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1. What other philosophical questions have you asked yourself?

What led you to ponder those

- What does death feel like?
- Why is it called a star if it is not in the shape of a star?
- Why are good people always the heroes?

I think about these questions out of my natural curiosity.

2. Do you think you will be able to figure out the answers to those philosophical questions?
- I think it is difficult to figure out the answers because these philosophical
questions are uncertain and complex; answering them requires complex
reasoning, as simple facts are insufficient to provide answers.

1. What are the reasons that compel a person to engage in philosophical thinking?
- Since philosophical thinking involves pursuing knowledge and searching for
truth, engaging in it will enable us to comprehend our own values and form our
own worldview.
2. How can you as a person benefit from philosophizing?
- It will encourage ourselves to investigate questions that go against our ideas and
“The unexamined life is not worth living”

In terms of physiology, a living system is one that is capable of

performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing,
moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli. But that's
not all there is to life; "life" is a broad subject with plenty of questions and
ideas to explore, similar to a giant puzzle with many pieces. This puzzle
includes figuring out what makes something alive, why we do the things we
do, how we should treat others, and even what is right and wrong. It is also
about understanding our emotions and how they fit into the bigger picture of

Existence has no sense of meaning and purpose if it is not examined. It

means that living without reflection and self-awareness can lead to a shallow
and unsatisfying existence. Imagine going through life without ever stopping
to think about your actions, values, or what truly matters to you. It's like living
without thinking, where you just do things automatically without wondering
why you're doing them.

The saying has prompted me to pause and reflect on my existence. By

examining my beliefs, decisions, and motivations, I can gain a deeper
understanding of myself and what brings me joy and meaning. It's as if a light
were shining on the path I'm walking, allowing me to make more meaningful
decisions and ultimately leading to a fuller and more satisfying existence. In
essence, it serves as a reminder to not simply go through the motions, but to
actively consider and shape our own lives.

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