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An unforggetable memory

A long time ago, I went to the forest with

my friends Vlad, Maria and Andra to pick
After filling the baskets with blackberries
I heard a noise. When we turned our heads it
was a bear cub. At that moment we threw the
baskets out of our hands and ran home
because we knew the mother was near us. The
next day we returned to that place with a
hunter and more foresters, in order for this
not to happen again, we were forbidden to go
without an adult in the forest. After a week
I wen alone in the forest, I was a child
full of energy and very curious, so finding
a bear attracted me. I climbed a tree over a
blackberry bush and waited for the moment of
the meeting, my camera was ready to capture
the animal.
I waited two hours sitting in a tree and it
was worth it, I took very good pictures of
the mother bear and her mini bears. One
photo is in the background, I like it
because it is kinda funny.

It was an unforgettable day

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