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Subject: Philippine Politics and Governance

Grade Level: Grade 12

Objective: 1. Identify the features of the Philippine Senate and House of

Representatives in the government; and enhance literacy and numeracy skills
as well as critical order thinking skills.

Learning across curriculum:

1) English - Analyzing political speeches and debates to understand the role of the
Senate and House of Representatives in shaping public policies.

2) Mathematics - Analyzing data on the number of bills passed by the Senate and
House of Representatives to assess their legislative productivity.

3) Economics - Studying the impact of the legislative agenda of the Senate and
House of Representatives on the country's economic development.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, whiteboard]

1) Quiz: "Guess the Legislation" - Show images or clues related to significant bills
passed by the Senate and House of Representatives. Students will guess the
legislation and discuss its impact.

2) Role-Playing: "Mock Congressional Session" - Assign students different roles

(senators, representatives, media, etc.) and simulate congressional session to
discuss and debate proposed bills.

3) Guest Speaker: Invite a former senator or representative to share their

experiences and insights on the legislative process.

Activity 1: "Comparing the Senate and House of Representatives"

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Chart paper, markers

Significance: Students will work in groups to create a Venn diagram comparing the
features and functions of the Senate and House of Representatives.


1) Each group will be assigned either the Senate or House of Representatives.

2) Using the chart paper, create a Venn diagram to compare their features (e.g.,
number of members, term length, qualifications) and functions (e.g., passing laws,
representing constituents).

3) Present the Venn diagram to the class and discuss the similarities and differences
between the two legislative bodies.


- Accurate comparison of features and functions: 10 pts

- Clear presentation and explanation: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the main difference between the Senate and House of Representatives in
terms of membership?

2) How do the Senate and House of Representatives contribute to the legislative


3) Can a bill become a law without the approval of both the Senate and House of

Activity 2: "Legislative Productivity Analysis"

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials: Data sets on the number of bills passed by the Senate and House of
Significance: Students will analyze data to assess the legislative productivity of the
Senate and House of Representatives.


1) Provide students with data sets on the number of bills passed by the Senate and
House of Representatives over a specific period.

2) In pairs or small groups, students will analyze the data and identify trends and
patterns in the legislative productivity of each chamber.

3) Present their findings to the class and discuss the factors that may influence the
legislative productivity of the Senate and House of Representatives.


- Accurate analysis of data and identification of trends: 15 pts

- Clear presentation and explanation of findings: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What factors do you think contribute to the differences in legislative productivity

between the Senate and House of Representatives?

2) How does legislative productivity impact the effectiveness of the Senate and
House of Representatives in representing the people?

3) Can the number of bills passed be used as the sole measure of the success of the
Senate and House of Representatives?

Activity 3: "Legislative Agenda and Economic Development"

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Materials: News articles on the legislative agenda and its impact on the economy

Significance: Students will analyze the legislative agenda of the Senate and House
of Representatives and its impact on the country's economic development.

1) Provide students with news articles on the legislative agenda and its impact on the

2) In groups, students will read and discuss the articles to identify the key legislative
priorities and their potential impact on economic development.

3) Present their findings to the class and engage in a class discussion on the role of
the Senate and House of Representatives in shaping economic policies.


- Accurate analysis of the legislative agenda and its impact on the economy: 15 pts

- Clear presentation and explanation of findings: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the legislative agenda of the Senate and House of Representatives
influence economic development?

2) In your opinion, what should be the top legislative priorities of the Senate and
House of Representatives to promote economic growth?

3) Can the legislative agenda of the Senate and House of Representatives address
all the economic challenges facing the country?


Activity 1 - The Venn diagram activity allowed students to compare and contrast the
features and functions of the Senate and House of Representatives, enhancing their
critical thinking skills and understanding of the legislative bodies' roles in

Activity 2 - Analyzing the legislative productivity data helped students develop their
numeracy skills and encouraged them to think critically about the factors that affect
legislative output.

Activity 3 - Analyzing the legislative agenda and its on the economy promoted
students' literacy skills and critical thinking by connecting political decisions to real-
world economic consequences.

The objective of this lesson was for students to identify the features of the Philippine
Senate and House of Representatives while enhancing their literacy and numeracy
skills as well as critical order thinking skills. Through various activities, students were
able to analyze, compare, and evaluate the roles and functions of the legislative
bodies, understand legislative productivity, and recognize the impact of the
legislative agenda on economic development.


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Students will research and create a visual presentation on a significant bill
passed by the Senate or House of Representatives, highlighting its features and
impact on society. They will present their findings to the class.

Task 2 - Students will participate in a debate on a current issue being discussed in

the Senate or House of Representatives, taking on different roles and presenting
arguments based on their research.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Rubrics, discussion guidelines]

Question 1: How does the legislative process in the Philippines compare to other

Question 2: What are the challenges faced by the Senate and House of
Representatives in fulfilling their roles and functions?

Question 3: How can citizens actively participate in the legislative process in the

Assignment 1: Write a reflection paper on the significance of the legislative branch
in the Philippine government. Include examples of recent legislation and their impact
on society.

Assignment 2: Conduct an interview with a senator or representative to gain

insights into their legislative work. Write a report summarizing the interview and
highlighting key points discussed.

Note: The rubrics, discussion guidelines, and specific materials for the assessment
and assignment sections can be provided separately.

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