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Model-based technique to determine variable rate nitrogen for corn

Article in Agricultural Systems · February 1999

DOI: 10.1016/S0308-521X(99)00035-9

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7 authors, including:

Joel Paz William Batchelor

Mississippi State University Auburn University


Tom Kaspar Douglas Karlen

United States Department of Agriculture Iowa State University


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Agricultural Systems 61 (1999) 69±75

Model-based technique to determine variable rate nitrogen

for corn
J.O. Paz a, W.D. Batchelor a,*, B.A. Babcock b, T.S. Colvin c, S.D. Logsdon c,
T.C. Kaspar c, D.L. Karlen c
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
USDA National Soil Tilth Laboratory, Ames, IA 50011, USA

Received 3 November 1998; received in revised form 14 May 1999; accepted 24 May 1999

Past e€orts to correlate yield from small ®eld plots to soil type, elevation, fertility, and other factors have been only
partially successful for characterizing spatial variability in corn (Zea mays L.) yield. Furthermore, methods to deter-
mine optimum nitrogen rate in grids across ®elds depend upon the ability to accurately predict yield variability and
corn response to nitrogen. In this paper, we developed a technique to use the CERES-Maize crop growth model to
characterize corn yield variability. The model was calibrated using 3 years of data from 224 grids in a 16 ha ®eld near
Boone, IA. The model gave excellent predictions of yield trends along transects in the ®eld, explaining approximately
57% of the yield variability. Once the model was calibrated for each grid cell, optimum nitrogen rate to maximize net
return was computed for each location using 22 years of historical weather data. Results show high spatial distribution
of optimum nitrogen fertilizer prescription for grids across the ®eld. Grid-level nitrogen fertilizer management used
lower amounts of fertilizer, produced higher yields and was more pro®table than either transect- or ®eld-level (single
rate) fertilizer application. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Nitrogen; Corn; Model-based technique; Yield

1. Introduction management depends upon discovery of relation-

ships between environment, management, and
The advent of yield monitors and global posi- resulting yield variability, and ultimately, how
tioning systems that can create spatial yield maps these relationships can be exploited to compute
has generated excitement and controversy among optimum prescriptions. Farmers are faced with
farmers and researchers. Site-speci®c ®eld man- trying to determine how to manage variability to
agement promises to maximize ®eld level net improve pro®ts. Researchers are trying to develop
return and minimize environmental impact by methods to analyze causes of yield, variability,
managing ®elds using spatially variable manage- and determine how to develop prescriptions for
ment practices. The success of site-speci®c ®eld fertility, and cultural practices to capitalize on
variability across ®eld. While environment, man-
* Corresponding author. Fax:+1-515-294-2552. agement, soil, and pest factors have been studied
0308-521X/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0308-521X(99)00035-9
70 J.O. Paz et al. / Agricultural Systems 61 (1999) 69±75

for many years, researchers are just beginning to 2. Procedures

determine how these factors vary across ®elds and
contribute to spatial yield variability. 2.1. Site description
Initial e€orts to study yield variability have
focused on taking static measurements of soil, Spatial yield distribution of corn was investi-
management, or plant properties and regressing gated in a 16 ha ®eld in Boone County, IA. The
these values against grid level yields (Jones et al., ®eld, which is the southwest (SW) quadrant of the
1989; Cambardella et al., 1996; Khakural et al, Baker farm, used a conventional farming method
1996; Sudduth et al., 1996). However, these e€orts consisting of a corn±soybean rotation, conven-
have proven to be illusive in determining causes of tional tillage, and application of commercial ferti-
yield variability. The reason for this is apparent: lizer and pesticides. Fig. 1 shows the arrangement
crop yield is in¯uenced by temporal interactions of the eight transects in the ®eld. Each transect
of management, soil properties, and environment. consists of 28 corn yield plots or grids. This gave a
Traditional analytical techniques, which regress total of 224 grids with measured yields. Each grid
static measurements against yield do not account was 12 m wide by 46 m long. Final corn yield was
for temporal interactions of stress on crop growth measured from three rows in each grid using a plot
and yield. Some successes have been achieved in combine with weigh tank for 1989, 1991, and 1995.
developing relationships between soil type or ele- The site is typical of low-relief swell and swale
vation and yield variability by using regression topography characteristic of broad areas of the
approaches. However, these do not directly Des Moines lobe surface (Steinwand and Fenton,
account for the dynamic interaction of available 1995). The ®eld contains nine soil classes that are
soil moisture, root water uptake, and water-related predominantly from the Clarion±Nicollet±Web-
stresses that can occur and a€ect plant growth ster soil association (Steinwand, 1992). A detailed
processes. Developing this knowledge is impera- soil map of the ®eld was obtained from the
tive to understanding and quantifying yield varia- National Soil Tilth Laboratory (NSTL) in Ames,
bility. Soil moisture stress (drought or excess IA. Estimates of soil physical properties were
water) can cause signi®cant variability due to var- provided by Logsdon (1995, unpublished) of the
iations in soil moisture holding characteristics, NSTL, namely: lower limit (LL), drained upper
rooting depth and distribution, and drainage limit (DUL), saturated moisture content (SAT),
patterns across a ®eld. Methods to accurately saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), bulk den-
compute interactions of stress on growth will ulti- sity (BD), and organic carbon (OC) at several
mately lead to the development of optimum sites-
speci®c prescriptions.
Assessment of spatial variability within a given
®eld is necessary prior to implementation of vari-
able rate fertilization (VRF). Process-oriented
crop growth models are a promising tool to help
researchers search for relationships between envir-
onment, management, and yield variability. In a
recent study, Paz et al. (1998) used a crop growth
model and found di€erences in water availability
explained up to 69% of yield variation within
transects in a central Iowa soybean (Glycine max
(L.) Merr.) ®eld.
The objective of this study was to demonstrate
the use of a corn crop growth model in character-
izing corn yield variability and evaluate variable Fig. 1. Contour map and layout of yield transects and grids in
nitrogen prescriptions for a ®eld in Iowa. Baker farm. Contour intervals are in meters.
J.O. Paz et al. / Agricultural Systems 61 (1999) 69±75 71

depths for each soil type. Properties for the pre- drainage conditions resulting in lower water
dominant soil type were used to represent soil tables. Low Ksat values reduce drainage out the
properties in each grid. bottom of the pro®le and create higher water
tables, which can restrict rooting depth. E€ective
2.2. Data collection tile drain spacing (FLDS) a€ects the rate of daily
tile ¯ow when the water table is above the tile
In this study, planting date, nitrogen application drain. A third model parameter, plant population
date and rate, and ®nal yield in each grid were (PPOP), was also adjusted in each grid to provide
collected for 1989, 1991 and 1995. It is important relative yield di€erences due to consistently poor
to note that soil water content, initial nutrient emergence or barrenness between grids. Thus,
levels, and plant population and barrenness were three parameters were derived for each grid to give
not collected for each grid. In the following ana- the best ®t between predicted and measured yields
lysis, we assumed uniform initial nitrate and soil over a 3-year period.
water content levels across all grids.
2.4. Model calibration
2.3. Crop growth model
A control program containing the simulated
In this study, the CERES-Maize (Jones and annealing algorithm was linked with the CERES-
Kiniry, 1986) crop growth model was used to Maize model. The program was used to solve for
characterize yield variability across the corn ®eld. the optimum set of these three parameters for each
The model computes growth, development, and of the 224 grids in the 16 ha Baker ®eld. Simulated
yield on homogeneous units (either plot, ®eld, or annealing is a very robust algorithm (Go€e et al.,
regional scale), and has been demonstrated to 1994) and is used in solving complex combinator-
adequately simulate crop growth at a ®eld or ial optimization problems. The algorithm is based
research plot scale. The CERES-Maize model on the metaphor of how annealing works: reach a
requires inputs including management practices minimum energy state upon cooling a substance,
(variety, row spacing, plant population, fertilizer but not too quickly in order to avoid reaching
and irrigation application dates and amounts) and an undesirable state. This study used simulated
environmental conditions (soil type, daily max- annealing routine as described by Corana et al.
imum and minimum temperature, rainfall and (1987) and implemented by Go€e et al. (1994).
solar radiation). Model parameters were optimized in each of the
We assumed that two factors dominate spatial 224 grids to minimize the sum of square error
and temporal yield variability: water-related stress between predicted and measured yield for 1989,
and population di€erences among grids. In order 1991, and 1995. The objective function established
to test this hypothesis, we developed a technique for the model simulations was written as:
to calibrate several input parameters of the corn
model to minimize error between predicted and X
Min : SSE ˆ Ymi ÿ Ypi †2 1†
measured yields in each of the 224 grids. Two soil iˆ1
parameters were adjusted to mimic water table
and tile drainage dynamics in each grid. These where SSE is the sum of square error between Ym
parameters primarily a€ect water table depth and (measured yield) and Yp (predicted yield), and i is
rooting depth progress. The ®rst parameter, satu- the ith year.
rated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of the bottom
layer of the soil pro®le (180±200 cm), was cali- 2.5. Economic analysis
brated in conjunction with the second parameter,
e€ective tile drain spacing, to attempt to mimic the After calibrating the model for each grid in the
soil water dynamics in each grid (Garrison et al., ®eld, we conducted a simple analysis to determine
1998). High values of Ksat in a grid creates better optimum nitrogen application rate in each of the
72 J.O. Paz et al. / Agricultural Systems 61 (1999) 69±75

224 grids within the ®eld. Our strategy was to

determine the nitrogen rate that maximized pro®t
over 22 years (1975±96) of historical weather data.
Soil nitrate and ammonium contents of each grid
measured in April 1997 were used as initial values
for the series of model runs. A total of 21 nitrogen
rates (50±280 kg haÿ1) were tested for each of the
22 years. The annual net return ($ haÿ1) for each
grid was computed for each nitrogen rate using
the following function:

Net Return ˆ Y  Pc ÿ N  Pn 2†

Fig. 2. Predicted versus measured corn yields for the 224 grids
where Y is corn yield (kg haÿ1), Pc is the price of in Baker Farm using 3 years of data.
corn ($0.086 kgÿ1), N is nitrogen application rate
(kg haÿ1, and Pn is the cost of nitrogen fertilizer
($0.10 kgÿ1). corn yields in grids with measured yields of 6000
kg haÿ1 or less for the 1991 production year. This
likely occurred because low yields were probably a
3. Results and discussion result of poor plant stand. The actual plant popu-
lation was not measured and we estimated a
3.1. Yield predictions population for each grid as outlined earlier.
The model gave good predictions with regard to
The model gave very good results for the aver- yield trends along transects in the ®eld for all pro-
age ®eld level corn yields. Field level predicted duction years except 1991. Fig. 3 shows an example
yields were within ‹14% of measured yields for of yield trends along transect 7. There were instan-
each of the three corn production years (1989, 1991 ces where the model gave poor agreement between
and 1995). The percent error between ®eld level predicted and measured yield on several grids,
predicted and measured yields was 6.9, ÿ13.5 and notably those in low lying areas. However, pre-
ÿ0.4% for 1989, 1991 and 1995, respectively dicted and measured yield trends generally mat-
(Table 1). The 3-year ®eld-level predicted yield of ched. A possible explanation is the inability of the
9027 kg haÿl was only ÿ2.4% o€ the average model to account for surface water run-on or sub-
measured yield of 9248 kg haÿ1. surface water ¯ow to a grid from several neigh-
The calibrated model generally gave excellent boring grids, and plant death due to ¯ooding.
predictions of grid-level yields over all years, Overall, the model explained approximately
especially for yields in the range of 6000 and 57% of the yield variability in all grids over 3
11,000 kg haÿ1 (Fig. 2). The model over-predicted years. This indicates that the adjustments of soil
parameters, which induced variable water stress
Table 1
across the grids, as well as the adjustment of plant
Average ®eld-level measured and predicted yield for each corn population, which scaled the relative yields in
production year grids, accounted for a signi®cant amount of the
spatial and temporal yield variability across
Production Measured yield Predicted yield, kg haÿ1
year and Error, %
the ®eld. While these results are not as good as
those found by Paz et al. (1998) for soybean,
1989 9303 9946 (6.9) where the CROPGRO-Soybean model (Hoogen-
1991 9343 8080 (ÿ13.5)
boom et al., 1994) explained 69% of the yield
1995 9097 9056 (ÿ0.4)
3 years 9248 9027 (ÿ2.4) variability in the same ®eld, they are promising.
The interaction of water and nitrogen stresses, as
J.O. Paz et al. / Agricultural Systems 61 (1999) 69±75 73

Fig 4. Diagram showing minimum, average, and maximum net

returns for each nitrogen fertilization scheme, for grid number

higher nitrogen application rates. The average line

shows the 22-year average pro®t reached a max-
imum at a nitrogen rate of 202 kg haÿ1, and
slightly decreased for higher nitrogen application
rates. Also shown in Fig. 4 are the pro®t curves
for the best (1987) and worst (1976) year in the
22-year period. Pro®t functions for grids were dif-
ferent, resulting in di€erent optimum nitrogen
rates across the ®eld.
The optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate was deter-
mined by choosing the rate that maximized net
return on average over 22 years. Results show
Fig. 3. Measured and predicted corn yields of each grid posi- high spatial distribution of optimum nitrogen fer-
tion along transect 7 for the di€erent production years. tilizer prescription for grids across the ®eld (Fig.
5a). Net return for each grid corresponding to the
well as the diculty in computing plant barrenness, optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate is shown in Fig.
signi®cantly complicates yield prediction in corn. 5b. Nitrogen rates of 141±160 kg haÿ1 were found
Plant population data were not available and these to be optimum in 64 of 224 grids (28.6%; Table 2).
likely became limiting assumptions, especially for These nitrogen rates are typical of what farmers
1991, where the model did not perform as well as apply for corn in Iowa.
the other years. The 22-year average predicted corn yield of
greater than 10,000 kg haÿ1 accounted for 195
3.2. Optimum nitrogen rate and net return of the 224 grids (87%) in Baker Farm (Table 3).
Only one grid (0.4%) had low average yield
Net return for 21 nitrogen rates was computed (<8000 kg haÿ1).
using Eq. 2 and was then averaged over all 22 Comparison of net returns for di€erent levels of
years for each grid, to develop the average net spatial resolution shows that grid-level nitrogen
return for each nitrogen rate. This response is fertilizer application to be more pro®table ($796.04
shown in Fig. 4 for one grid-cell (transect 1 grid haÿ1) than transect ($781.13 haÿ1) or ®eld-level
19) in the ®eld. The average line shows the 22-year ($780.38 haÿ1) management (Table 4) over the
average pro®t reached a maximum at a nitrogen 22-year period. Overall, fertilizing by grid rather
rate of 157 kg haÿ1, and slightly decreased for than by ®eld (single rate) reduced the average
74 J.O. Paz et al. / Agricultural Systems 61 (1999) 69±75

Fig. 5. Optimum variable nitrogen rate prescription for (a) corn and (b) corresponding net return of individual grids in Baker ®eld.

Table 2 Table 4
Distribution of grids with corresponding optimum nitrogen Comparison of net return, optimum nitrogen rate, and yield for
fertilizer rates di€erent levels of spatial management resolution

Nitrogen rates Number of grids Percentage Spatial Net return Nitrogen rate Yield
(kg haÿ1) resolution ($ haÿ1) (kg haÿ1) (kg haÿ1)

<60 38 17.0 Grid 796.04 134.6 10,237

80 10 4.5 Transect 781.13 142.8 10,127
100 7 3.1 Field 780.38 145.6 10,140
120 13 5.8
140 21 9.4
160 64 28.6
180 47 21.0
4. Conclusion
200 16 7.1
220 8 3.6 Characterization of spatial variability within a
given ®eld is necessary prior to implementation of
variable rate fertilization. Our e€orts have shown
Table 3 the value of using a crop growth model in deter-
Distribution of 22-year average corn yield groups for grids in mining spatial yield variability. Grid-level corn
Baker farm
yield predictions for all years were in good agree-
Yield Number of grids Percentage ment with measured yields especially between the
(kg haÿ1) range of 6000 and 11,000 kg haÿ1. The model had
<8000 1 0.4 problems predicting yields for 1991 especially in
8000±8500 14 6.3 grids with low (<6000 kg haÿ1) and very high
8501±9000 5 2.2 (>11,000 kg haÿ1) measured yields. The model
9001±9500 1 0.4 gave good predictions with regard to yield trends
9501±10,000 6 2.7
10,001±10,500 119 53.1
along transects in the ®eld for all production years
10,501±11,000 78 34.8 except 1991. There were instances where the model
showed poor agreement between predicted and
measured yield on several grids, notably those in
fertilizer rate 11 kg per hectare, and increased ex- low lying areas. A possible explanation is the
pected yield 97 kg per hectare which increased inability of the model to account for surface run-
pro®t by $15.66 per hectare. However, soil sam- on or sub-surface ¯ow to a grid coming from
pling and analysis costs were not included in the several neighboring grids, and plant death due
economic analysis. to ¯ooding.
J.O. Paz et al. / Agricultural Systems 61 (1999) 69±75 75

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