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These videos document the history of our world through the 138 year visitations of the Phoenix

phenomenon. This post documents how these discoveries resulted in my conclusion that I live
in a simulated universe.

The Phoenix object was named in antiquity, studied by the ancients, feared by kings and it was
understood in the earliest times that it was to take down the power of the Archons. These
Archons were they who ruled over our world using human lackeys.

Over the years I found that disastrous episodes afflicted our world and these visitations were
patterned in 138 year periods and in multiples of 138. I found that monuments from the old
world recorded this 138 patterning, that ancient traditions claimed that the Angel of Death
appeared every 138 years.

The Genesis record of the preflood world was in multiples of 138, many early time-keeping
systems preserved this 138 year reckoning. The annals and accounts of very old chroniclers
comported with the exact dates archeologists were claiming that whole regions were visited
with ruin. I documented 21 different historic disasters and every one of them was on the 138
year timeline.

Over and over I found references to these destructions as always happening in the month of

I copied the sources because I had not dated a single event, but pulled the dates and
conclusions from the writings of those who had published their findings but did not know of the

The 138 year chronology leads straight to the year 2040 AD.

I wrote a thesis and presented my findings to Book Tree of San Diego, Paul Tice and his editor. I
was awarded a publishing contract and my book, When the Sun Darkens, was born.
But I never stopped searching. In the 11th book on Nostradamus (I have studied 14 different
Nostradamus books) I found that the French seer named the Phoenix, named a 138 year
multiple timeline linking it to the Flood. Then I learned that a code had been detected in the
Quatrains and I studied the research of Mario Reading. I applied this date-index of
Nostradamus and was shocked to find a pole-shift cataclysm and sun-darkening episode with
moon turning red as blood dated in his prophecies to occur in May 2040.

My discoveries led to the prophecies of Mother Shipton where I found she predicted 500 years
ago that after a second World War, at the end of 100 years, a Sky Dragon would visit ruin on the

I never quit studying and I wrote a second thesis that added more sources confirming the first
and with three new Phoenix dates on the 138 year timeline I did not know earlier. Again, I was
awarded a contract and Nostradamus and the Prophets of Apocalypse was born.

For years I followed the hints in mystic, esoteric, hermetic and rabbinical literature of a
connection between the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Phoenix traditions. One day, when
studying the scientifically precise measurements of the pyramid made by Sir Flinders Petrie, I
found the link. Chambers, angles, planes, ascending slopes, passages, descending tunnels,
antechambers, vertical ceiling heights, widths of floors, sloping distances- it was all there and
pattered in units of 138 and all its multiples.

In the thousands of books and videos on the Great Pyramid, no one has ever revealed that the
entire structure is patterned in hundreds of rectilinear lengths all involving measurements of
138 and its multiples. In my videos and posts I provide overwhelming evidence of this in my
detailed chronometrical charts.

Pursuing this research a suspicion began building in my mind, that perhaps this superstructure
from the ancient world was not only recording the past and future of all Phoenix visitrations,
but maybe other historical events as well.

I pulled out my meticulous Chronicon and began calculating. This took over two years because
what I found was a magnificent three-dimensional calendar of the history and future in stone.
Which led to my next shock.

In assessing all of this data I had to compare the Phoenix chronology with that of the Mayan
Long-Count, the secular histories, the Vedic Yugas, the Sumerian King-Lists, the biblical
chronology and the appearances of the Nemesis X Object.

I overlaid these timelines over each other in to one synthetic history and future of our world
and then found it replicated in the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

I did not date these events. I pulled these chronological statements and dates from other

This template of events unveils exactly what will occur on May 2040, then November 2046,
then in 2106 AD followed by the collapse of all these systems in the year 2178 AD.

But this entire series of discoveries, though they support each other perfectly, propose a real
problem. I am unable to synchronize two entirely separate series of facts.

The Phoenix timeline of 138 periods spanning 5500 years is supported by an extensively
bibliography of others who provided the dates and yet had no knowledge of the Phoenix

The Phoenix always appeared in May

The Phoenix mathematics is preserved in stone in the Great Pyramid and is absolutely
irrefutable and unassailable.

But these facts are in total defiance of our Newtonian mechanics. No object in the solar system
can maintain such precision over so lengthy a span. Earth’s own velocity changes, obliquity is a
factor in acceleration/deceleration, solar activity affects orbital movement, past pole shifts and
cataclysms would have affected earth’s velocity and then there is the real nail in the coffin.
I have produced at least 30 different historic sources showing that all the calendrical systems in
the ancient world were based off a 360 day year calendar. Then later toward the 8 th century
BCE our orbit around Sol increased 5.25 days to a 365.225 year. I have produced in books and
videos over 15 sources that claim that at that time different civilizations changed their
calendars. Thus, Phoenix would have appeared in May during the 360 day year, but after the
change to 365.25 days then Phoenix would have begun falling out of synch and appear in April,
then March. But that never happened.

So I was confronted with a paradox. Everything I had uncovered and documented was true.
Yes, there is a 138 year Phoenix timeline. Yes, it appears in May. Yes, its appearances were
documented and dated by other authors, not me. Yes, this 138 year timeline is coded in the
measurements of the Great Pyramid. Yes, Phoenix appeared in May of 1764 and again in May
of 1902. Yes, the ancient year was 360 days. Yes, the modern year for over 26 centuries now
has been 365.25 days. Yes, under the Newtonian order of planetary dynamics this series of
facts is IMPOSSIBLE.

So if every conclusion is the result of a long series of facts, and each fact supports all the others,
then I was left to reconcile this paradox by the only explanation currently plausible.

This is all programming. I have discovered coding protocols. Therefore, I conclude, I am inside
a simulation.

So, in order for you to see what I do, in my next Archaix 2.0 video, you are going to be given the
chart that overlays all these systems in to one timeline, and we’re going to go through it.
Going to be a long video, but you get in an hour what took me two decades to learn.

Here are the videos of the Phoenix Reset Playlist:

The Rohonc Codex

Sometime in the early 19th century, a book was discovered in Hungary

written by an unknown author, for an unknown reason, at an unknown
date, in a language that no one can understand. That book is the
Rohonc Codex, and though it’s not as celebrated as the Voynich
Manuscript, its origins are every bit as murky.

 From healing spells to conjuring demons: the medieval obsession

with magic

Here’s what we know: across its 448 pages, the codex contains
hundreds of distinctive characters (perhaps as many as 792), symbols
similar to those painted onto cave walls occupied by Scythian monks,
and drawings that contain what could be Christian, Muslim and Hindu
symbols. It’s been theorised that the text is written in a form of
Hungarian, early Romanian, or even Hindi. The rest is mystery.

The Book of Soyga

While it’s now widely accepted that John Dee didn’t write the Voynich
Manuscript, the Elizabethan astrologer’s connection to the Book of
Soyga – a treatise on magic, astrology and demonology – is undeniable.
Dee acquired the book in the early 1580s and was enchanted by its
combination of protection spells and magical formulas. He was even
more fascinated by its final 36 pages, which were written in code, and
that’s where things got really weird.

In a bid to crack the meaning of the text, Dee and his friend, alchemist
and occultist Edward Kelley, apparently summoned the archangel Uriel
in order to question him. We can’t be sure what advice Uriel offered, but
we do know that versions of the manuscript now reside in the Bodleian
and British Libraries.

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