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Core Star Meditation

Hara Alignment
Bring your awareness to the tan tien, an inch and a half below your belly button on the
midline of your body………
Feel the power there……. Feel the heart there…… Feel how it is the same as the heat in
the molten core of the earth makes….. Stay focused there until it is very hot……….
Bring your awareness to an area in the upper chest, about two and one-half inches below
the hollow in your throat……. Here, on the haric level, around a candle……….
The soul’s longing, the song of the soul, resides here…… It is not the heart chakra…….
When you connect with it, sometimes it feels like a ball being blown up inside your chest
It has a very clear, spherical appearance……. It carries the soul’s longing……..
Feel the laser line now that goes from the soul seat in your chest, down through the tan
tien in your pelvis, and into the center of the earth……. Feel the strength and silence in
the room as our individual and our group purposes become synchronous……..
Bring your awareness to the point above your head. straighten your spine………….. Don’t
let your head hang…….. Imagine a fine thread through the very top of your head. If you
don’t feel it, pick up a chair right at the very top of your head; pull up as if there were a
string on which your head is hanging……. With your mind’s eye, reach up to that very tiny
opening, about a quarter of an inch in diameter, two and a half to three feet above your
head……. You will hear a very high-pitched sound if your auditory perception is open.
When you are able to place that laser line through that hole, you will actually hear it as a
pop…… It kind of pops through….. It’s not easy to find that high point….. It’s like a little
vortex…… When you find it, it’s like going through into a totally different reality, way
above you…… If you pop through, you will find yourself within the godhead, or
undifferentiated “is”- In order to get that line through, you have to completely align your
physical body……..
Feel that very tiny laser beam half the size of your little finger, going all the way through
you from the godhead to the molten core of the earth………. Feel the soul’s song in your
chest and the creative force in your tan tien……. Feel that at the same time you feel the
line all the way down to the molten core of the earth…….. Feel that power…………
That’s the alignment for your task……. This is the bridge…… This is you and the
bridge……….. This is you and the bridge between heaven and earth…………
Feel the synchronicity of the purpose now in the room……. That same line going down
right through the middle of the room is the hara line of the group…………………………
Feel the connection from your tan tien to the tan tien of the group – that’s in the center of
the room……..It is upon this level that your task and the task of the greater group of
which you are a member synchronize……. It is on this level that the tasks of the greater
group of which you are a member synchronize. It is on this level that the task of this
group will synchronize with that of the greater community around……. That will then
synchronize with that of the state, the country, the continent, and the earth…………..
This is the way to connect to the power and truth of a system within a system within a
greater system……… Ii is the key to holographic universal alignment………………
There is no need to struggle or to worry that your task is difficult……… It needs not
be……….For when you align yourselves on these levels – the core star, the aura, the
hara, and the physical body – then you are in synchronicity with the world around you as
well as yourselves…………..
Core Star Meditation
Light Emerging from the Core Star
Move your awareness now to the core star, an inch and a half above your belly button…..
Here resides the essence of who you are beyond time, beyond space, beyond longing and
desire…….. At this place you simple are creator…… When you as creator move forth
from the core star of your essence to create, you first bring creative energy into the level
of the hara, your divine task……… From the haric level, you bring energy to the auric
level, creating your personality, template for the physical…….. From the auric level you
bring energy into the physical to create life in form in the physical body………
The creative force moves from the one (core star) through trinity (represented by the
point above your head, the point within your chest, and the point within your tan tien on
the haric level) through the level of seven (the seven layers of the auric field) and into the
multiplicity of form in the three-dimensionally world…….. Then you have completed
one plan of creation, you will then move forth more of your essence into the trinity,
through which shines your purpose……….
So allow your essence now to exude itself strongly and steadily from your core star,
through your haric level and into your auric field…………. Allow that essence to flow
through each layer of the field…….. Each layer of the field represents a state of being, a
level of being in humanness, Bring the essence of your being through each of those levels
of human being…….. Then bring it through to the physical, to crystallize in your body,
through every cell of your body……… It will create health, joy, and pleasure in your
physical life and your life’s work……. Your body, your personality, and your life are all
expressions of your divine essence……………
And so the one has become the trinity has become the seven, and as you open the seals of
the seven, you will know God within the human being…………… Look now within each
cell of your body…………. You will find in the nucleus of each cell a configuration very
similar to your core star – a point of light radiating forth the essence of your being within
every cell of your physical body……… Healing, then, is simply helping your self
connect with the truth of your being………. It is nothing more than that………..
Where there is pain or illness, anger or fear, where there is suspicion or greed, where
there is forgetting, remember your core star……………. Allow the light within your core
star to emerge……… Remember the light between every cell of your body…….
Remember your body…………..Bring the members of your body together within the
light of your body, your altar in form. That light is the light of your core star, your
essence, the God within………..
Your task did not come from pain; it came from the desire to create………. It came from
the flow of love out of the center of your being, which in its creative movement out from
the core become disconnected and forgot who it is……………….. It is only a matter of
reconnecting with the memory of who you are……….. Your life task is to remember that
original creative urge and to complete your creation so that another will well up from the
source within you………… Let the essence of who you are that rests within your core
star shine forth through all levels of your being………. Allow that original creative urge
there to lead you through your life………………
Some creative affirmations are:
I love myself………….
I love myself in my imperfections………………..
I am a strong, creative individual with lots of love.
Core Star Meditation
I love my spouse, child, family, animals……….
I accept the life I have created for myself and can change the parts of it that I don’t like…
I can continue to love those I strongly disagree with and also not betray myself by forcing
myself to agree, or pretending I agree…….
I am a beautiful, radiant being of light……..
I am full of love……..
I remember who I am………
These small reminders of who you are help build a very positive attitude toward the self
Start working to clear your negative attitudes and it will help you a great deal……….

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