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Saturn: Crash Course Astronomy #18

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1. Saturn is the ______________________ planet,

but ironically, the ____________________.

a. Saturn is a gas giant, which means it has

a ________________________________.

b. When we look at Saturn, we only see its


c. One of the most striking features on Saturn is a huge, hexagonal _______________

at its ______________________.

d. What are some characteristics of Saturn’s rings? Describe them in-depth.

i. One idea is that they were originally an _________________ that got

disrupted by a huge _______________. Or maybe there was once a large
moon near Saturn, that was big enough to be _____________________; the
rocky bits fell to the moon’s _________ while the ice stayed near the

ii. The gap between the rings is called the _____________________________.

1. What is a resonance? Explain.

e. Did you find Titan or Enceladus (two of Saturn’s moons) more interesting?
Explain why.

i. A lot of Saturn’s moons orbit the planet backwards,

_____________; similar to several moons of Jupiter.

f. What makes Saturn the “best kind of astronomical object”?


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Astronomy Crash Course Answer Keys
Crash Course 18 – Saturn
1. second largest; least dense
a. thick atmosphere
b. cloud tops
c. vortex; north pole
d. made of small chunks of very nearly pure water ice; each particle orbits the planet
independently; they’re 250,000 kilometers across; they’re incredibly thin (about 10m thick)
i. icy moon; collision; differentiated; core; surface
ii. Cassini Division
1. the particles at that location get tugged repeatedly by the gravity of Mimas, which
in essence yanks them out of their orbit
e. answers will vary
i. retrograde
f. it’s visually stunning, artistically gorgeous, and filled to overflowing with incredible science

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