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As a TVL cookery students we believe that lifelong training and education in food
safety is a crucial issue in our courses. At the same time there is a need to evaluate the
effectiveness and knowledge of the students on what and how the sustainable practices are
important. Moreover we want to know their perception on what and how to execute some
sustainable practices. Additionally the following sustainable practices are food safety, food
preparation, food quality and risk and harmful effect of some foods.

Different Learning Style of TVL Cookery Students of Cesar C. Tan Memorial High School
As I believe that the diversity is very important to achieve harmonious society. I also
believe that different Learning Style of TVL cookery Students are very important specially if
we really want to become a globally productive citizen in the near future. Also we want to
know how my fellow students learn so that we can help them to gain more knowledge in the
near future moreover we can make our teachers more aware on how to handle the
differences learning style of TVL students.

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