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Artificial Intelligence has become increasingly more powerful in the last two years.

Today, I will
explore to what extent this technology can potentially become either beneficial or dangerous to

Every human makes mistakes. In creativity, unpredicted results sometimes give birth to ideas
no one had ever thought of. However, mistakes become a fundamental threat to pace when it comes
to producing consistent results. Furthermore, inconsistency can make some tasks more dangerous. As
artificial intelligence is programmed to act and deal with information in a specific way, A.I. will
certainly drastically reduce danger and mistakes at work. Additionally, robots never feel bored.
Therefore, A.I. will be a key factor in achieving repetitive tasks. Finally, it will help businesses decrease
their production costs as A.I.s do not have the same needs as we do.

On the other hand, A.I. has many disadvantages. The first one being algorithmic or database
bias. In fact, A.I.s are far from achieving critical thinking, or even any kind of thinking at all. Therefore,
if it bases its reflections on information given by extremists or information it does not comprehend
the fully, A.I. may be cruel, even if it does its best to act for good. Furthermore, experts believe that
A.I.s will perform largely higher productivity than humans, potentially leading to enormous
unemployment waves.

To conclude, A.I.s are predicted to become better than humans in repetitive working domains.
However, we must be aware that it might lead to unemployment or display extremist propaganda if
not regulated correctly.

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