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Chemical and Biological agents

The health of an individual may be harmed by chemicals or substances that are used or made at work.
These encompass all types of chemicals, including tiny particles, and living things like viruses, bacteria,
and other microbes that have the potential to induce an allergic reaction, infection, or toxicity.

Biological agent:

We've all been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. I was infected with the COVID-19 virus at work.

Path and Source: I met a fellow worker who tested positive with COVID-19. Even though I tried my
hardest to stay away from contaminated surfaces and objects at work, I still became sick from touching
contaminated COVID-19.

Impact: I've had the typical symptoms, including fever, chills, sore throat, and pain in my body. For a
week, our entire workplace was closed, and everyone was required to take a COVID test. Every one of
my coworkers spent 14 days in isolation at home.

Approach for control:

Before entry into the job, all individuals had to undergo screening. Examining the list of symptoms and
taking their temperature is part of it. To ensure they avoid getting in touch with other people, anyone
who seems to be experiencing any symptoms should be requested to stay inside until they are well
enough to return to work.


I'm always exposed to different chemicals because I work in a restaurant. I once had an order to wash
the dishes. We start by disinfecting the plates with a washing sanitizer. The sanitizer's chemical makeup
includes a combination of sodium silicate, sodium polyacrylate, potassium hydroxide, sodium
hypochlorite, acrylic acid homopolymer, zinc sulfate hexahydrate, and fragrance.

Surface contact (chemical absorption through the skin) is the source and the path.

Possible effect: I experienced an allergic response, causing my hand to go red.

Control strategy: If a measure has demonstrated an impact on a population, a preventive measure ought
to be implemented. It is necessary to locate a subtly different option and test it before using it.

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