focus on Mars; > Titius-Bode Law demonstrates equidistant exponential rate of planetary dis— tances from the sun, showing that Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Astroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus perfectly located within the mathematical dist- ribution...but Earth does not fit in the pattern- Earth out-of-place; > Velikovsky erred in claiming that Venus came close to Earth followed by Mars coming close to Earth for Venus and Mers continue their true orbits. It was EARTH that changed its orbit in 713 BC, which altered the solar year from 360 days (universally recorded) to 365.25 days a year: > There are only TWO global cataclysmic events in all of the histories of the world that do not align perfectly with the 138 year orbit of planet Phoenix and 792 year orbit of planet NIBIRU as demonstrated throughout Chronicon, and these two events are dated in 1447 BC and 1407 BC. Velikovsky provides the research and answers, showing the Exodus and Conquest of Canaan (1447 and 1407 BC) were caused by Venus being discharged from the mass of Jupiter and hurled into the inner solar system to adopt an orbit around the sun that pushed Earth off its own track. Velikovsky's work demonstrates how truly unique the 1447 BC and 1407 BC events were, for every other worldwide event concerning celestial phenomena causing ruin on Earth was the domain of the intruder planets Phoenix and } NIBIRU, the two planets that will return to @initiate the dreaded Apocalypse. 7, 1447 BC Venus mass discharged from JUpiter leaving the "Bye" of Jupiter still roiling today, clearly visible. Passing close to Barth, Venus caused the / worldwide plagues and destruction. 40 years later Venus was on a near— ( collision course with Earth again after orbiting the sun. WSN ator 2c vers inoct ontlided ints arth and ths mass ix peetiity to Harth's stopped our own planet from rotating on its axis until it passed away. THis \ caused humans to see that the sun stopped moving across the sky. BC Additions 4 30 BC There are markings in the Subterranean Chamber under the Great Pyramid that reveal that the Romans had gained admittance there. (‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages 96) 224 BC Colossus of Rhodes fell in this year to an earthauake. It had been standing for 56 years. (Secret Teachings of All Ages 164) ‘The dating I have in Chronicon is wrong I think. 671 BC The plan of the architect Ctesiphon was approved by the Ionian cities for the ‘Temple of Diana (Artemis). Constructed in marble it had 127 pillars that were 60 feet high. (Secret Teachingsof All Ages 164) Not sure if Ctesiphon was the original architect or if he lived around 550 BC and had the final plans laid. BC Pythagoras was born at Sidon in Phoenicia and may have lean been a Phoenician or Israelite descendant.(Secret Teachings of All Ages 166) GkemenkxofxRamexin BC The Greeks were considered a very mixed lot but they never lost the fact that their ancestral type was the fair-haired, blue-eyed type. (The Aryan Race 75) BC Farth orbits the sun at 66,000 mph. (Dark Moon 415) 96 BC Under the Consulate of Cornelius Lentulus Crassus, Rome outlaws human sacrifice, this being the 657th Year of Rome. (Celtic Myths and Legends 62) BC Cicero once defeded a friend of his named Flaccus who was a customs official who found himself persecuted for stopping the illegal flow of gold from Rome to Jerusalem. In court Flaccus said, "Softly, softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. ‘The Jews have already got me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentlemen." (Jewish Supremacism 182) BC North-South axis of Stonehenge ITI makes an angle of 51° with th ehead-axis of ‘the monument. (Hoe the SunGod REached America 6-10) Stonehenge is located at 51°N. (ibid p,-6-10) BC Additions 4 30 BC There are markings in the Subterranean Chamber under the Great Pyramid that reveal that the Romans had gained admittance there. (The Secret Teachings of All Ages 96) 224 BC Colossus of Rhodes fell in this year to an earthquake. It had been standing for 56 years. (Secret Teachings of All Ages 164) The dating I have in Chronicon is weong I think. 671 BC The plan of the architect Ctesiphon was approved by the Ionian cities for the Temple of Diana (Artemis). Constructed in marble it had 127 pillars that were 60 feet high. (Secret Teachingsof All Ages 164) Not sure if Ctesiphon was the original architect or if he lived around 550 BC and had the final plans laid. BC Pythagoras was born at Sidon in Phoenicia and may have fan been a Phoenician or Israelite descendant. (Secret Teachings of All Ages 166) @iemenkxefxRemexin BC The Greeks were considered a very mixed lot but they never lost the fact that their ancestral type was the fair-haired, blue-eyed type. (The Aryan Race 75) BC Earth orbits the sun at 66,000 mph. (Dark Moon 415) 96 BC Under the Consulate of Cornelius Lentulus Crassus, Rome outlaws human sacrifice, this being the 657th Year of Rome. (Celtic Myths and Legends 62) BC Cicero once defeted a friend of his named Flaccus who was a customs official who found himself persecuted for stopping the illegal flow of gold from Rome to Jerusalem. In court Flaccus said, "Softly, softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already got me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentlemen." (Jewish Supremacism 182) BC North-South axis of Stonehenge III makes an angle of 51° with th ehead-axis of ‘the monument. (Hoe the SunGod REached America 6-10) Stonehenge is located at S51°N. (ibid p,.6-10) CG BC Additions 7 BC Pharoah Seti II (close of 19th Dynasty) describes a “circling star" that spat £lames throughout the known world. (Survivorsof Atlantis 71) 1135 BC? BC Linear B tablets of Mycenaea list the Greek gods in their pre-Homeric forms. (The Oxford Illustrated Companion to- 214) EC Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt had a ship cponstructed measuring 200x80 designed to carry two obelisks with a combined weight of 700 tons. (In Search of Noah's Ark 113) 1625 BC During reign of Thutmose I an Egyptian official named Ineri left a record that a coléssal boat was constructed that was used to transport two obelisks that together weighed 350 tons. ‘The vessels, designed for Nile transport was 180 foot long and 60 feet wide. (In Search of Noah's Ark 113) 1447 BC Manetho wriote that a "blast of God" felled the Egyptians allowing the Hyksos to invade without a battle. (Survivors of Atlantis 65) Hyksos was a general term used by the Egyptians referring to "foreign Rulers." There were indeed, more than a few “Hyksos" invasions. BC During the reign of Anhose I extraordinary violent storms occurred afflicting Bgypt, according to the Tempest Stele of Karnak. (Survivors of Atlantis 65) 1229 BC Josephus relates that it was the popular opinion in his time that Homer mentioned the Israelites of Jerusalem in Tliad 7.3.2. 841 BC ‘The famous Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III shows the Israelite king Jehu kneeling before the Assyrian king, paying tribute. 1947 BC Relying on older chronologies avsailable to him, Augustine in City of God wrote that abraham had been born "about the twelve-hundredth year before Rome was founded, as it were another Babylon in the west." (Book 16) Augustine offered on only an approximate, which was 6 years off. BC Eratosthenes theorized about an Atlantic continent. (The Greek Myths 285) BC Berossus wrote that a five-planet alignment in Cancer will signal the end of the world by fire. (Fingerpcints of the Gods 245) BC Ezra 7:7 reads that the commandment occurred in "the seventh yearof Artaxerxes." BC Psalms reads: “They call their lands after their own names." BC Ramesis 111 reigned 31 years. Following his reign Egypt lost its holdings x ‘in Asia. (Phoenicians 25) BC Ezekiel told to lay on his side for 40 and 390 days (430 days) for Israel's iniquity, a day for a year. (Bzek. 4:5-6) BC That something dreadful occurred in November (date of Flood in Noverber, 2nd) remenbered by the Romans, for they held a feast called Novemdiale any time stones rained from the sky, according to Livy. (The Devil'sDictionary 41) 713 BC Esarhaddon, son of Sennecherib, kills his brothers who hadkilled their father. BC Hezekiah destroyed the BronzeSerpent staffof Moses. (The Christconspiracy 101) BC Additions 2 668 BC 169 BC 168 BC Ashurbanipal was son of Esarhaddon and brother of Shamash-shum-ukim. Esarhaddon had divided the realm, Ashurbanipal was king of Assyria and Shamash was king of Babylon. The brothers engaged in a civil war for supremacy, Ashurbaniapal pre- vailing. BC Tarquin the Proud appointed two men to preserve and interpret the Books of the Sibyl, accordingto Dionysius of Halicarnassus. (Augustine, City of God p. 168) BC The Behistun inscriptions are high on an almost inaccessible cliff in the Zagros mountains BC (Concerning Danaus) Acharya S. wrote- "In casesbf culture clash, an entire culturbrs or place may be called by the name of a God. when there are migrations, tradition may be garbled such that it seems to be thatof anindividual rather than a whole culture." (‘The Christ Conspiracy 82) EC Semiramis buried alive her lovers. (‘The Evolution of the Idea of God 99) EC Undee the influence of new ideas all the annals of Israel were edited and written down in Jehovistic form; the Pentateuch and other historical books assumed the dress in which we now know them. From the moment of the return of the captivity the monotheistic conception widened and took on new meaning to the Jews. (The Evlution of the Idea of God 84) BC Both the Danaan and the ancient Israeliteds of the 10th and 9th centuries shared in common the policy that a king could not rule unless he was without blemish. Tf anything was wrong with him he passed his throne to anothedr. % (Celtic Myths and Legends 107) About 300,000 Jews at this time lived at Alexandria and surrounding land, in Egypt, being the largest Jewish population outside Judaea. (The Jesus Papers 141) This is notweworthy, for the Israelite ancestors of the Jews lived in the same area 13 and 14 centuries earlier before the Exodus of 1447 BC. The Jews lived inde- pendently of the rest of the Greek metropolis, ruled by an Bthnarch. Jewry ruled their own courts and many members held high positions in the government of egypt and control of the army and navy were given to two Jews, Onias and Dositheus. (The Jesus Papers 141-142) When Antioch invaded Egypt and came face to face with the Romans, the Roomans ordered him out. (The Jesus Papers 146) BC In old Greece the people used wild olive ot expel the demons and spiritsof the old year which took on the form of flies. This belief was formerly exlcusive to Canaanite-Phoenician people adopted by the invading Israelites, people who called the devil by the name of Beelzabub, or Lord of the Flies. (Greek Myths p. 543, notes) « ‘The invaders from the sea into Greece and the Peloponessus brought the Mouse Cult. (The Greek Myths 57) In the Old Testament booksof 1 Samuel and Isaiah we find that the Mouse Cult was of Canaanite origin. (1 Sam. 6:4] Isa. lxvi:17) Evidenceof widespread Phoenician-Israelite presence in early Greekdom is the Adonis cult, which flourishe din Syria, Asia Minor and Greece. (The Greek Myths 72) Adonis was the Lord, the Greeks and the Phoenicians celebrating the Adonia, a festival. (‘The Greek Myths 182) BC Additions 3 eccle: @ is Greek for assemblies. (Simon Magus p. 39) 7 IC BC) Meraclitus of Bfhesiis, called The ae @ifficulty 231 BC ak 1229 BC of i others attributed to him. (px51 of on." (p. Simon Magus 51) the ancients made longer journeys, both by land and sea, than men of later times." (How the SunGod Reached America 4) An Egyptian navigator named Maui explored the American coastline and claimed 4000 milesof coasts for the Kingof Egypt, as disocvered in an inscription found in a cave at New Guinea, located at McCluer Bay. (How the Sun God Reached America 5-11) Bc Punt is called "God'sLand" 13 times in Queen Hatshepsut's temple Deir el-Bahri near Karnak. (How the SunGod Reached America 5-12) BC Julius Caesar reported that the Druids could accurately calculate eclipses ‘of the moon long before they happened. (How the SunGod Reached Ametica 6-1) This is approximate date for the collapse of the extensive copper mining that was occuring in North America around Lake Superior, which yeilded about 1000 to 1500 tonsof ore perpit in 5000 mines. Altogether about a million tons of copper Were removed from these memes mines in an operation that spanned from about 1800-1200 BC. Some specilists hold that the amount of copper re- moved from the Lake Superior region would have required 10,000 men working for 1000 years. Remarkably, the departure was sudden, for thousands and thou~ sandsof tools were laid down where they were later discovered. Hammers, spades, shovels, all dropped where men were standing. No ancient civilization in North America can account for the employment of this copper. The native Algonquin indians claim that giant serpents always sakt moved up the Mississippi riverin search of the copper. (How the SunGod Reached America 13-3, 13-12) This is a memoryof the Phoenician-Hebrew serpent-headed vessels that sailed up the river to take the copper back to the Bronze Age cultures of the Medi- terranean and Near East. Bc (22, 23, or 24th Egyptian Dynasty) Ancient inscription on a tablet found in 1888 AD xeadsxkha at eastern tip of Long Island, New York, reads that the effigyof a ship was a vessel belonging to the king of Egypt, of the kingdom of the Bull-god Horus. One side of the tablet the inscription was Egyptian, the other side was libyan. (How the SunGod Reached America 14-1) ‘This identifies the Libyan Dynasty of Egypt (the 24th). BC RUMHMEKKEXX Ramses III prepared a large navy and sent it out on an expeditior into the "...the inverted sea." (How the SunGod Reached America 14-9) We have no way of knowing to where this fleet sailed. L Casas WD hovrmats aes VAD. TQeGorss © GHIT OSCMEKD WORE Seay EEA, CUNO No F SE HENHAT K Oresxes. Grcottame Whoas Gres 1) SSD Qa) Qt WSU \aRSTS TSSET FEL UID. a Maeno WERE PICENT IA Aa HEKS Hap SUS TRA CAE TERE SIE Vans ete: Gecus \dretatctoad Yost Guth 1D Warsote ans — WEE OE CANIS. Gosanank WOaK Goss 7 A MS Wo Ss iynss Guano Dawns Mrgs — QE GHAKD OF ABA NWO Syetesstarto Noamna Gores Yooan WN Go wate op Vis de CANS, TRANCE, Narat MTENs\ls, Neg Woo WERK ELEVEN GT Yoon SRE TONS AW GSE VARA WAC UES “DETIERNG WIE WEN BSS: KE acennay CENssZ ects Exess «x Ato S hw 3& AWAW Fo yx Crsre Lain, Newsy pa Whe Fs KN GAIT SAE YAKS Fost. Coweovcine Haas Goauty & 3D Sa rorwans Locher Nats Toxond ban SSEKTORK. GF SSA ACKEWE FOR SO NERS. \a Sse LOCKER NERS TSWE _CKF-GRENTENT Gaqdeed TRE Wad TEER ENW AK LRRENS SO TERE SUE, SMITE RE Sere Camike os as Fut Wx ERs Nisa. Gee, Scents ae oases 4.8) WAND _GEAwne Siond SECT NTN DOME Load FSS Foon Wa ROGTORINE, Wo. Coruna WET Gaays 1. 3D a3 Cognantea WD Yowas dors NAB YD TE ERY _ Gays WRESIATESS SISGNIISSE WENT Yn SD ea) KE SA BIO WKS DRL Want 5 Ws \o AEA KS. BAS WO OTS. Baa a Tess a Yond \i Gooaty NETH, WELNAT Cy scottan MQ. Gants 1. 33) Xess, Gano GD XS Lo Sok Tee? ca WSs WOT Aggy So Nesp Las WETS BY Lasser E64. O53 Wd Yee Rae Coq Das Qs MeBLS, COWS LQ, ease TSS LNT LAME HSeragE, LE \s ents Lice. Fret scent WQGtrank WETTED BA Yonsei Meese Cong Qsast sarsk Res WARS, Ning ss ans 3 3) Roaraxe Grp mann ciaten Gasqurt a) NS a \NENTES TG Sag nnse (RSG Gtamist Sasokt axe of Gane, Geasts 1. \Q6) ST Seon EET Secher SEM (eC kT STOR MMODATE “Se Yyotuc BEEoMETeR VES RW He. Reet Tadtanted Sisto Seat. 6. Gusts 1D 9_\8 Yate SR WSS HES FIST YD EES TEART, GREED, \ GAFE= TNS STD UNETEAET Wi TRAE MRE ERS BEKSWED FRO CoA-MEEERES SETS We Cosy SNe Gevsss 1 1O wT Sh Nom St Tan BT WES TR, Naa Mena Goscoraas Oa Gass f 33D \rost Fae Dease Guisp oy Qe GaSe pap Nawcens wee Quks NSE NE AAC DIS ESCELARNTS NAD PLATT REAKGO Ke WEE age BCR Rand NIL SOE EHOW SHED. YQAHTS, ANNES AD WVSESTS, EE NSE DR Soe? GMOS sow aila SAS. We 3 WAST. DR Loaner hem 59, Grad WornsT Bo Chana paws Gines ¢. A 4 Cogomtan BD Wovyantd als. WARE WD Wiskamnane Sis Eke ga BEEN Ma HY Camscot Coons RASTAES oF WaT. Sastiy eee 45) Yemen Toor WAKE Werk LA IAEA An Jrosrtions of Vernet SSE ND TSE TET UN, SSKWETSS, Use TKD BA TSE Seas Sant LUSSTEES WW; A SSMIST, DALES= Sages Doren Wes DQ HB WO AILS GAD Wa 15 EN -GUNEC GAPS, ATS_ da _WNSCHE Loab-CAkeann WERE 5 TAH (GA YO, WA Ye WWE, HWS TSE. SES Lone GALEN DHE, UCR Komp. Ga WHISK] TRAE QUES (CAD as) TRAE Doman, We Lad Yes) Geass Yen xe “SY Samer work t & \aveo Das [owsost) QOR-"AOS HO EXGSIESDA @ TDessHCOR cx WOQNONY CAeTe WaENER eS Frais TAD Ede sns, Wnrsnes HVS, Nanlaged Bars Swe W mySnscer GR NOD C Boar LEE Wet SID. Canes acta) B WE Sse \ Sas) —_— NASB satis SW BAS Re TEST STs AARNE) BACT Yat Yeestnad Bsr Bi \a Basse Gases $5 Weep QO.OD GAQNSTSE DEK Gate Ad SSNS Na NGS, “Daeintae Gowan O WMT Loss Coach DQersQue WHS BONES oF QT WNQENTS. WKaVEWS West Gypsts RACY . WS ko 88) Boss, Gann UeRatr ath Samet: aes Dron Nod Yorswnet QRSeUS TSOKT UE Tk “Qe Biro oh TRA Gah, WEAN WING SK AS Secantns LUSK TRS WS A TRREENIAG EPS OW aS WIDER AO RSLS Fast. Catertn Gets WRENS Fen Sechaps Usk Wo GENwse Sen GEVats WANs SsagQen J Te Aste “See WL WESSON PAD SIGN. ST Was Tr Lond, Sgr KE A Cescavte Wess GAG, Years Qexp hs Fest eG “eet tk MO Be Fass. CSecss Gust a Aw S Wa. & 33 STAB GostentWdees a Cae seGL cx Wh \ATAE TSE EOE SKS GU ane Quen Rsk 5 GEG HL Nhat Lei, osyinact sna A Woh ASG. NQQA® Yeats Fries WO NSM Corte “So Task TS SNIP] TSe TOCE | wy Wd WARDS ax sso ad Gapsonys, Len WwBUITWEe \QOd.G00 Ta NaS 9S Gare ox Qos NIST Gortertnrta, Losey ne Dark Cave [anata Wap Secise Wats Rac Saas Been Corsgeass Nast \o Cameco WD Yoorgnas =e WAND “SSE GOSHEN Wow Feaebat Sater Gomeannse Vea BL Ypenarge ® WASAE WHOSE GACSTERRON Chg Qachiens Sex Sesuntes | pip, Nis Te Der Sabi Ree Vsssant Cascsgit Aspiuanat Ss SESREMT GEMQUE GADAREL Gad Te Vek Some. “SRLS \amssenarains: Cage Gas x Spang 3) SESW Yoemeo 1 Te Guasys Tas va Gores ag Gann Gaston, Sszan_ NSENIEIAL QUT GIsTTy. . MES AD. Wen Aa oars Que SD Denwok enws — GINMTS Bones \w WERE SSRN, Netsast Grass 4 M13. 7 NSS NO_ Nace Senay ott QT. REID WA GUE ex Cannon Gate NSVSL QS SONG, Gonisnass og Woes Soin AS) Ss eoQewsarts “TWEE DUNN hs WASHERS Commannisy WSS UN \ SNTORRT SENSE PISA SHISEIAL SOME OER Va NIASHQMES _ OY GRATION, LB WH. \aTHKSe DER, cone Cex Gos x Bxea® 39) TN Lana hs Masts Fagen, Caspase, “Smeat RSET} CORSCRLSD EH SE Gorman s, Groin IS) Sauna SAE] ta NSO Sg MONE Aas eR NARGRS WEE Nos EO OK TO Tae SSSR ST Zand WSS DSL BE TRE ashen Saas oo AABN YO. “Sawer Lace WICKETS. CaaS. WW BERRI WAST BORD. DWEYRaepa Ssaatses FT WISS x Taess, Ws LAER GE Eipebie ses Nisan — ONS RR Qa) SE SRAM, TSE Sod WEAT BGD—ND; PAW A Yeoh SEED WK SIS ARE SSL TSS TREND “RSET WR, 1S WOE SRN Sas BSS Teen RI ace, CASRN OR Wao Yowos. Fs TNS NIST TSO S aes FR REDO EQ TQEEEUSD GG TERRE) GRO TENE SN ONO _GUBES oe Fn FRAC Tram Se SH GQoasess_ ox GIT Sood, sca 2S) OST Wo OG asso. DR NE Nd, Women, CRE Bail OSxsaome, SSSSEVS TSR D May Woes GME Arw_ENETL, Wa FRET, WHEN SUSOWK sia Sas Guasws a \roant Same WT gd (oe WS Sachgaos Grains Touess 1 Lstce MAGE SSE Lanneunste > SOFT RNAS EHF Wa oes, Fann Somnus We WATE Ger © Os Wa BK WEEE Go SURE SS YWS LW Anh Tost Toman See, NALS WOME \Goet FOO WAST Fea, GaCTOM BEQSL GYR, 15 Seewny YR Mawel ox Wend WRER Ker Wise, SMD, Qasies oF hott Som FW \ axantad WO Novrwnis Or \STUY® Na WHE} 1) SAICEEEED, WON Mans HETEPSNED_ A FQ, ND BEG TAC FE Y (SRRERRSRSRINNC SICAL GS) NET SWEL, Gn eeE SN GATE Nooestat SANEKOAT FUTSAL Finan Wa SR NS Lowers Fy \Sexzath) GASTHADE, MID Nesta Mask Stal SsEaake Nersaaathy Neby: oa WS) WSHS_GNNTE, NEATT_STBE SrahSod nd \RSeMGHE THN SRVE WE TESTS WD NERS UTTER Tt, Oseaniteak WAT Ques WED WW Whe Fe -SL Gus Nam SKeSted Foods oa Shersth, RAT stunts. Gastar MGEE

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