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F a m il y

Stru c tu r e &
eg a c ie
L ter 2 Week 4 s
-the definition of a family is a constant change and
continues change as life style, social norms, and standards
are also lifting.

-according to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, "it is a

group of individuals living under one roof and usually
under one head." of which may be a definition of what a
household is.
-from a sociological
point of view, Filipino
sociologist Belen T.
Medina , PhD (Medina
2001), defined family
as "two or more
persons who shares
resources, share
responsibility for
decision, share values
& goals, and have
commitment to each
other over time."
Family Structure
l e a r F a m i l y
Nuc f fa m ily st ru c tu re .
it io n a l ty p e o
-it is trad w o p a r e n ts
y p e c o n sis t s o f t
This f a m ily t
and children.
am ili e s re c e iv e
ildr e n in nu c le a rf
-Ch t w o -p a re nt
ta bility f ro m th e
strength and s
n e ra lly h a v e m ore
structure and ge al e a s e o f
e t o th ef in a n c i
opportu n it ie s d u
two adults.
-is a family structure composed of a
mother with her children, although there
are single fathers as well. The single-
parent family is the biggest change
society has seen in terms of the changes
in the family structure.

-When only one parent is at home, it may

be a struggle to find childcare, as there
is only one parent working. This limits
income and opportunities in many cases,
although many single parents have help
from family and friends.
-consists of two or more
adults who are related,
either by blood or
marriage, living in the
same home. This family
includes many relatives
living together and
working toward common
goals, such as raising the
children and keeping up
with the household
-While most people think of family as including
children, there are couples who either cannot or
choose to have children.

-The childless family is sometimes "the forgotten


-Childless family consists of husband and wife and

working together. Many childless families take on
the responsibility of pet ownership or have
extensive contact with their nephews and nieces as
substitute for having their own children.
Variety of Family
-There is no wrong or right answer when it comes
to what is the best type of family. As long as a
family is filled with love and support for one
another, it tends to be a successful thrive.

Families need to do what is best for each other

and themselves, and that can be achieved in
almost any unit.
Influence of Family Structure
on the Adolescent
- For the nuclear or traditional family - values, social skills
and behavior are directly learned from the parents.

-For a single-parent family, the absence of the parent

(either the mother or the father) may create an impact on
the growing child who normally look up to the parents as
-For extended family, it has both positive and
negative influences on the child. On the other hand,
the presence of different generations within a home
provides a child a sense of stability in relationships as
he or she witnesses firsdthand how relationships can
work and endure challenges.
-is a graphical map o f a fa m ily 's hi st o ry th at tr ac es
and illustrates in its st ru ctur es an d ch ar ac te rist ic s
using a special sy m b o l to d es cr ib e a re la tio ns hi p ,
major events, disease s, tr ad itio ns , so ci al an d p er so na l
beliefs and ritual s, cu lt ur al he rita ge , re ligio us b elie fs ,
value system, p hilo so p hies ab out lif e, an d th e
dynamic s of a fa m ily o ve r se ve ra l ge ne ra tio ns .

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