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Emerging Technology ASSIGNMENT

Name Danayit Hayelom

ID – NaScR/1762/16
Section- 43
Submission date :12/01/2024g.c
Submitted to : GIRMAY TEKLE
1. what is industry revolution 5.0
 The concept of industrial revolution typically refers to significant
technological shifts that transform industries and societies.
 The 5th industrial revolution or 5IR encompasses the notion of
harmonious human-machine collaboration, with a specific focus on the
well-being of the multiple stakeholders (I.e society, companies,
employees , customers .

 If you're in manufacturing then you've probably heard of IR5.0. But

what is it and how it fits in your production facility? The term IR5.0
burst onto the scene as IR4.0 continues to make headway in the
manufacturing field with its many capabilities of automation, data
capture, analytics, and AI. The natural progression to IR 5.0 is
definitely in the works but there is much need for people to
understand its viability in manufacturing.
 IR5.0 is an artificial intelligence technology that has the potential
to revolutionize the way manufacturers can operate. It can help
manufacturers increase automation capabilities in the plant and
enable data-driven decisions that are processed through AI. In
short, IR5.0 can help manufacturers become more efficient and
 The term industry 5.0 refers to people work alongside robot and
smart machines. It's about robots working helping humans work
better and faster by leveraging advanced technologies like the
internet of things and big data.
It adds personal human touch to the industry 4.0 pillars of automation and
 Industry 5.0 will make the factory a place where creative people can
come and work, to create more personalize and human experience for
workers and their customers. Industry 5.0 takes such efficiency and
productivity a step further .it’s about grefining the collaborative
interactions between humans and machines.
 The other thing is industry 5.0 recognize that man and machine must be
interconnected to meet the manufacturing complexity of the future in
dealing with increasing customization through an optimized robotized
manufacturing process.
 Same way IR 5.0 is the manufacturing world's event horizon. Given the
efficiencies that can be gained we're well past the point of going back .
 Overall engaging with the challenges and opportunities industry 5.0
invariably brings will require planning and preparation commensurate
with each manufacturers needs and expected outcomes .

2 .what is program?
 A program in the context of computing, is the sequence of instructions
written to perform a specific task when executed by a computer. These
instructions are expressed using a programming language, which serves as a
means of communication between humans and computer. There are key
points about program includes .
 Instructions :- programs consists of a series of step by step instructions that
guide the computer through a particular process .these instructions written
in a format that can be understood and executed by the computers
 Programming language :- programs are written in a programming language
such as python, java, c++ etc… these language provide a set Of rules and
syntax for expressing algorithms and computations
 Execution:- the act of running a program . During execution the computers
CPU interprets and carries out the instructions specified in the program.
 Abstruction :- programs allow programmers to abstruct complex into
manageable chunks of codes. this absturction makes it easier for humans to
design and understand the logic behind it .
 Versatility :- programs can range from small scripts that perform specific
tasks to large software applications that encompass multiple functions.
In summary a program is a set of instructions written in programming
language to perform a specific computational task when executed by a
computer. It is a fundamental concept in computer science and software
Programmers develop programs through a systematic process that involves
several steps.
Like program definition, algorithm design, choosing a programming
language , coding , testing, debugging .
3 .How we can develop their types
There are six steps in the program development
 Analyze the problem:- the computer user must figure out the problem then
decide how to resolve the problem
 Design the problem:- a flow chart is important to use during this step of the
PDLC. This is a visual diagram of the flow containing the program. This step
will help you break down the program.
 Code the program :- this is using the language of programming to write the
lines of code. The code is called the listing or the source code
 Debug the program :- the computer user must debug. This is the process of
finding” the bugs “ on the computer. The bugs are important to fine
because this is known as error in a program .
 Formalize the solution :- one must run the program to make sure there are
no syntax and logic errors. Syntax are grammatical errors and logic errors in
a program.
 Document and maintain the program :- this step is the final step of
gathering everything together.
Types of programs
1. Application software :- programs designed to perform specific tasks for
users such as word processing, web browsing or gaming.
2. System software :- programs that managed and control the operation of a
computer system such as operating system ,device driver and utility
3. Programming software :- tools used by developers to create ,debug , and
maintain other software and programs such as integrated development
environments and create compilers.
4. Embedded software :- programs that are built into hardware devices to
control their functions such as firmware in electronic devices or industrial
5. Web-based software :- program that run on web serves and are accessed
by users through web browsers such as online banking system or social
media platforms.
6. Utility software :- program that provide maintenance and support functions
for computer system such as antivirus software.

4 What are programming languages?

o Programming is the process of creating a set of instruction that tell a
computer how to perform a task .programming can be done using
variety of computer language such as SQL, java, python , and C++.
o Programming it's the process of designing and building executable
computer programs to accomplish a specific task or set of tasks.
o Programming language is a type of written language that tells computers
what to do . Programming languages are used to write computer
programs and computer software . a programming language is like a set
of commands that tell the computer how to do things.

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