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Indeginious lands

Old growth and new begginings:

This documentary starts with people of the saik’uk first nation community expressing their
devastions regarding the recent forestry practices and the harm is has caused the environment
however going to say that they aren’t against forestry but towards making it a more sustainable

My key takewakays from this documentary:

 Harmful nature of forestry; previously I wasn’t aware about how much forestry damages
the environment , I always associated more trees with a better environment. However
this ismnt always the case as forestry really harms the diversity of plants and animals,
can cause deforestation and overall erods indigeinous knowledge and cultural practices.
 Indigenious knowledge and nature: i was really moved by the love and connection the
people of the saik’uk community had towards the environment. I has also gotten a
better sense of awareness about the importance of idigenious knowledge as its often
rooted in centuries of observation and understanding of the natural world, playing a
significant role in creating and maintaining a sustainable environment.
 Indigenious Traditions of the past cominded with forest resource management of today:
this was one of the points emphasized in this documentary and It really stuck with me
because there’s so much that we can learn from the past in order to create a better
future as the knowledge comes from a community who have lived in harmony with their
environments for generations.

Environmental ethics:

Environmental ethics is of great importance in our modern world, as human activities often
harm the natural world significantly. This ethical branch is essential for various reasons. It
enhances our understanding of the moral aspects of environmental problems, guides us in
making responsible choices, and promotes sustainability.

Firstly, environmental ethics helps us see the inherent value in nature. It shifts our perspective
away from a solely human-centered view, where nature is valued only for its usefulness to us.
This shift encourages us to respect and safeguard the environment for its intrinsic worth, which
is vital for preserving biodiversity and ecological equilibrium.

Secondly, environmental ethics acts as a moral compass for our interactions with the
environment. It offers a structured framework to assess the ethical aspects of our actions,
policies, and decisions related to the environment. This moral guidance is essential when
tackling complex issues like climate change, deforestation, and habitat destruction, ensuring our
actions align with our moral responsibilities toward nature.
Moreover, environmental ethics plays a pivotal role in promoting sustainability. It advocates for
responsible and sustainable practices in resource management, agriculture, industry, and
consumption. These sustainable practices are crucial for maintaining ecological balance,
preserving resources for future generations, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Without ethical considerations, pursuing short-term gains can lead to long-term environmental

In conclusion, environmental ethics holds paramount importance in our contemporary world. It

serves as a constant reminder of our moral duties toward the environment, encourages
responsible and sustainable practices, and fosters interdisciplinary cooperation to address
environmental challenges. By integrating ethical considerations into our decision-making
processes and actions, we can work towards a more balanced, harmonious, and sustainable
future, where nature is respected and preserved for its inherent value.

Climate change roles, rights:

Wallace wels-

This article emphasizes the pivotal role of carbon removal technologies in the fight against
climate change. i feel like It stands out as it highlights not only the importance of these
technologies but also the need for deploying existing solutions on a large scale and the essential
moral and political commitment required to achieve climate restoration.
What I particularly appreciate about this article is its pragmatic approach to addressing climate
change. It underscores the need for feasible and practical solutions, recognizing that combatting
climate change demands more than just individual motivation and individual changes which I
have come across in most of the climate change articles I have read. While these are
undoubtedly important, they fall short when confronted with the immense scale of the climate
Moreover, I liked how article doesn't shy away from acknowledging the challenges associated
with carbon removal technologies. It refrains from presenting these technologies as magical
solutions and instead provided a well-rounded perspective, acknowledging the complexities and
obstacles that lie ahead. This nuanced viewpoint is a breath of fresh air in a field where I have
often seen dominated by simplistic narratives or an overreliance on individual activism.

Sensing nature:

Music and activism:

Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most pressing challenges of our time, requiring
collective efforts on a global scale to mitigate its devastating effects. While scientific research
and policy measures are crucial components of addressing climate change, the power of art,
specifically music, should not be underestimated in the realm of climate activism. Music serves
as a potent medium to inspire, educate, and mobilize individuals to take action against climate
change. One of the most remarkable aspects of the Raging Grannies' activism to me is the
effectiveness of music as a conduit for their messages. These women created clever, satirical
lyrics set to familiar melodies, making their songs accessible and memorable. By combining
humor and wit, they conveyed serious issues in a engaging manner. For instance, they may use a
well-known nursery rhyme to discuss environmental degradation or a popular song tune to
address political corruption. This approach ensures that their messages resonate with a broad
audience, transcending generational and linguistic barriers. The Raging Grannies' use of music
not only educates and informs but also fosters a sense of unity and community. Their vibrant
presence at protests and rallies can help participants feel inspired and connected to a shared
cause. Music serves as a binding agent, transforming diverse individuals into a collective force
for change.

Art and the environment:

Art has a unique and powerful role to play in fostering public engagement on environmental
issues. In a world where the need for environmental awareness and action has never been more
critical, art serves as a bridge that connects people to the natural world, sparks conversations,
and ignites a passion for protecting the environment.
Art transcends language and cultural barriers, making it an inclusive and accessible medium for
conveying complex environmental concepts. Through vivid paintings, sculptures, photography,
and other forms of visual art, artists can vividly depict the beauty of our planet and, conversely,
the consequences of environmental degradation. These visual representations tap into our
emotions and evoke a deep sense of connection to the environment.
Moreover, art has the power to humanize environmental issues. It takes abstract concepts such
as climate change, biodiversity loss, and habitat destruction and translates them into relatable
and tangible experiences. When we see a powerful photograph of a polar bear on a melting ice
floe or a vibrant mural depicting a lush forest under threat, we are compelled to empathize with
the subjects and contemplate our responsibility as stewards of the Earth.

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