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Task 1 – Public Speaking

First and foremost, her name is Lisa Kamal. She was studied the
course of calculus and chemistry at University of Wisconsin-Madison in
USA. In the journey for her college, she has disappointed to herself as she
suffered burnout to the point of losing motivation to finish her degree
during her second year in college. She felt helpless and the only thing that
she did was sleep at that time. However, she still success to finish her
college. Finally, she was graduated in 2019. Her story was really inspired
me as I was also had a dream when I am 16 years old which is I want to
study abroad in USA. However, I give up to follow my dream because I
do not want to bring pressure to my parents. This is because the school
fee is too expensive and my SPM result was only got 6A so that I knew I
cannot get the highest scholarship. This was haven’t include the living
expense and I have to be thought about the exchange rate between US
and Malaysia is around 4.0 plus. I also scared that I cannot manage my
college assignment. So, I decided to go through Form Six to continue my
education. In my opinion, it is not easy that Lisa can finish her college
with a lot of pressure. She had said that she always listening to music
when walk to school, wait for the bus and even went to sleep. I think this
is one of the good ways to relieve stress. This is because I also always
listening to music when I am stress to let my hair down. Her brave,
determination and effort are the great role model for everyone. I believe
her story will always keep me motivated and also inspire many students.

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