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Back in the day, many citizens were employed at only one job.

These days people are working at

multiple jobs at the same time. While this has numerous financial benefits many drawbacks caused by
overworking can be observed.

In todays economical situation people with minimal wages struggle to provide for their families. The
only way to increase the wealth seems to be by working more. Some people decide to do that by getting
more than one job. Working more hours will most certainly resolve some financial problems, as the
person will get twice or more of their previous salary. It will quickly boost the income and the worker
can soon try to invest the funds and escape poverty

A major disadvantage to that, however, is overworking. People who are employed by multiple
companies will spend even the weekends in labor. They will not be able to spend that much time with
their family and that can affect their mental health. Some people can take night shifts. Even though
these shifts are usually well paid, they cause major harm to our health. Women and men who work
during nights cannot get any rest during that time. They cannot get a proper sleep during the day since
they are working at their second job or have house responsibilities. Sleep is crucial and a recent study
has proven that not getting enough of it can negatively affect our well-being

In conclusion, being hired by more than one job is currently very popular among people who are
dissatisfied with their wage since it guarantees more money in short time. Even though it can be a
solution to the financial problems, it can also harm ones mental and physical health.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am inquiring you about an issue I recently had with your company.

I bought train tickets for me and my son for an upcoming journey couple weeks ago. When it was time
for me to get on the train, the staff claimed that my tickets were not valid. Apparently, the date written
on them did not match with the day I was supposed to use it. It was 12th of October and I was leaving
on October 18th. When I was purchasing, I remember saying that exact date, but the cashier must have
misheard me. I should have checked the details before I left the ticket window but I was in a rush.
Yesterday, when me and my son arrived to the train station and preceded to use the tickets, the
controller said that they were expired. I started explaining how there could have been a mistake since I
ordered them in advance but he was very rude and did not take any action in to help me in my situation.
I was not able to get to my destination that day so I am now asking for a refund.

I would also suggest that your company pays more attention to your employees, since some of them do
not have any respect for the costumers.

Hopefully you will take action.

Thank you in advance

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