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Adichie have explore her identity as an African using linguistics and

literary devices. Her choice of diction aid her to express her identity
more effectively.

Ngozi have used extended metaphor as her speech tittle "The danger
of a single story" that foreshadow main idea of her speech and an
attractive sentence which hooks reader's attention. The use of diction
"Danger" creates a gloomy as well as panicking tone that depicts the
effect of a single story of a particular culture or individual. It depicts
that single story could supress the identity of the person. It reveals to
the reader the impact of having a single story as it could lead to
spread of anger and irritation among people. Therefore convincing the
reader to have sufficient information about a culture of country in
order to successfully explore their identity.

Chimamanda have organized the text in a chronological order,

starting from her childhood to her professional life exploring the
identity of her culture as well as other culture throughout.

Ngozi have started with a simple and an informational sentence "I am

a storyteller". In the very beginning she expressed her identity as a
storyteller signifying how important ones identity is and how it can
bound a person with discrimination and lead to misunderstanding. It
persuades the audiences to be careful while exploring ones identity
avoid being part of stereotypical views. It also grabs the reader's
attention as they feel she is doing to narrate some interesting stories.

She goes on to use more complex sentences to heighten the pace and
explore identity through various perspective.

Chimamanda started exploring her identity since her childhood as an

African, when she started reading book "truly at age of 4". "I wrote
exactly the kind of stories I was reading" it demonstrate how we start
being the part of a single story since our childhood. It convey impact
of reading one type of story and exploring once identity according to
that story. The reader get to know that if we keep on accepting the
single story we will start feeling being inferior than other. Which she
farther illustrate using third person pronoun "they" as she describe
the character of her single story. She use the second person pronoun
"we" as she describe the Africans. It denote the reader how single
story prevented her from exploring her own identity as single story
take you in the world of a box where you cannot explore your

She use many anecdotes throughout her speech. She explored

different single stories which she breakdown later in her speech. She
have been moving securely through the effective diction, avoiding
pointing the audience for their lake of knowledge as she herself was
the part of single story.

Adichie have used absolute negative word "never" to convey the

impossibility that a single story set in her mind that Africans can
never be in literature as in her childhood she just read American's
books. It depicts how stereotypes could affect the process of
exploring ones identity. It signify to the reader the importance of
having multiple perspectives and ideas in order to reject the single
story in order to effectively explore the identity.

She have used ethos "Chinua Achebe and Camara Laya"

that builds credibility with the audience, the speaker also
builds trust with her audience and the reader feel that they
can rely on the writer. persuade her audience not to fall for a
single perspective to avoid judgmental and stereotypical thinking.
She have used a dynamic verb "mantel shift" that tells how she see a
possibility of Africans to being in literature and importance of
exploring once identity.

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