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Write it down!

What do you What do you want What have you

know about to know about learned about
places in places in town? it?

Nesta primeira lesson, veremos:

1. There is and There are

2. There is and There are - structure


Quando queremos dizer que algo existe em determinada situação ou

espaço, usamos There + verb to be, como se fosse o verbo “haver” em
português! Se estivermos falando sobre apenas um indivíduo ou
objeto, usamos There is. Mais de uma pessoa ou objeto devemos
utilizar o There are.

In this picture…
There are cars
Take a look at Amy’s routine There are clouds
There are buildings
There is a river
There aren’t any people
In this picture…
There is a man
There is a woman
There are two girls
There is a boy
There are five people
There is an animal
There is a horse
There are hats


● There is a (one) cat on the street.

● There are three cats on the street.


Nunca use “have” para falar sobre a

existência de algo.

Have a cat on the street.


● Affirmative - There is / There are + complement

● Negative - There isn’t / There aren’t + complement
● Questions - Is there / Are there + complement + ?


● There aren’t any people here.

● There are many people here.
● Are there people here?
Real examples:

● “There is a light and it never goes out.” - There Is a Light That

Never Goes Out, by The Smiths.
● “There are people that I can look back.” - Theater is
● “There aren't people or lawyers that are willing to fight.” -
Kimberley Motley: Como eu defendo o Estado de Direito.
● “There isn't a left or a right way of doing.” - Benjamin Barber: Por
que prefeitos deveriam governar o mundo?


★ Blended, available on Prime Video

★ Ratatouille, available on Disney+
Além de dizer que algo existe, também podemos descrevê-lo. Para
isso usamos palavras chamadas adjetivos. Aqui estão alguns:

● New ● Cheap - Doesn’t cost a lot

● Old ● Expensive - Costs a lot
● Good ● Nice - Similar to good
● Bad ● Cool - Nice, good
● Beautiful - Looks good ● Awesome - Very good
● Ugly - Doesn’t look good ● Quiet
● Big ● Noisy - The opposite of quiet
● Small ● Fun - That brings pleasure


● There is a new restaurant downtown.

● There are many beautiful houses in my neighbourhood.
● Is there anything fun to do here?
● There’s a big dog behind you.
● That jacket is not very expensive!
● My house is never quiet, it’s always really noisy.
● There aren’t any good movies on TV, only bad TV shows.
● That’s an awesome idea!
● That’s a cool t-shirt, but the pants are ugly.

Real examples:

● “There’s something wrong with the world today .” - Livin’ on the

Edge, by Aerosmith.
● “There's no much more that I can say.” - Seable & Victa, Sicily
● “I think that there are many problems to come.” - Arthur Potts
Dawson: Uma visão para restaurantes sustentáveis.
● “But actually, there are feelings there that are able to grow.” -
The art of leadership - Leading to create change.
● “I think that there are attacks going on now.” - A Conversation
with Madeleine Albright - sponsored by the Dickey Center at


★ The Powerpuff Girls: The Movie, available on HBO Max

★ There Are Such Things by Frank Sinatra
Toda cidade tem seus pontos turísticos, lojas e lugares específicos.


A place that sells bread, cakes, and other types of food.


● There is an amazing bakery in my neighborhood. You have to go

there when you have the time!
● There are many delicious cakes, breads and desserts at the

A green space where people go to play, relax, walk, have picnics, etc.


● There is a great park near my house, I always go there to have a

picnic with my family.
● Parks are beautiful during spring.


A place where buses pick up passengers.


● Are there any bus stops nearby? I want to go to the mall.

● Bus stops are usually full of people in the morning.

A central terminal where passengers can take the bus - usually for
longer trips.


● Where are you? I’m waiting for you at the bus station.
● We are at the bus station near the red hot dog cart.


A place where passengers can take the train or subway / metro.


● The train station is closed today.

● This metro / subway station is so dirty!

A shopping center.


● This is the first (shopping) mall to be opened in this city. It’s new.
● Are there any (shopping) malls in your city?


A place where people can have drinks.


● There’s a new bar in town!

● Let’s have some drinks at that bar!

A place where people go to watch movies - usually new movies.


● Are there any fun movies playing in theaters at the moment?

● The new movie theater is huge*!
*Huge = very, very big


The place used for public Christian worship, meetings and praying.


● That old church is so beautiful!

● There are many churches near my house.


A place where people buy medicine and other items.


● Where can I find a pharmacy / drugstore? I need to buy some

● Charles works at the local pharmacy / drugstore.


A large shop that sells food and other household items. It is usually
divided into sections.


● I need to run to the supermarket. Can you take me there?

● I like this supermarket because it is always empty.


A place where people buy medicine and other items.


● Where is the nearest hospital?

● There are many sick patients in the hospital.


The place where travelers and tourists stay.


● The old hotel was closed for repairs.

● I stayed at a five-star hotel in England.


A place where students go to learn.


● This new school building looks really modern!

● My siblings love going to school.


The place where the local police stay.


● There is a new police station being built near my school. That’s

good for the students.
● The suspect was taken to the police station.


A place where people can send letters and packages.


● The post office is in front of the bakery.

● I don’t like going to the post office, it is always crowded.

Real examples:

● “Yeah, it's like a pandemic for me to visit the Post Office.” - How
Dogs Spread The Coronavirus.
● “Well, that vision kind of haunted me as I grew up and I went to
school.” - A conservative's plea: Let's work together | Arthur
● “Maybe it was there in the hospital bed.” - President Obama
Speaks at the 95th DAV Convention

nesse caso, a palavra “hospital” está sendo

usada como um adjetivo, porque está
caracterizando a palavra “bed” (cama), dando
a entender que está se referindo a uma
cama de hospital.

● “But in Canada, we would call this a drugstore or a pharmacy.” -

An English Lesson: What to do and say when you are sick.
● “And then maybe they ask you to come into the police station.” -
Covering China: A Journalist’s Tale, Andrew Jacobs.


★ Sex and the City, available on HBO Max.

★ Paper towns, available on Telecine.
Às vezes precisamos enfatizar para dar outro significado às coisas.
Observe os exemplos e tente sentir a diferença:

● I like you
● I really like you

Here, we will be learning:

A primeira sentença
1. Intensifiers soa simples, já a
2. Adjectives segunda tem mais


Intensificadores são palavras que tornam outras palavras mais fortes.

Aqui está uma lista de intensificadores comuns:

● Very - strong
● Really - strong
● So - strong
● Extremely - very strong
● Totally - very strong
● Absolutely - very strong
● Freaking - very strong, informal

“It’s so good to be home.”


● This show is so funny!

So - intensifier “Esse programa é TÃO engraçado.”

Funny - Adjective

● This pizza is very tasty!

Os intensifiers
● This is absolutely scary!
deixam sua fala mais
● You are so freaking annoying!
natural e ampliam seu
● He is totally concentrated.
● This is absolutely disgusting!


Aqui estão mais alguns adjetivos que você também pode usar com
esses intensificadores.

Awful - very bad

Terrible - very bad
Hard - difficult
Tiny - very small
Fast - moves rapidly
Slow - opposite of fast


● I made an awful mistake.

● That’s a terrible idea.
● The test was so hard I couldn’t answer every question.
● The baby has tiny feet.
● My car is not fast, it’s slow.
Real examples:

● “Well, it's a tiny little button.” - Margaret Gould Stewart: How

giant websites design for you (and a billion others, too).
● “We worked so hard in that theatre on the hill.” - Kate Mulvany's
Honorary Doctorate Speech | Curtin University.
● “I am a freaking cherry bomb.” - Dumb Blonde, by Avril Lavigne.


★ So Good by Zara Larsson.

★ I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen
Vimos alguns lugares que podemos encontrar na cidade em nossa
última aula, como:

● Park
● School
● Bakery
● Church

Mas como falar deles se estamos falando de mais de um? Let’s take a

● One park, two parks

● One school, two schools
● One bakery, two bakeries
● One church, two churches


A: before CONSONANT sounds! (sons de consoantes)

● a car - I have a car.
● a dog - My sister has a dog.
● a teacher - I am a teacher.

AN: before VOWEL sounds (sons de vogais)

● an egg - I ate an egg yesterday.
● an apple - That is an apple.
● an engineer - My brother is an engineer.

Confusing words:

● a university (“youniversity”)
● an hour (“our”)

Os plurais são fáceis de formar em inglês! Take a look:

1) In most cases, add an -s to the end.

● cars, bicycles, elephants

2) In words ending in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, or -z, add ‑es

● churches, buses, glasses, boxes, potatoes

3) In words ending in consonant + -y, remove the -y and add -ies

● bakeries (bakery), families (family), cities (city)

4) Most words ending in -f change to -ves in their plural form.

● Wolves (wolf), leaves (leaf), wives (wife)

5) Some words don’t change

● fish - fish
● series - series
● sheep - sheep

Important: A palavra “fish”, como dito na Rule #5, não muda

quando colocada no plural. De maneira geral, seguimos
essa regra no inglês do dia a dia, entretanto, num contexto
mais científico ou biológico, para diferenciar espécies
diferentes de peixes, a palavra no plural é fishes. Check out
some examples:

● There are 5 fish in the bowl. (5 peixes da mesma espécie)

● There are 5 fishes in the bowl. (5 peixes de espécies diferentes)

There is 1 fish in the bowl.

There are some There are a few
exceptions to words exceptions:
ending in -o, like:
● Belief - beliefs
● photos ● Chef - chefs
● pianos ● Roof - roofs

Algumas palavras são irregulares, então sua forma no plural muda:

● child – children
● man – men
● woman – women
● tooth – teeth
● foot – feet
● mouse – mice
● person – people

Algumas palavras não têm plural, porque são incontáveis, como:

● Water

○ I need water! (not waters)

● Milk

○ Do you want some milk? (not milks)

● Money

○ Here’s your money. (not moneys)


● There are a lot of mice in my basement!

● I caught three fish today!
● What are your favorite series?
● The children are playing outside.
● There are wolves in this area.
● Where are the potatoes?
● I want to see the elephants!

Real examples:

● “Add two more mice to each group.” - Module 3: Biological and

Technical Replicates.
● “In California we don't have a water problem.” - The Open Mind:
We’re All Made of Stars - Moby.
● “Education: that's where we put a lot of money.” - Alain de
Botton: Ateísmo 2.0.
● “Treat each other like we're little children.” - Why Do We Fall In


★ Heathens by Twenty-one Pilots

★ Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis
1) Complete as sentenças abaixo com There is ou There are:

a. ______ ______ many people here.

b. ______ ______ wild wolves in this area.
c. ______ ______ water everywhere.
d. ______ ______ a series called “The Good Place” which I love.
e. ______ ______ not enough money.

2) Descreva o que há nesta imagem usando There is ou There are:

3) Leia a sentença abaixo. Está correta ou errada?

We can also use “have” to talk about the existence of things.

a. Correct
b. Wrong

4) Combine os adjetivos com seus significados opostos.

1. Beautiful a. Small
2. New b. Bad
3. Big c. Cheap
4. Good d. Noisy
5. Expensive e. Ugly
6. Quiet f. Old

5) Qual desses adjetivos é um sinônimo para “very good”?

a. Nice
b. Cool
c. Awesome

6) Qual dessas sentenças está incorreta?

a. There’s no milk in the kitchen.

b. There are two dogs at my home.
c. Are there a person here?
d. There’s no much water for us.

7) Use as palavras da caixa abaixo para nomear os lugares das fotos

(na páginas seguinte):

Bakery - Park - Bus stop - Bus station - Subway station -

Mall - Bar - Movies - Church - Drugstore - Supermarket -
Hospital - Hotel - School - Police station - Post office
a) e)

_____________ _____________

b) f)

_____________ _____________

c) g)

_____________ _____________

d) h)

_____________ _____________
i) m)

_____________ _____________

j) n)

_____________ _____________

k) o)

_____________ _____________

l) p)

_____________ _____________

8) The word “cinema” does not exist in English. The only acceptable
option is “movies”.

a. Correct
b. Incorrect
9) What is the name of the place we usually take the bus passengers
for longer trips?

a. Bus station
b. Bus stop

10) Complete a frase:

“I’m going to the _________ right now. I need bread.”

a. Drugstore
b. Park
c. Bar
d. Bakery

11) Complete a frase:

“I always go to the _________ on Sundays because I love praying.”

a. School
b. Church
c. Supermarket
d. Supermarket

12) Complete a frase:

“I’m sick. I’m going to the _________ and buy some medicine. ”

a. Bar
b. Subway
c. Drugstore
d. Bus station
13) Qual dessas palavras está incorreta no plural?

a. Women
b. People
c. Men
d. Childs
e. Churches

14) The word “series” can be either singular or plural.

a. True
b. False

15) Write a paragraph (50 words) about an amazing or terrible

experience you had. Tente usar o máximo possível de intensifiers e os
adjetivos que vimos até agora.
1) 7)

a. There are a. Drugstore

b. There are b. Church
c. There is c. School
d. There is d. Post office
e. There is e. Supermarket
f. Subway station
2) Possible answers: g. Hotel
h. Police station
There’s a bike, There’s a/one girl, i. Bakery
There are buildings, There’s a sea, j. Mall
There are stones, There are clouds, k. Park
There’s the sky. l. Movies
m. Bus stop
3) n. Bus station
o. Hospital
b. Wrong p. Bar

4) 8)

1. e b. Incorrect
2. f
3. a 9)
4. b
5. c a. Bus station
6. d
d. Bakery
c. Awesome
b. Church
c. Are there person here? -
incorrect. 12)

c. Drugstore

d. Childs (The correct form is



a. True


Personal answer.

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